Comics About Your Nerdy Dating Life

(4 Comics That Perfectly Describe Life As A Pokemon Fan)

Dating can be extremely awkward for extroverts, and since most nerds are somewhat introverted people assume nerd dating will be doubly awkward.

But nerd dating can actually be quite magical, as two people passionate about geeky stuff discover they can share their pop culture passion with another person without feeling like a lame Psyduck.

(4 Comics That Perfectly Describe Life As A Pokemon Fan)

Of course, that same passion can lead to arguments, name calling and hurt feelings, as the nerdy couple becomes more comfortable with each other and stops holding back their passionate outbursts.

(Star-Crossed Gamers)

But if your nerdy dating experiences are anything like mine you'll soon find that special person you want to game with for a while and Netflix and chill with for always.

(The Progression Of Every Gamer Relationship)

Read 8 Comics About Your Nerdy Dating Life at Dorkly

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Some Of The Most WTF Moments In Batman Comics

Batman is a lot more than just a cape, a cowl and a scowl- he's a deep and interesting dude who is so multi-faceted his writers virtually never run out of new material.

But for every good story arc or issue there's another which completely misses the mark, making readers wonder “WTF?!”

Like the time Batman dyed his Batsuits different colors so goons wouldn't figure out Robin's secret identity, featuring Batman wearing a rainbow Batsuit while saying the line “they’ll find no gold at the end of this rainbow… only prison.”

And then there was the time Batman agreed to sing Christmas carols with officers from the Gotham PD- and no crimes were committed that night in Gotham, seemingly thanks to the songs sung by Batsy and the boys.

Think Batman singing is weird? Not as weird as the Caped Crusader laughing with the Joker, impregnating Batgirl or wetting himself during a mission.

See the 15 Most WTF Moments In Batman Comics here

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10 of the Craziest Pokemon Go Stories

The Pokemon Go trend is finally starting to die down a little, so it's a perfect time to collect the strangest stories that have come out in the last few months. Here are some of the ten craziest stories we've come across.

1. Pokemon In the Real World?

Sure, Pokemon Go might be an augmented reality game, but that doesn't stop some people from believing the creatures really are hiding just out of view in the real world. In fact, many pet owners around the globe believe their pets can see the creatures and they've been posting photographic proof to sell their point.

As if that wasn't weird enough, one woman in Moscow claims she was sexually assaulted by a Pokemon. Her report doesn't specify which creature was involved in the assault, but it doesn't matter much since police told her to see a psychiatrist rather than putting an APB out for an augmented reality rapist.

2. Play At Your Own Risk

When you play Pokemon Go, you're warned to pay attention to your surroundings, but that wasn't enough to stop two players in San Diego to ignore trespassing signs and walk right off a cliff in search of Pokemon. While they both survived injuries, the two did make it out alive.

Of course, falling off a cliff is nothing compared to walking over a landmine -which is such a real concern in Bosnia that the government actually issued a warning for players to make sure they don't wander into any minefields, since most of these areas still contain live munitions.

3. The Guy Who Kept Playing Even After Being Stabbed

A guy playing Pokemon Go in Forest Grove, OR was stabbed by someone passing by, but he refused to let that stop him from catching more Pokemon. Instead, he kept playing, walked to a convenience store and bought chips and beer before seeking medical attention. When police arrived on the scene, he even refused treatment so he could keep playing. Eventually, he did go to a hospital, where he confessed, “It’s important to me. I’ve got to basically catch them all."

4. The Driver Who Crashed into a Cop Car While Playing

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Average Rob Hangs Out With Celebrities So We Don't Have To

Aren't celebrities the worst? They seem all cool when they're in movies and TV shows and in concert and junk, but then you actually meet them and it's like eeeeewww! Gross!

You know who else thinks celebs are, like, the lamest people to be around?

AverageRob, now he knows what a drag it can be to hang with the rich and famous, especially when they're constantly makng messes he has to clean up!

AverageRob turns average photos of celebrities into AverageRobs, using the magic of Photoshop to insert himself into their staged definitely not staged snapshots.

And since celebrity photos can't be twice as fake the AverageRobs effect actually makes them twice as genuine and four times as real.

But don't do the math on that, math makes for sore brains.

