Hands Off The Batman's Ice Cream!

Does Batman seem like a very forgiving or understanding guy? Of course not, because the Bat don't take no mess from no man, Super or otherwise.

And any punk who dares mess with his Batstuff, especially the Batstuff with his Batname on it, will be punished to the fullest extent of the Batlaw.

So heed this visual warning by Dragonarte and leave ol' Batsy's stuff alone, or he'll make you pay...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Rock Bands Cover Classic Saturday Morning Cartoon Theme Songs

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Saturday morning cartoon show theme songs are the songs that played in our heads when we were kids, the catchy and well crafted tunes that will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

Just thinking about shows like Muppet Babies, Scooby Doo Where Are You?, Thundercats, Hong Kong Phooey or Josie and the Pussycats makes the theme song come to mind, demonstrating the power of the cartoon theme song.

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In 1995 MCA released an album called Saturday Morning Cartoons' Greatest Hits featuring The Ramones, Sublime, Liz Phair, Helmet and Reverend Horton Heat covering cartoon theme songs, and those childhood tunes were changed forever- in a good way.

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The album also came with this full length home video, featuring all of the music videos for the songs on the album as well as Drew Barrymore and her friends reacting to each video while looking all alt 90s.

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-Via Dangerous Minds

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Strange Violet Beauregarde Inspired Blueberry Inflation Video

You're probably aware of Internet Rule 34 if you've spent enough time online, but in case you're not familiar Rule 34 states "if it exists there IS porn of it", because the internet.

Since this rule has proven to be true time and again it's no surprise that Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory has been the subject of porn and fetish parodies.

But fetish video company TaylorMadeClips chose to make some really strange videos based on an odd scene from the movie- the scene where Violet Beauregarde is transformed into a giant blueberry.

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TaylorMadeClips has created a bunch of "blueberry inflation" videos featuring a woman being transformed into a blueberry out of the blue, and surprisingly only a few of them are overtly NSFW.

And while these videos aren't exactly porn there's definitely something sick and smutty about them, so if you ever meet a self-professed fan of "blueberry inflation" tell them "You get nothing! Good day sir!"

-Via Boing Boing

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10 Things You Didn't Know Jim Henson Created

Only superfans know every single thing Jim Henson created during his storied career, but in this case ignorance is a good thing- because it gives the rest of us an excuse to look into his lesser known creations.

You may remember the Swedish Chef endorsed Cröonchy Stars cereal released in the late 80s, but I had no idea the cereal was actually created by Henson and art director Michael Frith.

(YouTube Link)

Jim wasn't averse to working in advertising, and early in his career he was asked to create a series of ads for Wilkins Coffee starring Wilkins and Wontkins, two of Henson's earliest puppet creations.

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Although he's best known for his puppets Jim started out as a cartoonist, and some of Henson's earliest illustrative work can be seen in his comic strip Pierre the French Rat, which was printed in his high school yearbook. (See full sized image here)

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Henson was a huge fan of comic strips, so he helped create a pilot for a TV adaptation of the popular Parker and Hart strip The Wizard of Id, but networks took so long to pick up the series Jim had already moved on to making Sesame Street.

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See 10 Things You Didn't Know Were Created By Jim Henson at mental_floss

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A Marionette Named Chopsy Plays Rush's "Tom Sawyer" On A Mini Drum Set

Marionettes aren't known for their musical skills, because if their arms and legs can't stop flopping around they can't really play an instrument, now can they?

Well, as talented puppeteer and street performer Ricky Syers shows in this video, there is one instrument those floppy armed puppets can play pretty well- the drums.

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It's really impressive to see how much expression Ricky is able to put into little Chopsy's performance of Rush's "Tom Sawyer", and I'm really surprised Chopsy hasn't been offered a recording contract yet!

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-Via Laughing Squid

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The Nerdy Costumes You'll See This Halloween

Halloween parties have changed quite a bit over the last decade due to the mainstreaming of geek culture, and now instead of a few fanboys and fangirls dressing geeky for the party every Tom, Dick and Harry comes as Clark Kent.

This geeky costume overload tends to make nerds rage, but they get their revenge by showing up in a clever costume that stands out in a sea of Harleys, Deadpools and random comic book movie characters.

So if you head out to a Halloween party this year don't be surprised if you see lots of the same super suits and trendy pop culture costumes, but if you want to stand out don't dress up at all!

See The 6 Nerdy Costumes You'll See This Halloween here

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Cosplayers Who Look Exactly Like The Characters They're Portraying

(Image via Sol_Getnews)

For some, cosplay is all about becoming the character they're portraying through costume and attitude. But a select segment of the cosplay community tries to create perfectly accurate interpretations of the source material.

These amazingly accurate cosplayers are sticklers for detail and strive for realism, and the end result is a cosplay dream come true!

Whether they're trying to bring the character to life in a realistic way, like this Piper from Fallout 4 cosplay by ladylorethia.

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Or they're trying to preserve the look of the source material, like this Foxy from Five Nights At Freddy's cosply by Cryptic-Enigma

An amazingly accurate cosplayer makes a big impression on Con attendees, like this M. Bison cosplay by THE SMOKE

Leaving them haunted by the encounter (Mystique cosplay by Yukilefay)

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Data & Picard

It’s been a while since we’ve heard a Pogo remix, so it’s extra-special that his new one is Star Trek themed! It’s a remix of sounds from Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Brent Spider as Data. Even though it’s rendered as nonsense, you’d recognize those voices anywhere, wouldn’t you? And we even get to see Pogo!

