Eating and Drinking Only Starbucks for One Year


Photo: 1 Year of My Life

Beautiful Existence, a woman from Seattle, is going to eat and drink Starbucks for a year. Only Starbucks. I know what you may be thinking- is her name really Beautiful Existence, why Starbucks, why this challenge? Well I can tell you it is not a ludicrous marketing ploy and that she answers all this on her website, 1 Year of My Life.

Beautiful Existence? Is that your real name? The answer is YES, it is my real name.

So again, WHY? am I doing this challenge? Or WHY? will I do any challenge in the future? Because I LOVE being human and I LOVE the privilege of being able to ask the question WHY? in the first place! I love the question WHY? because sometimes I find that the answer leaves me with even more questions about life… and then, my circle starts all over again and I wouldn’t want my WHY? any other way.

She does a challenge every year, from living the Goodwill life to testing Parents Magazine on her real life family. Now the goal isn't to lose weight, just to complete the challenge, but so far she has already lost 3 pounds on the Starbucks diet and she is only two weeks in. Then again, she spends on average $18.79 dollars a day on food and drink. According to the USDA, women spend on average around $3,000 a year on groceries- if her current average holds she will spend just under $7,000. Well that just happens to be the price you pay to be cool- and to eat and drink Starbucks for an entire year apparently.

Link | Via Oddity Central

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What most of the rest said. I'm sick just thinking of eating Starbucks food all day every day. Yes, I've had some of it- not just the snacky stuff. shudder (Nice example of rational thinking and healthy living and all that she is for her kids...)
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