Hippopotamus Sofa

Maximo Riera understands the importance of creating furniture designs that fit into any home or office. A good furniture maker knows that a piece that goes anywhere is more marketable than a weird oddity. That's why he's continuing to develop chairs and couches that look like large animals. In the past, we've seen his walrus chair and octopus chair. Now he's added to that line this couch that looks like a hippopotamus. It's made to a 1:1 scale with leather lined and creased like a real hippopotamus.

-via Marginal Revolution

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Butterfly Swarm

(Photo: National Geographic/Steffen Reichle)

National Geographic offers a larger version of this image as a downloadable computer wallpaper. Steffen Reichle's incredible shot shows a swarm of butterflies in the Tucavaca Valley Municipal Reserve, a wildlife protection area in Chiquitos Province.

-via Marilyn Terrell

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Beware Weird Ice Formations

The confluence of a slanted awning, a blanket of snow, icicles, and a slight melt produced this lethal trap waiting to skewer any tall person coming out of the door. Or any short person who stands on a few inches of hard snow. Luckily, redditor aeyntie saw the murderous icicle before he was impaled, and got a photograph from the side to show us how nature’s wrath works in mysterious ways. Doesn’t it look like a tentacled ice monster? Then of course, after the murder, the evidence would just melt away. 

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Chores are Scarier than Jaws

Da dum. Da dum. We're going to need bigger washer and dryer!

UK Art Director and artist Sam Gilbey was inspired by the iconic Jaws poster and decided to put together something far, far more terrifying: Chores, a poster about doing the laundry.

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Toxic Poopsicle: This is What Two Tons of Poop Dumped on the Highway Looks Like

You know what's worse than snow on the road? Poop on the road. Lots and lots of poop. Two tons of poop to be exact.

Last week, a highway exit ramp along the I-65 in Indiana's White County had to be closed because of an unusual spill. Raw sewage, thought to be 300 to 400 gallons of hog waste, was 6 to 8 inches deep in some places.

And if you think scooping up poop is a crappy job, the matter got a bit worse for the cleanup crew because it froze into toxic poopsicles.

I'm sure you want to see what that looks like (warning: it is as gross as it sounds), so here it is after the jump:

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This "No Soliciting" Sign is No Match for Girl Scout Cookies

According to this "No Soliciting" sign posted on Imgur, the homeowners already know who they're voting for, have already found Jesus, and are too broke to buy anything, except Thin Mints.

No one is ever too broke to buy Thin Mints (or other Girl Scout Cookies IMHO). That crack cookie is seriously delicious.

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Frozen Jeep Leaves Ice Shadow Behind

(Photos: WITN)

The winter storm in the United States produced this marvel in Greenville, North Carolina. On Tuesday afternoon, people spotted a bizarre ice formation in the parking lot of the Vidant Medical Center. The ice, which is attached to the ground, forms the outline of the front of a jeep. WITN reports:

One of the photo-takers' theory is that the Jeep owner left their vehicle running, warming up the engine. The imprint was then left after they backed out of the parking space. The ice was attached to the curb.

-via Daily of the Day

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Snarky Street Sign Warns People to First Cross the Street, Then Update Facebook

Photo: City of Hayward

A neighborhood in the city of Hayward, California, had a problem with speeding cars. But after the usual approaches - enforcement, traffic engineering fixes, and even a public outreach - failed to yield results, the city decided to try something weird: unusual street signs to catch driver's attention.

"Let's juxtapose an unconventional message with a conventional medium to catch people's attention, " said city spokesman Frank Holland to SFGate, "If it starts a conversation, maybe people will change their behavior."

One of the signs warn pedestrian to first finish crossing the street before updating Facebook. Another tells drivers that they should use eyes, brakes and brain to navigate a downhill street.

The sign below warns drivers that 35 mph is the speed limit, not a suggestion.

No words whether the signs, which were produced and installed in January to the tune of $205 each, have any effects.

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Modern Fashion: Padlocked Teeth

(Photo: Jennifer S. Altman/New York Times)

First, you'll need a custom dental appliance called a grille. This particular one looks like your teeth are secured by a padlock. Then, pull a stocking over your head. Finally, place a look of resigned horror upon your face as you realize where your life choices have led you.

Got it? Then you have look of fashion designer Shayne Oliver's "Daddy" line. Michael Schneier of the New York Times saw it at this year's New York Fashion Week. He describes it:

They commissioned custom grilles to look like orthodontic braces; threaded them through with padlocks and piercing-parlor barbells; and covered the models’ heads, faces and hair with shimmering stockings. (In some cases, facial hair or tufted eyebrows were drawn or glued on top.)

-via American Digest

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Back to the Future Hoverboard Stencil by JPS

Photo: JPS/Facebook

It's 2015, so if you're asking "Where's my hoverboard?" then street artist JPS (featured previously on Neatorama) has got the answer: here it is!

But before you can say "Whoa. This is Heavy," you should know that the pink Mattel hoverboard used by Marty McFly in Back to the Future series shown above is just a stencil on a pavement. Bummer!

Now who wants to see JPS make the Pit Bull series hoverboard?

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The 24 Most Intense, Death-Defying Military Training Exercises from around the World

(Photo: Reuters/China Daily)

Would you jump through a ring of fire? If you’re a frontier soldier in the Chinese army, that’s a requirement. This Reuters photo from last year shows one soldier in the Heilongjiang province in the northeastern corner of China doing precisely that.

It’s one of 24 photos of elite soldiers around the world doing extraordinary things as part of their training. You can see more from Business Insider/Rocket News 24. They include US Marines drinking cobra blood, bare-chested South Korean soldiers covering themselves with snow, Filipino marines holding bananas on their heads, and German soldiers assembling guns underwater.

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Graveyard Snowmen

(Photo: unknown)

Did you think that you were safe from the undead during the winter? You were wrong. Zombies may freeze, but it is only now that snowzombies are ready to rise from their graves.

-via Lifestylemagick

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Snoopy's Shadow Doghouse

Here at Neatorama, we love the French street artist OakOak. He has a gift for placement. He can intuitively find images in ordinary life that most of us would never see without his help. For example, the shadow of a parking meter in Saint-Etienne, France forms Snoopy's doghouse. All OakOak had to do was add the famous dog himself.

-via Street Art News

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Breathtaking Photos from Inside a Glacier

Iceland, a land abounding in natural wonders, is a favorite for nature photographers. The glaciers in particular are places where they can find the full magnitude of what natural forces can create. Nicolas Brousse, a photographer from Malmö, Sweden, journeyed there to witness ice melting off Breiðamerkurjökull, a glacier on that island. He explored an ice cave that formed beneath the glacier and snapped incredible shots of it. You can see more photos in the series here.

-via The Presurfer

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This Island Looks Like a Dolphin

(W Magazine/Raphael T. Harris/WorldRealEstate.it)

Three small limestone islands off the Amalfi coast of Italy are known as La Galli or The Sirenusas (The Sirens). Tradition holds that it was here that Odysseus of Homer’s Odyssey encountered the tempting songs of the Sirens. Now the islands hold privately owned resorts and luxury homes. Some of the wealthiest people in the world own seaside homes on these islands or spend time at the expensive rental estates there.

When viewed from the right angle, one of those islands looks like a dolphin.

-via Messy Nessy Chic

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