What It Would Be Like To Wake Up In Grand Theft Auto V

All gamers wonder what it would be like to live inside a video game world, but the truth is most game worlds would be too grim, dangerous and/or downright terrifying to live in for long.

For instance, the settings for the Grand Theft Auto games seem a lot like the real world, only with more rampant violence, more inept cops and way more terrible drivers causing deadly collisions.

So why wouldn't a gamer want to spend time in that slick and hyperviolent world? Two words- Trevor Philips. (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

The short film GTA VR by Corridor shows why living in GTA V world would really suck, especially when modders start screwing with the place and you realize there's no escape from the mayhem.

-Via Meme Base

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10 Times Superheroes Killed Other Superheroes For The Greater Good

As a rule superheroes don't kill unless it's absolutely necessary, and writers have been using this moral dilemma to their advantage from the very beginning.

In fact, so many story arcs would have ended before they even began if superheroes would just kill the bad guys and get it over with, but heroes are more likely to kill one of their own than their wicked foes.

Wolverine is often seen as a savage fellow and therefore has no problem killing his foes, but one kill definitely weighs heavy on his conscience- the time he had to kill Jean Grey.

Jean Grey was resurrected by the Phoenix Force hoping to become Dark Phoenix once again, but this time Jean was prepared to fight the Phoenix- with a little help from Wolverine.

Logan was forced to kill the woman he loved over and over again, weakening the Phoenix Force so Jean could separate herself from it, and all he knew was murdering Jean Grey was the only way to save her from that cosmic force.

Wolverine isn't the only superhero who has killed a loved one- Namor the Sub-Mariner was also forced to kill his lady love for the greater good.

But Wolverine isn't the only hero who had to kill the love of his life for the greater good- Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner

It seems his beloved Marrina's alien DNA had a very strange reaction when she became pregnant with Namor's child- the pregnancy transformed her into a gigantic sea creature.

Namor was forced to do the "right" thing by using the Black Knight's Ebony Blade to slay Marrina, which may have contributed to Namor's anti-hero conversion.

See 10 Times Superheroes Killed Other Superheroes For The Greater Good here

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Movie Villain Plans That Made Absolutely No Sense

Suspension of disbelief has its limits, and movies like The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises have such ridiculous plot elements that viewers can't help but be put off by these oversights.

Let's start with The Avengers- why did Loki enlist the services of an alien army with soldiers wearing armor normal arrows can go right through and gigantic creatures Hulk, Iron Man and Thor crush with ease?

You'd think feuding with his brother would have given Loki some insight into the kind of army he'd need to beat his bro's squad, but maybe he just didn't feel like putting in the work?

But the winner of the "WTF kinda plan was that?" award goes to Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, who had the chance to kill Batman once and for all but decided to give him the old "let's see you get outta that one!" routine instead.

Apparently Bane's hell bent on the destruction of Gotham, but he won't push that button before he gives some speeches and properly builds suspense!

Read The 6 Most Nonsensical Evil Plans In Movie History at Cracked (NSFW language)

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The Life Of A Final Fantasy IX Innkeeper

Gamers think about lots of things while playing Final Fantasy IX, things like "when will I level up?", "where can I find some phoenix downs so my party doesn't wipe?" and "how do you pronounce that name?".

But nobody ever wonders how the poor townspeople feel about our heroes waltzing in to their homes and places of business and brazenly ripping off their hard earned Gil.

Maybe this comic by Julia Lepetit will make gamers stop and think about how those poor NPCs feel when we steal from them...just kidding, who gives a crap about those digital losers!

-Via Dorkly

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We Can Learn A Lot From The Way Kids Play Video Games

When kids sit down to play a video game they have little to no expectations, no goals in mind and no emotional attachment to their save file.

As gamers grow older they become more serious about gaming, and the innocent fun of youth is transformed into a more tense and regimented form of fun.

So why do video games stop having the same effect they had on us when we were kids?

