Girl Shares Pics Of Street Food From Around The World On Her Instagram Account
Rose Gelato, Paris
If you're gonna go around taking pictures of everything you eat so you can post the pics to social media sites you should take a note from Melissa Hie and use those pics as an excuse to travel around the world.
Hello Kitty Donut, Tokyo
Melissa posts pics of the delicious street food she discovers during her travels on her Girl Eat World Instragram account, where you can see everything from the amazing looking Hello Kitty donut from Japan to this plain but delicious puff she purchased in Myanmar.
Puff, Myanmar
As you can tell the food isn't the only reason people are oohing and aahing over Melissa's pics, and her drop dead delicious images should serve as an example of how to do social media food pics the right way.
Frozen Yogurt, Malta
See "Girl Eat World" Instagram Features The Tastiest Street Food From Around The World here
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Comments (8)
Sounds like a lot less work to just go to the places and snap a picture on your phone.
You think I should have thought ‘that’s a fake’ and moved on. Well, I think you should’ve read my comment and thought ‘that’s a troll’ and moved on. Yes, I think the photos are fake because the lighting is off; but trust me I’m not sharing my thoughts on it to win legions of fans and be showered with attention. But now you’ve given me all this attention and here we are. You gave me exactly what you claim I wanted.
But the 20+ people who submitted their photos, the people whose Instagram account names are included with each pic and easily verified with a simple search, they're probably all submitting fake photos too, right?
You have issues with the way hand and background look together? The flash from the smartphone hits the hand to lighten it up and make it match the background better, and she has probably applied one of the many Instagram filters to her photos to perfect the look.
Different hand in one photo? That's because she travels with friends, so it may be one of their hands, and Melissa is far more tan at certain points in her travels, which you would know if you actually looked at her site before crying "fake".
But the question remains- why would someone fake something like this? What is she hoping to accomplish by faking it? Her website gets plenty of views without these Instagram photos, so why bother faking it when you've actually traveled to all of these places?
And what is your supposed debunking actually going to accomplish besides making you feel better about yourself? All I'm saying is crying fake without any concrete proof is exactly the same thing the attention seeking Moon Landing deniers are doing, only at this point they've offered up more proof than you have.
Everyone should take what they see on the internet with a healthy dose of skepticism. You can find loads of things to get inspiration from online, but that doesn't necessarily mean it had to have happened in real life to find its way onto a website.
Take your measurements. The scale may not be moving very much, BUT you may be losing quite a bit of inches all around.
This may not be specific to HFCS, but just generally reducing the quantity of simple carbs (sugars) in your diet. It reduces the surges in your metabolism that cause those shakes when you hit a low point. I've noticed the same thing, but I can end up having a hypoglycemic reaction (even more shakes! :)) so I have to pay attention to have a good balance of some sugar, but not too much, and preferably spread out in small amounts.
They did a study and found switching your pop to cane sugar based ones actually had people losing weight even though the did not diet or change their eating habits any other way. Did you know the U.S. is the only country that makes Coke w/HFCS?
Also, eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast does not mean that your body can ONLY metabolize carbs for the day. The studies show a fatty breakfast WILL in fact help boost the use of fat as energy, but will not stop anything else from being used as well...
# 1: The number of people eating with you: there is a direct positive correlational relationship between the number of people eating with you and the amount of food you eat. This may have something to do with the "don't eat and multitask" point, as people tend to be distracted and talking while eating.
# 2: The variety of food on offer: The more variety on offer, the more you eat. I don't think this needs to be explained.
These findings were robust and replicable. I also remember environmental temperature being a good predictor, with people eating more in colder temperatures than hotter.
Either worded very poorly or completely false. Once you are an adult, you DO NOT EVER make more fat cells or lose any fat cells (without liposuction). The cells only shrink or expand as the amount of lipid in them changes.
I have found that cutting down on products made with HFCS, and doing things like baking my own bread (from scratch), using extra virgin olive oil instead of other cooking oils, real butter instead of margarine, etc, I have lost weight and have more energy than I used to.
PS: Ashley, are you SURE?
And now, even if you do lost any extra weight again etc. you will still have that additional number of fat cells.