40 of the Weirdest Senior Photos Ever Made

(Photo: unknown)

(Photo: Averagekody)

It’s time to graduate from high school! That’s a crazy time of our lives. Some schools take special photos of graduating seniors and publish them in yearbooks. Normal people take formal photos that reflect a sober entry into adulthood.

It’s no fun being normal.

22 Words rounded up 40 of the weirdest photos that graduating seniors took with the help of professional photographers. They are everything that youth should be.

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

The Impossible Bridge Repair

M.C. Escher himself would be proud of this photo that redditor zibin caught of a work crew in Singapore. The composition appears to form a Penrose triangle.

These workers are using a Genie lift with an articulating boom. They parked it on the pavement instead of on the grass underneath the spot they are working on. The angle that hides the arm of the lift is what makes it an optical illusion.

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Helpful Tattoo: How to Use Chopsticks

The restaurant doesn’t offer forks? Then just roll up your sleeve and follow the instructions. This prudent design is exactly why people should get tattoos. They’re notes and tips that you carry with you always. I suggest using yours for important pieces of information, like your appointments scheduled for next week.

-via That’s Nerdalicious!

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This Woman Was Born, Married, and Buried on the Same Day of the Year, Each of Which Was a Monday

This is the grave of Julia Nathalie Graham Forsythe. She rests in the Gillespie Evergreen Cemetery in Transylvania County, North Carolina. Three of the biggest events of her life occured on same day of the year--May 14--each of which was a Monday. I've verified this with an online date calculator.

Well all have days like that.

Photo: James Barr, Jr.

-via reddit

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Amazing Photo: A Tornado in a Rainbow

Basehunters is a storm chasing club. While tracking tornadoes near the town of Eads on Saturday, a few members spotted this lovely scene of a tornado crossing a rainbow.

It’s completely real. The tornado chasers recorded video footage of their thrill ride that day. You can see the tornado rainbow at the 3:00 mark in this video. Basehunters member Benjamin Jurkovich told ABC News that he’s never experienced anything else like it:

"This was just remarkable," Jurkovich told ABC News today when asked about Saturday's storm. "There's not many things that blow my mind, but this was truly wowing." […]

Jurkovich also said that chasing tornadoes and severe storms make him a feel a reverent kind of nervousness, which he described as "adrenaline mixed with a little bit of butterflies."

"I have a bible verse I use for storm chasing, Nahum 1:3, which says that God is the god of the whirlwind, and the clouds are the dust of his feet," he said. "When I'm looking at these massive, ridiculous storms and tornados that scare the crap out of me, it's just like, wow, this is the dust of God's feet. It puts me in a state of awestruckness and makes me feel small, which is a good place to be."

This event gives me hope that someday, we could actually see a real sonic rainboom.

-via Incredible Things

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This Is What a Bird Strike on the Nose of a Jetliner Looks Like

(Photo: Flight Report)

A Turkish Airlines 737 travelling between Istanbul and Nevsehir, Turkey, hit a bird nose-on. The dome forming the front caved in. The plane landed safely with no injury to any of the 125 passengers on board.

A spokesman for Turkish Airlines insists that it's not a big deal. That portion of the plane is made with soft materials in order to absorb impacts like this. The Daily Mail reports:

A spokesperson for Turkish Airlines told MailOnline Travel: 'The damage of the nose area (radome) by bird hit is a common incident on civil aeronautical operations.

'The radome area of a plane is constructed by soft materials (composit) to minimalize the impact of such hits.

'Therefore, such standard/normal deformation occurs as a natural result of such incidents.

'One can also state that the critical bird hits in aviation is the ones that occur on the engine area. Any other area of the aircraft than the engine area, such as radome, wings, hull, do not pose a risk when hit by a bird.'

That's good news. Perhaps Turkish Airlines can use this photo for its optimistic advertising.

-via Daily Telegraph

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38-Minute Exposure of the Moon Streaking across the Sky

Janne, a photographer in Finland, took this fantastic shot that looks like the moon is zooming through the night sky. It's a single exposure that was nearly 38 minutes long. Michael Zhang describes it at PetaPixel:

Janne was shooting with a Nikon D800 and 100-300mm lens at 300mm, f/8, and ISO 100. The trick behind the shot was a 10-stop neutral density filter, which greatly cut down the amount of light hitting the sensor and allowed Janne to shoot a 2258-second exposure — that’s a whopping 37.6 minutes!

