Hot Dog Dishes From Around The World

Hot dogs are popular yet polarizing, tasty yet terrible on the stomach, kosher yet made of lips know the rest.

Whether you call them tube steak, bratwurst, frankfurters, polish sausages or weenies there's one thing all cylindrical meat products have in common- people around the world just can't get enough!

The hot dogs we scarf down at sporting events or while waiting in line at Costco today are thought to have originated in Germany during the 1800s in their original weiner and frankfurter forms.

Since then the hot dog has evolved into a fun handheld food product people the world over enjoy in their own unusual way.

The Brazilian hot dog, which is topped with carrots, corn, parmesan cheese and french fries, may seem strange to those who like nothing more than relish and mustard on their dog.

Then again, Brazilians find it strange that American men rarely wear swim briefs to the beach so I guess strangeness is relative!

See the full guide to 40 Ways The World Makes Awesome Hot Dogs here

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I just had the Philippine version (hotdog, rice, fried egg, banana ketchup) for breakfast today. In fact, I probably have it for breakfast twice a week. Yum!
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