The Case of the Pizza Hut Salad Towers

At Pizza Hut restaurants in China, the onetime policy was that you got one trip to the salad bar, with one dish. Some customers took that as a challenge, and began to construct artful stacks of food to see how much they could get in one trip. The idea spread, and became somewhat of a competition, with photos posted online of the huge stacks of food -all on one plate. Pizza Hut was not amused, as most of the food was wasted. They announced in 2009 that the salad bars would be removed from restaurants in China. Although a few still remain, the practice of stacking salad towers has mostly died out. But there are plenty of pictures, many of which you'll see at Kotaku. Link -via mental_floss

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It's only fair. People around here stack their plates like that (but lacking all artistry) at Chinese buffets even though they can (and sadly do) go back as many times as they want.

Unfortunately, in the metropolitan area of over 5 million people where I live, I know of only one or two Pizza Huts that still offer any dine-in at all. Many former locations have been converted to other uses (one is a community pantry), but some full-size locations offer only pick up and delivery.

Ha ha, salad. That only displaces pizza. While I often eat food that food eats, I never do while I'm eating pizza. When I was a teeenager, I would go to the Pizza Hut buffet and eat three pizzas worth.

I can no longer eat like a teenager. I still derive great pleasure out of a good pizza. I won't tell you my secret place though. They're already too busy.
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