-via Colossal

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42 of the Funniest Notes on Receipts

(Photo: reddit)

I was told there would be no math. But there will be a tip.

(Photo: Funny Receipts)

Did you want a butterscotch milkshake or a twerking waitress? We provide both!

(Photo: reddit)

I want this add-on option for every purchase that I make in life.

These are just 3 of 42 funny receipts rounded up by 22 Words. Sometimes they come in the form of hidden jokes, server notes, or inconvenient abbreviations. Don’t ask for a refund—go back and ask for another receipt.

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Check Out the Name of This Park in Toronto

This is a screenshot from Google Maps. It's not an error. This city park in Toronto is actually named the Main Sewage Treatment Playground. What fun things can you do at a place named "Main Sewage Treatment"? You can play baseball, rugby, ride a skateboard in its skating bowl, or ride a bike on the trail.

From Google Street View, it looks pretty. Let's go!

-via reddit

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A Sky Full of Paratroopers

(Photo: US Air Force)

The sky over Fort Bragg, North Carolina rained freedom in early April. Then, in the largest exercise of its kind there in 20 years, the US Air Force, Marine Corps, Air National Guard, and Royal Air Force dropped a combined 2,100 troops to the ground. The purpose of this exercise was to demonstrate the interopability of these forces and make it easier for the US and UK to engage in joint operations in the future. The Army Times reports:

The long-term goal is to have the ability to integrate the 16 Air Assault Brigade into the 82nd Airborne Division, allowing the two units to operate quickly and seamlessly if they're ever called upon to respond together in an emergency. […]

The American and British soldiers have taken advantage of their time together to learn about each other's equipment, tactics and standard operating procedures, said Lt. Col. Mike Shervington, commander of 3 Para.

One example is having U.S. soldiers jumping out of British aircraft and vice versa, he said.

"That sounds easy, but it's not," Shervington said.

For starters, the two armies use different parachutes – the T-11 for the Americans and the Low Level Parachute, or LLP.

The T-11 carries more weight, while the LLP opens at a lower level, Shervington said. The LLP also has a shorter count before the static line releases the parachute; three seconds instead of six for the T-11, he said.

-via Gizmodo

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Presidents Removed From Their Coins

Cutout coin silhouettes

This is fun. The tiny heads of American presidents have been cut out of their coins (oops, Jefferson lost his phony tail in the process!). The cut coins are the handiwork of a friend of Imgur user pfefferminzetea who says "some kind of precision saw blade" was used to do the dirty work. Though, there's quite a debate on how precisely the presidents' heads were removed going on over at reddit

Before you ask, I checked, cutting coins is not illegal, unless you do it with the intent to defraud.

But, I have a question, am I the only one who remembers when they used to have a cast member in Disney World's Liberty Square making cutout coin jewelry? 

via reddit

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Sailing through a Rainbow

(Photo: US Navy)

The USS Porter is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer currently deployed off the coast of Scotland. It's participating in Joint Warrior, a regular NATO combined arms exercise led by the Royal Navy. A US Navy photographer snapped this great shot framing the Porter inside a rainbow.

-via Jalopnik

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Weightlifting Skateboards

Misha Petrick, an animator in Moscow, made these clever skateboard designs called Strongboards. They make effective use of the visual forms already present in overturned skateboards.

-via Colossal

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A Suspicious Neighborhood

No, you shouldn’t be suspicious of this neighborhood -it is suspicious of you! This is a picture of Liar's Bridge in Sibiu, Romania. The legend is that if you tell a lie while standing on it, the bridge will collapse. And with the houses watching you, I wouldn't chance it. The somewhat unsettling windows in the roofs are called eyebrow dormers. I don’t know who took this picture, but a search leads me to believe they may be Russian.  -via reddit

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This Kid Has His Priorities Straight

Redditor dcebulsk is a fifth grade English teacher in South Korea. He tasked his students with composing personal bucket lists. Some had grand plans for themselves, such as world travel or high-paying careers.

This child demonstrates remarkable focus on one goal. He refuses to be distracted from it.

-via Rhett & Link

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