This Is The Weirdest Mayonnaise-Based Video Ever Made

Have you ever watched a video online and wondered "why the f%$k did somebody make this f$%king video? LIKE SERIOUSLY WTF?!?!?!" Yeah, of course you have.

We've all come across a video at one time or another which has left us completely puzzled and wondering why someone would make such a thing, let alone upload it to YouTube, and most of these videos are presented without explanation.

But this bizarre and disgusting video by Joe Philippus was actually created with a purpose in mind- to gross out his buddy:

One of my best friends has a completely irrational fear of mayonnaise. I was bored one afternoon while my wife was at work, so I decided to make him a tribute video.

(YouTube Link)

You filmed it for your buddy, eh Joe? Yeah right, YOU KNOW YOU LIKED IT!

-Via Reddit

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