-Via Bored Panda

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Redditors Share Their Shower Thoughts About Batman

I wonder what Batman thinks about while he's taking a shower?

He probably runs through the minutes of his last mission, thinks about how much he hates clowns and keeps a fearful eye open in case a psycho man-bat tries to jump him in the shower.

We can only speculate about what runs through Bruce Wayne's bat-tastic mind while he bathes, but the rest of us tend to wonder about pretty normal Batman-related stuff while showering.

The Showerthoughts subreddit is home to many brilliant Batman related concepts, questions and criticisms, the kind which leap into our minds while we shampoo our heads which, if left unshared, could drive us mad.

Read 10 Batman Shower Thoughts That'll Leave You Thinking "WTF?" here

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Crude Animated Short Shows Why It Sucked To Be A Pirate

Pirates have been cleaned up and made to look like heroes, but in their day they were the scummiest, scurviest, meanest, greediest and most ruthless dogs sailing the seven seas.

Which is why it would have sucked to be a pirate- constantly sailing meant eating disgusting things like hard tack and leathery cured meats, overcrowding meant disease and urine a-plenty, and the combat was bloody and horrific.

(NSFW due to language)

(YouTube Link)

Sam O'Nella Academy has ruined another childhood fantasy for us all with this animated short, which is probably okay considering most pirates really were terrible role models.

-Via Laughing Squid

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Artist Draws Pokemon By Request Even Though He Knows Nothing About Them

Pokémoning is everywhere and infecting people from all walks of life with the pokévirus code name GO, but even with all the hype and press many people don't know a thing about Pokémon.

And that's actually quite refreshing, especially when the person who knows nothing about Pokémon is an artist and Redditor who offers to draw pictures of Pokémon by request based on name alone.

Redditor netwoodle put the word out on r/ICanDrawThat by stating "I know next to nothing about Pokémon, but that won't stop me from doodling one for you." and naturally his fellow Redditors wanted to catch 'em all.

It's nice to see such fresh and unique Pokémon reimaginings after seeing the original character designs for so many years, and netwoodle's doodles definitely don't lack in the personality department.

-Via The Mary Sue

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Tom Wilson Is Biff Tannen, Biff Tannen Is Pop Art

(Image Link)

Tom Wilson has appeared in many movies and TV shows, but his mug is still most recognizable as Biff (and Griff and Buford) Tannen from the Back To The Future film franchise.

After the release of the beloved BTTF trilogy Tom couldn't escape the ghost of Biff, but rather than trying to separate himself from his Biffiness Tom embraced his status and accepted that he has "become pop art."

(YouTube Link)

Tom's outlook on fame is refreshing, his passion for Pop Art is infectious, and it appears he has exorcised the ghosts of the Tannen clan with brush strokes and marvelous perspective.

-Via Laughing Squid

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Crafty Pokefan Hides Crochet Pokemon Plushies For Her Fellow Trainers To Find

Hid this guy at the park today hehe

A photo posted by Nichole (@knottynichole) on Aug 9, 2016 at 6:17pm PDT

Pokémon GO has brought people together like no multiplayer ever could, and even people who know nothing about gaming or Pokémon have a ball playing GO.

There have been a few bad GO related incidents, of course, but the GO community as a whole is dedicated to keeping things lighthearted and fun for their fellow gamers.

Going to hide these at pokestops today. #crochetgo

A photo posted by Nichole (@knottynichole) on Aug 10, 2016 at 12:50pm PDT

One dedicated player named @knottynichole has begun crocheting Pokémon plushies and leaving them at pokestops for her fellow trainers to find, adding a sense of wonder to the game.

Happy hunting! #crochetgo

A photo posted by Nichole (@knottynichole) on Aug 10, 2016 at 3:21pm PDT

Given how time consuming it is to crochet each plushie this fun urban art drop project probably won't last long, so anybody who catches one of Nichole's pokeplush should count themselves very lucky!

-Via FAILBlog

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Sonic the Hedgedog Makes Up for Slow Speed With Total Cuteness

(Video Link)

Sonice the Hedgehog is an animal hero, saving poor bunnies and birdies from being turned into evil robotic creatures by the terrible Dr. Robotnik.

