Calling Cards for Tall People

(Photo: austinmonster)

Would you like to be a polite, thoughtful person? Then comment on the personal appearances of complete strangers. That's what you need to do.

And if you mention that someone you don't know is tall, hopefully s/he will hand you this card that will deliver a verbal rather than physical smacking.

-via Pleated Jeans

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

X-Men have Vanity Plates

Now we know where Professor X is from, and what sweet ride he has! Redditor funboixero spotted this car in Houston. He saw the driver exit the parking lot in a wheelchair, but hasn’t yet mentioned whether he was bald, which is what everyone wants to know. You can get a closer look at imgur.

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Photos of the Largest Ship Ever Built, Now Under Construction

When it is completed, the first ship in Maersk Triple E series will be the largest ever built in human history. Photographer Alastair Philip Wiper got the chance to crawl around it for a few hours while the hulk, still under construction, passed through Copenhagen last year. You can see his photo set of this amazing machine here.

The Maersk shipping line plans to build 20 of these marvels, each of which is 59 meters wide and can carry 18,000 shipping containers. When the first one is complete, it will have a crew of 15 who can enjoy on board amenities, including a swimming pool and a movie theater. This ship is the pride of Opko, South Korea, where its construction now take place.

-via Ka-ching!

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Dad and Daughters

This hits so close to home, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Don’t let my husband see it; he has six daughters (and one son) between the ages of 16 and 25. Still, it’s not necessarily a modern concept. Teenagers have been ignoring their parents for generations, so it doesn’t really require social media. Just wait until their car breaks down or they need their pilot light adjusted- then they’ll find time to talk to Dad! I don’t know who originally did this comic, but I’ve seen it in at least five languages. -via reddit

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Liz Climo on Halloween 2014

Web comic artist Liz Climo's delightful take on life (previously at Neatorama) features her adorable animal characters cleverly expressing themselves. Climo, an animator for The Simpsons, has a popular Tumblr site. Climo described in an interview how she draws inspiration from her work on The Simpsons:

I actually get a lot of ideas for my comics from my job at The Simpsons, but not in the way some might think. I work with a lot of funny, interesting people, and my interactions with them on a daily basis give me a lot of ideas. Also, I grew up watching the show, so the humor, especially in the early seasons, really helped shape my sense of what I find funny."

In the panels shown here, Climo celebrates Halloween via her characters, which, though animals, are remarkably relatable. 

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This Giant Macaron Is a Sumo Wrestling Prize

Can you drive your opponent to the ground? Then, obviously, you should bear this giant green macaron as a trophy. Rocket News 24 reports that this giant cookie was a prize at the Sumo Senshuraku championship. The famous French pastry chef Pierre Hermé made it for the tournament.

Photo: @sumokyokai

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Hiker Stumbles Upon an Abyss in Portugal

Redditor RTWin80weeks was hiking along the beach outside of Lagos, Portugal when he came upon this amazing rock formation. It's a hole that goes deep into the earth--farther than he could see.

(Video Link)

Other redditors claim to have been there. Ski6666 made this video showing the other side, which empties into the ocean. -SSS- thinks that this spot is at Farol Ponta Da Peidade, an area known for its exceptional natural beauty.

-via Twisted Sifter

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Mortado, the Human Fountain

At first glance, this 1930 picture of a freak show act would be something you put down to trickery. But this trickery may give you the willies. Mortado was a body modification practitioner.

Mortado, The Human Fountain was born in Berlin and first exhibited himself there in 1929.  He had holes bored through both his hands and feet, and, when seated in a specially constructed chair, copper tubes were fed through the wounds.   Water flowed through them at a high pressure, making Mortado a “human fountain”.  

When he was not performing, he plugged his wounds with corks to keep them from healing.  He occasionally also performed in biblical Crucifixion reenactments, placing small “blood bags” in his wounds for realism, which his assistant would puncture when he nailed him.  

The picture was taken at Coney Island’s Dreamland Circus.

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Kittens are adorable, but when a kitten that looks different comes along, like Lil Bub or Grumpy Cat, we make stars out of them. And that’s why we have Slittens! Slittens are sloth kittens, or kittens with sloth faces, and there’s a Tumblr blog of them. At first, they’re a little creepy, but once you get used to them, you want one for your very own. -via Boing Boing

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"Anonymous Gods" by Artist Marion Balac

                                                  Image Credit: Marion Balac

It is all well and good that Google cars automatically blur out faces when they drive through neighborhoods and take pics, so as to avoid any legeal trouble. But there is something else their camera and software does. It blurs all faces. This includes the faces they drive by of staues and monuments all across the country. Artist Marion Balac realized how funny this was, and went about collecting some of these pics with the blurred faces of the famous and infamous. 

She calls the project "Anonymous Gods" and as you can see, it works on multiple levels. It is funny and thought-provoking, which the best art should always be. It also shows us the absurdity of technology and how its imperfection has taken over our lives.

Via LaughingSquid

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Rainbow Colored Sheep Beneath a Rainbow

In his youth, photographer Gray Malin once heard of a Scottish shepherd who dyed the wool of his sheep in order to make them more visible at night and thus less easily stolen. This story rolled around in his head for years until it came into fruition as the "Dream Series."

Malin dyed a flock of sheep bright, vibrant colors. Then he photographed them as they moved around. The results are magical in appearance, as though these animals have become mysterious cryptids passing into our world only temporarily.

-via Huffington Post

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Wedding Photo Shoot Interrupted by Charging Bull

(Photo: Finishing Image Photography)

If any of you can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now; or else for ever hold your peace.

Well, the bull had something to say. Rachel Deane of Finishing Image Photography shot a wedding in Tamworth, Australia. A bull wandered into the scene and charged at the couple.

Brian, the groom, rose to the occasion. He charged right back at the much larger bull, chasing it away. You can see more photos of the encounter at the Huffington Post.

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The Satanic Children's Book of Big Activities

Image Via TheSatanicTemple

First of all, we need to point out, we do not support or condone any one type of religion or another here at Neatorama. What we do is provide the internet with links to the weirdest, funniest, and most interesting stuff we can find on the web. That having been said, have you heard about the Satanic Children's Book of Big Activities? 

Well, if you live in Florida, rumor is this may be getting distributed to schools, though it is not quite what you may think it is. The Satanic Temple is a political organization that tests the limits of the First Amendment to show how our government and its supporters favor Christianity to the exclusion of other religions. It is not about Satan in so much as it is about showing that if you are going to allow the teaching of certain religions in schools, the same freedoms should be granted for all religions and not just Christianity. Yes, they do that in an unconventional way, yet here we are talking about, which means it is working.


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Dental Mannequins Are Terrifying

(Photo: unknown)

They're not completely human, but not completely non-human. These dental mannequins lie in the uncanny valley between the two. Dental students use these monstrous simulators to practice their craft.

(Video Link)

Some mannequins are even more eerie. This hyperrealistic robot from Japan has a silicone mouth that looks and feels almost like the real thing. It can autonomously turn its head, sneeze, cough, blink, and simulate choking. The robot has speech recognition capability and can hold conversations with dental students.

-via David Thompson

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The 21 Funniest Pregnancy Announcements

How would you let people in your life know that you're pregnant? You can be straightforward, but then you'll miss a great chance to crack jokes. Take full advantage of the opportunity because it doesn't happen often.

Andy of How to Be a Dad rounded up 21 of the funniest ways that couples have announced that they're having a baby, including an eviction notice, a computer code script, and many groan-worthy puns.

Image sources: unknown

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