Mark Serrels of Kotaku Australia was inspired to write about the merits of child's play by his son's enthusiasm for all things Mario, and his hilarious account really makes you think about the way we adult gamers play.

"I have learned a lot about video games from my three-year-old son who loves Super Mario 3D World more than I love any non-sentient object in this universe. Some of it is actually interesting.

The way children consume things is otherworldly. You or I — adult people — are content to play or watch something once – two or three times if we’re big fans. But there’s a diminishing return here. You don’t get the same pleasure the third or fourth time. At the very least it’s a different experience."

Read We Could Learn A Lot From The Way Kids Play Video Games here (NSFW language)

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Utterly Bizarre Images From The 1994 Scientology Handbook

Bizarre and Scientology go together like Hare Krishnas and tambourines, but if you think Tom Cruise and John Travolta were better off after they joined the Church of Scientology then you won't like the rest of this post.

Because we're gonna gaze at the ridiculous engram-implanting images found in the 1994 Scientology Handbook and have a good laugh, which is the only sane reaction to these pics when they're viewed out of context.

I'm sure there's a simple, or overly complicated and super sci-fi, explanation for each image contained in the Scientology Handbook, but we don't have the time or money needed to fully understand these "truths".

So we'll just continue to imagine what the hell these images mean, and since imagination is a key component of Scientology that's sorta like being a full-fledged member of the Church, right? *wink*

See 20 Utterly Bizarre Images From A 1994 Scientology Handbook That Will Numb Your Mind here

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Disturbing Sex Scenes Pixar Didn't Want You To See

Pixar movies like UP, Toy Story and The Incredibles aren't quite as whitewashed and G-rated as their Disney cousins, but they're still kept family friendly and pure to maximize box office revenue.

They accomplish this by simply omitting any content that could be construed as mature and change the rating, such as Mr. and Mrs. Incredible's morning ritual of fooling around before breakfast.

If that scene had been included in the film parents would've had to discuss this delicate issue with their kids on the way home, and we can't have cartoons forcing parents to give the sex talk, now can we?

But humans aren't the only ones who get edited in Pixar films, check out this deleted scene from UP showing Dug's romantic side.

That scene would have been too disturbing for all viewers, so it's a good thing we can still look at Dug without thinking about him humpi.....never mind, that illustration by Paul Westover has taken away Dug's innocence, now hasn't it? Sorry Dug!

See 6 Disturbing Pixar Sex Scenes That Definitely Happened here (NSFW)

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Secrets That Were Stranded On Gilligan's Island

The castaways on Gilligan's Island claim to have kept no secrets from us or each other, but even the innocent looking star of the show has been hiding a secret all these years- because his name was originally supposed to be Willy Gilligan.

The name Willy never came up in the show, and Bob Denver insisted Gilligan's first name was Gilligan forever after the show, but Sherwood Schwartz named the character "Willy Gilligan" in the original treatment.

Schwartz came up with Gilligan's Island while at college, and originally intended the show to be a "social microcosm and a metaphorical shaming of world politics in the sense that when necessary for survival, yes we can all get along.”

Even the name of the ship was meant to make a statement, as the S.S. Minnow was named after the head of the FCC- because show creator Sherwood Schwartz hated him and felt like he was sinking the entire television industry.

Who says a silly TV sitcom can't have depth and make a bold statement?

Read 20 Surprising Secrets About "Gilligan's Island" You Need To Know here.

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Wolverine Vs. Cyclops

Wolverine and Cyclops have a somewhat adversarial friendship, and not just because they've both got their eyes on Jean Grey.

But these mighty men are willing to put their differences aside when they're called to battle, which is why they're the ultimate representatives for the X-Men.

Blazers At Dawn has continuing coverage of the whisper war being waged between Wolvie and Ol' Lazer Gaze, as the two vie for control of the squad and their ordinary mutant lives.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Superheroes Who Need Their Own Video Game

Comic books and video games often fail to make a love connection, and while movie and TV show adaptations keep getting better video game adaptations almost always fall short of super.