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From the YouTube page:

The track opens with the Klingon Victory Song, followed by a remix of Data singing Che Gelida Manina in the episode 'In Theory'. This episode was the first ever to be directed by Patrick Stewart and I didn't realize this until after the track was finished.

I sourced the Ben Nye makeup that was used to turn Spiner into Data, and a replica of the iconic Star Fleet uniform. Unfortunately I couldn't get the contact lenses in and I could only get the uniform in red, so I spent a huge amount of time changing the colour of my eyes and uniform in post.

Pogo is the professional name of Nick Bertke, whom we’ve featured many times before. -Thanks, Øystein Dale!

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Tumblr Users Try To Explain TV Shows Based On A Single Frame

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The thousands of frames that make up a TV show are edited together into an episode in order to tell a cohesive story to the audience, so it's not really fair to make assumptions about the show based on a single frame.

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But the internet is full of people with really strong opinions about shows they've never seen, and if you post a single frame screenshot from a show and ask them to explain what's going on they'll answer.

And sometimes their responses actually sound like an episode of the show, which means these people are lying when they say they've never watched the show or the show was written via algorithm.

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See 17 Tumblr Users Try to Explain TV Shows From a Single Screenshot here (NSFW language)

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The Supervillains You'll Fight At Every Stage Of Your Life

The human body is like a supervillain's laboratory, and once you figure out how to keep the fluids from exploding everywhere you start to realize what that walking lab of yours can do.

It creates fearsome imagination monsters to keep us up at night, hormones that turn hairless kids into shaggy beasts, and various unpleasant substances which can be used as girlfriend repellant.

Once we've learned how to use our labs to further our plans for world domination we're hit with another villainous twist- lab rental fees, energy costs and the debt incurred when we decided to expand our lab's database.

Illustrator Caldwell Tanner presents The 6 Supervillains You'll Fight at Every Stage of Your Life, an ageless tale of superheroic life changes starring you!

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Nic Cage Hunts Bin Laden With A Samurai Sword In Army Of One

Nicolas Cage is a hero created by the people for the people, and whether you're a fan or a super fan you have to admit one thing- Nic Cage is quite a character both on and off the screen.

Nic's latest fictional life will play out in the new movie Army of One, in which he stars as Gary Faulkner- an unemployed weirdo who hears the voice of god telling him to go capture Bin Laden. (Barely NSFW due to language)

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Army of One is loosely based on the true story of "Rocky Mountain Rambo" Gary Faulkner, who claims he went to Pakistan eleven times to hunt Bin Laden before being arrested by Pakistani police. Sounds a little too sane for a Nic Cage role...

-Via Nerdist

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Untold Truths About Friday The 13th

When you hear the word "slasher" you probably think about Jason Voorhees, the silent but deadly star of the Friday the 13th film franchise.

Jason's flicks set the standard for all slasher flicks to come, and even though a new Friday the 13th film hasn't come out in about 7 years Jason's bloody star continues to rise.

But would Jason be where he is today if he'd been named Josh? And would audiences have fallen so hard for Jason had he continued to wear the burlap sack he wore in the first two films?

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This frightful factoid video by Looper reveals what could have become of the Camp Crystal Lake killer, and how all of the iconic pieces such as the mask, the spooky sound and the mommy lovin' backstory fell into place.

-Via Laughing Squid

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You Need A Pinata Rug In Your House

Everyone loves a pinata -they're one of the only things in life that reward you for smashing them into bits. Oh, and they're symbols of innocent childhood fun. No matter what you love about pinatas, this pinata rug for sale on Etsy is sure to brighten your heart as it spruces up your home. Of course, in this case I don't recommend smashing it open, but that's ok because the body is already pre-squished for you.

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Artist Creates The Pokemon-Garfield Hybrids We Didn't Know We Needed

Our phones have been urging us to catch 'em all, telling us to GO and not to come back until we're proper trainers.

But why have we been out there searching for cool critters when the coolest critter is hangin' at home in the comics page?

I'm talking, of course, about Garfield, the fat orange cat who could probably be lured into a pokeball with a tray of lasagna.

Garfield has been my favorite cartoon cat since way back when, so when I saw cartooner Shawn Bowers had been busy putting Pokemon through a Garfield-ification I finally felt the urge to GO catch 'em.

Shawn's Garfemon series is forever orange with black stripes, forever strange and forever gonna make me hungry for more.

-Via Dorkly

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Poor Pitiful Luigi Is Forever Player 2

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Poor Luigi - he's been a Mario Bro since the very beginning, and yet he's still overshadowed by his brother Mario and looked down upon by everybody else in the Mushroom Kingdom.

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You'd think his honorary status as one of the Super Mario Bros. would make him a more popular character, but instead his name is forgotten, his manhood is questioned, and he ends up looking for love in all the wrong places.

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It's not Luigi's fault that he's one of the most underrated and misunderstood characters in video games, the developers at Nintendo never seem to know what to do when a game involves Mario and Luigi too.

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But if they keep pushing Luigi he's liable to do something rash...

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See 25 Times Luigi Deserved ALL Of Your Pity here (NSFW language)

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