(Video Link)

He's such a hero to animals that he even has his own puppy sidekick, Sonic the Hedgedog. Unfortunately, this bulldog isn't quite as fast as his hedgehog friend, so sometimes he falls prey to Robotnik's evil tricks.

(Video Link)

Sometimes some of Sonic's friend's show up to help him fight too.

(Video Link)

In the end though, Sonic the Hedgedog is actually just a strange mutation of the original Sonic the Hedgehog. Who would have seen that one coming?

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Hilarious Photo Fails Taken At Disney Parks

(Image Link)

Visitors are understandably disappointed when they make the trip to the Magic Kingdom in Anaheim or Orlando and end up having a crappy day, but a theme park trip shouldn't be ruined by a bad photo alone.

(Image Link)

In fact, most “bad” theme park photos make better memories down the line, and even if you can't appreciate the humor of the situation at the time you'll definitely laugh about it when you look back on that day.

People really need to think before buying a sweatshirt!!! #disneylandfail @futuremrslum saw this and thought of you!!!

A photo posted by Jeanine Militello (@jeaninemilitello) on May 26, 2014 at 8:05pm PDT

And once you're able to map out your laughing place and smile about all the things that go right and wrong during your Disney Parks outing you'll look forward to your next trip.

(Image Link)

I said look FORWARD, you perverted little chipmunks!

(Image Link)

Oh, what's the use?!

-Via 22 Words and BuzzFeed

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Seven Of The Crappiest Monsters In Horror Movie History

A great movie monster will quickly become a favorite among horror movie fans, but a cheesy, low budget wreck of a monster will become a legend, for entirely diffent reasons, of course.

Jason embodies the spirit of a serial killer, Freddy Krueger creatively kills people in their dreams, and Leatherface wears a skin mask, wields a chainsaw and comes from a crazy cannibal family.

It's easy to see their appeal as movie monsters, but how the hell is a haunted spa or demonic refrigerator going to track their victims down, much less terrify an audience?

Stray cats are only scary to the young and the elderly, a disembodied hand is only scary if you can't find a bag to toss it in, and flesh eating slugs are only scary if you don't have any salt in your house.

But I will admit there's one entry on Cracked's The 7 Most Half-Assed Monsters In Movie History that sent chills down my spine- the Wereturkey in Blood Freak.

Now that beaky bastard will haunt your dreams, especially around Thanksgiving...

See The 7 Most Half-Assed Monsters In Movie History here

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Baby Eleven Dreams of Waffles

Instagram user @lauraiz likes to have a little fun with her baby, Joey -and I can't blame her, this baby makes a heck of a fashion model and an incredible Eleven from Stranger Things

Of course, he also makes a prety mean Slash. You don't want to miss out on this pair's delightful costumery. 

Via Fashionably Geek

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Ten Of The Weirdest Bands Ever

Ever since Scooby Doo introduced me to KISS I've had a soft spot for strange bands who play bizarre music and put on wicked weird stage shows.

Then The Muppet Show introduced me to Alice Cooper and I was hopelessly hooked, and ever since then bands with freaky sounds and/or costumed stage shows just make me happy. put together a perfectly succinct list of the Top 10 Weirdest Bands, including the adorably dark Babymetal, the colorfully apocalyptic sounds of Die Antwoord and the over-the-top awesomeness of Gwar. (Contains NSFW material)

(YouTube Link)

-Via WatchMojo

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A Huge Collection Of Clever Movie Easter Eggs

Movie easter eggs are fun to hunt with your eyeballs and often so deliciously geeky that you want to share them with friends.

Which is why sites keep posting articles revealing the locations of movie secrets and we keep eating it all up!

In this collection of 30 Clever Easter Eggs put together by gamesradar we learn the morse code message received in Peter Jackson's 2005 version of King Kong was not an arrest warrant for Carl Denham- it actually said “show me the monkey!”.

The list also shows us little details we may have missed, like the painting of Roland the Gunslinger Thomas Jane's character is painting in The Mist, or the fact that Freddy's glove is hanging in the tool shed in Evil Dead 2.

And lastly, did you think the name of the Mexican restaurant in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy seemed a bit long?

That's because it was a big joke- Escupimos en su Alimento means "we spit in your food".

See The 30 Best Movie Easter Eggs here

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