But every once in a while a great comic book game like Deadpool, the Batman Arkham series or Injustice: Gods Among Us comes along and renews our faith in the medium.

So maybe game designers should focus on making character or team specific games that aren't just a direct movie adaptation, because characters like Batgirl, Moon Knight and Cyborg are dying for their own game!

(Image Link)

Nerdmuch? put together this list of 20 Superheroes Who Need Their Own Game, and while it has some good picks I think their list is missing three superheroic names in need of a game- The Tick, Howard the Duck and Lobo!

(Image Link)

Ocean of America tried to make a Lobo fighting game for the SNES twenty years ago, yet nothing has come up since. Seriously, what does the Main Man have to do to get his own game?!

See 20 Superheroes Who Need Their Own Game here

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Grab This Creepy Zombie Ring Before It Grabs You

They say when there is no more room in hell the dead will walk the earth, but in the meanwhile, a few if their hands may rise up through the ground in this great ring. The foggy ground setting and black, rotting hands make the ring a perfect accessory for both Halloween and for George Romero fans everywhere. If you want a Halloween ring that's maybe not quite so creepy, this jack-o-lantern one is a good alternative.

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Why Rounds Make No Sense In Mortal Kombat

Fighting games generally go out of their way to flash a great big K.O. across the screen when the round ends, so players know their fighter is still alive and coming back for another round.

But Mortal Kombat changed all that, because the "mortal" in the title meant characters were often dead by the end of the round, and could be dispatched with a grisly Fatality finishing move.

So how the hell did a fighter who was beaten to death come back for more in the next round? (Barely NSFW due to language)

(YouTube Link)

This Dorkly video poses a theory, although it still doesn't explain how they come back from a spine ripping fatality.

-Via Laughing Squid

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Gross Art Series Featuring Dissected Pop Culture Characters

There are many ways to deconstruct a pop culture character, but anatomically minded artist NYCHOS prefers a direct deconstruction, slicing the character into layers so we can see what they're made of.

NYCHOS has a knack for infusing a character's internal organs with their personality, making it clear that you're looking at Batman's guts, Mario's boney fist or Spidey's grinning skull.

(Image Link)

And once you've seen your favorite pop culture characters split into an exploded view that leaves nothing to the imagination you'll know what makes them tick- which is liable to make you feel sick!

(Image Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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Designers Create Real Life Playmobil Guy Hair Helmet

Bike helmets don't just protect the heads these days- they serve as a fashion accessory and get the rider lots of attention, which is exactly what many kids are looking for in a helmet.

In fact, kids are better about wearing a helmet that looks cool, and since their safety is a top priority, helmet designers try to make their designs visually appealing for kids.

And since kids love Playmobil, designers Simon Higby and Clara Prior teamed up with MOEF to create wearable Playmobil guy "helmet hair" so kids will want to wear it while riding.

Simon and Clara based their design on actual Playmobil guy hair, using 3D software to scale up a scan of the tiny hair piece and merge it with a standard helmet, then they 3D printed a prototype.

(YouTube Link)

This helmet is sure to appeal to the wee ones if and when it hits the market, and before you know it helmet hair will be all the rage once again!

-Via Bored Panda

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Luke Skywalker at New York Comic Con

(Image credit: frotorious)

Some people make a serious commitment to a character when cosplaying. Cosplayer Robert Kutruff looked so much like old master Luke that some redditors thought he was Mark Hamill going undercover at New York Comic Con. It didn’t help that Hamill is a redditor and Kutruff’s handle is oldmasterluke. 

(Image credit: oldmasterluke)

Kutruff was there representing Hero Hair, a cosplay service that goes all out. See a slide show of how they created the look of Luke. You can see more pictures at Kutruff’s Facebook page.

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