This Organ Is Shaped Like a Hand

(Photo: Pleasure of the Pipes/Peter Atkinson)

Notre-Dame des Neiges, a church in the resort town of L'Alpe d'Huez in the French Alps, has this unusual pipe organ. Jean Guillou, a master organist, designed it in 1978. The German organ builder Detlef Kleuker built it. Appropriately for a church, the shape of the organ is supposed to represent the hand of God. You can hear recordings of performances made on the organ at Pleasure of the Pipes and American Public Media

-via reddit

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Skeletal Jungle Gym

(Photo: unknown)

According to internet rumor, this jungle gym that looks like it is made of human skeletons is on the grounds of the Heilig-Kreuz Kirche, a church in Munich, Germany. It is attributed to German sculptor Peter Riss, who lives in Munich. I have been unable to verify this rumor through reliable sources.

-via The Soul Is Bone

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A Throne of Dandelions

An unknown street artist in Munich, Germany left a carefully-woven treasure for the next tired soul to sit down. Street Art Germany says that it hearkens new life: “Spring is here!”

-via Colossal

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I Want to Attend Jackie Chan University

(Photo: Austin Ramzy/Kotaku)

And who wouldn't? It offers bachelors degrees and graduate degrees in awesomeness and butt-kicking. 

University Jackie Chan isn't real, but this photo (minus the Jackie Chan meme) is. Sichuan Normal University, a teachers' college in China, has a bus station on campus with this sign. It's not named after the famed actor from Hong Kong. This name is probably the result of a computer-generated translation. You can read more about it at Kotaku.

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A Cat in a Knot in a Tree

See, trees have knots, and the cat is on, or in, one. The fact that it’s a standard overhand knot is just plain weird. We don’t know the provenance of this picture, as it has been shared on Pinterest more than anywhere else. The caption style makes it appear to be quite old. But isn’t it a delight? -via Arbroath

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A Baby Basically Looks Like a Pile of Rolls

Comedian Hamish Blake has a baby, an impressive array of baked goods, and too much time on his hands. The result last December was that he made a lifelike duplicate of his baby boy. I hope that he later took his bread collection out in a stroller for the whole world to see.

-via Pleated Jeans

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Tower of Hammocks

It’s all fun and games until the guy at the top has to pee. Whether he climbs down over all the others or just tries to aim away, either could be a disaster. Even worse if he doesn’t wake up! There was also mention of bears starting at the bottom and birds of prey starting at the top. However, my first thought was the scene of everyone trying to climb into bed at once. That should have been recorded on video (and would rival a Three Stooges short). This picture was posted by ravenpride at reddit.

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It's Book O'Clock

Redditor Anotrey built this wall clock that makes clever use of book titles to show the hours. You can see process photos here.

Are you curious about why Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has the 7 o'clock position? Anotrey explains his rationale:

Harry Potter is important to my wife and me; we even used some HP elements in our wedding, so it had to make the clock somehow! The number 7 is featured prominently in the series, and the way his arm reaches for the title makes a 7. But that's a stretch ;)

What other titles would you suggest for the hours on the clock?

-via Steven Ross

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New Exercise Craze: Getting Chased by Wild Wolves

It’s a prank by the great Obvious Plant, who obviously planted this flyer at his local 24 Hour Fitness gym. It’s 1 of 3 that he’s played on the impressively patient gym staff. Trainer Chuck M. has a brilliant idea for staying in shape. Humans didn’t evolve to sit at desks or ride bikes. Our primitive ancestors didn’t have crossover machines. They got their exercise in everyday life by chasing and being chased by wild animals. So get in shape the natural way.

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What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

(Photo: unknown)

Have we learned nothing from Spider-Man? When humanity’s knowledge outstrips its wisdom, we end up with superheroes or supervillains, both of which are trouble. Move the spider farm someplace else. Here, there’s a vacant lot next to the old chemical weapons dump. That'll be fine.

-via reddit

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That is a Long Cat

Longcat is back! Redditor FallenCoffee took a picture of his cat with a panoramic camera. And this was a day that kitty did not want to sit still for his picture, so now he is a centipede. This may remind you of Cyriak Harris’ Kitty City. Cats can be surreal even when they aren't trying to be.

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Hedgehogs in a Cupcake Pan

(Photo: unknown)

Tumblr user fatpeoplemakemehappy points out that “the one on the bottom right  is trying real hard to be a good cupcake.” Good for him! He gets extra treats. The one in the center back, though, will need extra frosting when he’s done.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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Car Crushed by Falling Safe

Looks like Wile E. Coyote has been up to his old tricks again! Who else would drop a vintage safe from some height right onto a parked car? You’d be forgiven if you thought this must be an art installation, and you’d be right, too. It’s a promotional gimmick on the streets of Limerick, Ireland, for Grandmother’s Giant Journey, a performance that is part of the Giant Saga by the French art company Royal de Luxe (previously at Neatorama). Grandmother will arrive in Limerick September 5th to stay through the 7th. Well, according to the legend, she will actually fall from the sky, but I wouldn't worry about any cars being crushed -at least none accidentally. -via reddit

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These Bathroom Tiles Look Like a Giraffe

(Photo: Norbert van Onna)

De Bever Architects designed this bathroom for a home in Eindoven, The Netherlands. When viewed from a distance, the tilework on the bathroom walls turns into the hide of a giraffe. Anything that suggests an African safari is, of course, ideal for a visit to the toilet.

-via Contemporist

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X-Ray Lamp Shade

(Photo: unknown)

This clever lamp shade design makes good use of old x-ray radiographs. The craftsmanship looks precise. It would be ideal for macabre settings, such as a preschool classroom or a wedding chapel.

-via Recyclart

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