Fun Facts About Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Can you believe that Robin Hood: Men in Tights is over twenty years old? If you agree that this is one of, if not the absolute, best Robin Hood movies ever created, you won't want to miss this collection of great trivia about the film. For example, did you know that Mel Brooks had already worked on a Robin Hood tv series back in the seventies? Or that Sean Connery was originally going to be King Richard and was going to play him in drag, but that he wanted too much money for the role?

Celebrate those tight -tight tights over at Mental Floss

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My Life as a Background Ravenclaw

This comic from Emily McGovern at Emily's Cartoons sent me down an internet wormhole, but I learned a few things. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is indeed in Scotland. And indeed, it makes no sense that students from Scotland would have to travel to London to catch a train to school. But as the wiki states, "The precise location of the school could never be uncovered because it was rendered Unplottable." Maybe the roundabout route for Scottish students is a way of keeping the location a secret, you think? That may be it. The Hogwarts Express train was inaugurated in the 1850s as a way to transport students to the school without drawing the attention of Muggles.

Could a parent in Scotland just drive their student to Hogwarts? No. According to the wiki, "the Ministry decreed that students would arrive to school on the train or not attend at all." Just like Muggle schools, there are rules that don't make sense. But a dedicated train doesn't conceal the fact that on September first, a large contingent of schoolchildren arrive at Hogsmeade Station in Scotland and are whisked away to the school. Apparently, the folks in Hogsmeade do not travel all that much. Check out McGovern's Tumblr site, where you'll find a substantial series called My Life as a Background Slytherin. -via Geeks Are Sexy

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Vintage Photos From The Heyday Of Beat Culture In New York

When people hear the word "Beatnik" they immediately think about berets, striped shirts, bongos, bad poetry and goatees, and the Beatnik subculture is still most commonly associated with the 1960s.

But the heyday for Beats like Jack Kerouac, Gregory Corso and Alan Ginsberg was actually the late 1940s through the 50s, because that's when they were busy inspiring a literary movement and subculture at the same time.

The original Beats who inspired the trendy Beatniks in the 60s could be seen hanging out in jazz clubs and coffee shops around Greenwich Village, New York, where they would read poems, dig the tunes or just get dixie fried.

So if you wanted to meet those real gone cats collectively known as the Beat Generation you had to hang at places like the Gaslight Cafe or the Seven Arts Cafe, where every night was a gas and the java flowed all night long.

See 35 Photographs That Capture The Beatniks' Heyday In New York City here

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Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Disturbing In The Comics

Marvel movies have reached a point of complexity with their interwoven plot lines that the comics are actually being adjusted to fit the movie lore instead of vice versa.

But there's one element that had to be changed so the movie adaptations could receive a PG-13 rating- the brutal and disturbing scenes found in the comics.

These family friendly movies rely on audiences having a great feeling about the heroes and a really bad feeling about the villains, but in the comics the line between good and bad gets a bit blurry.

Hank Pym, the original Ant-Man, has a history of domestic violence against Janet Pym, aka Wasp. Mutant siblings Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are so close they once carried on an incestuous relationship.

Oh, and that tame spin put on the beginning of the Civil War in the third Captain America movie?

That was way too family friendly when compared to how it happened in the comics- it all started when a villain named Nitro used his explosive powers to essentially nuke the town of Stamford, Connecticut...

See 12 Marvel Movie Scenes That Were Way More Brutal In The Comics here

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Dialect Coach Breaks Down The Accents 32 Different Actors Use In Movies

The accents you hear in movies aren't typically what you'd call accurate, and this lack of accuracy can be really distracting and detract from the viewing experience.

Of course, having no accent at all can ruin a movie too, just look at how bad Kevin Costner's portrayal of Robin Hood was largely because he refused to use a British accent.

But even though they have dialect coaches like Erik Singer available to help actors master a more realistic accent it seems they'd rather let actors like Brad Pitt and Will Smith do their own thang.

(YouTube Link)

Dialect coach Erik Singer shows us what the Pitts and Smiths do wrong when they affect an accent, but he also shows us how some actors get it oh so right, like Philip Seymour Hoffman's portrayal of Truman Capote.

-Via IndieWire

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THE DRAWING Is A Fun Horror Short With A Killer Soundtrack

If you find a child's drawing on the street in real life you pick it up and think "how cute!", but if you're in a movie that drawing is usually a sign of bad things to come.

Or, in this case of THE DRAWING that kid's doodle is the bad thing, and it may have been drawn by a less than innocent child...

(YouTube Link)

The Drawing was created by Micah Roland and Jason Brown for 1A Plate Productions as an homage to classic horror anthology shows like The Twilight Zone or Goosebumps, in other words wait for it...

-Via Bloody Disgusting

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A Cringeworthy Collection Of Awkward Cosplay Photos

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Cosplayers look really cool when they're posing for photos or walking around the Con floor, but nobody considers how awkward they look when they're riding the train to the Con or sitting down for a meal in full costume.

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Many of the pros carry a costume bag with them to the Con so they can avoid these awkward moments, but even a pro will find themselves stuck on awkward speed once in a while.

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Those moments are just part of livin' that cosplay life, and all you can do when awkwardness strikes is keep calm and ask someone to help you get out the door!

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See Cosplayers In Compromising Positions here

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The Horror Movie Actors Behind The Iconic Masks

It must suck to be the star of a slasher flick, because nobody ever really knows your name or your face since you're stuck wearing a mask or makeup the entire time.

The hockey mask becomes famous, the weird William Shatner mask becomes iconic and the skin mask and chainsaw are easily identified by all, and yet far too few know Kane Hodder is the man who played Jason Voorhees in the Friday The 13th movies.

It's common knowledge that Robert Englund played Freddy Krueger in every Nightmare On Elm Street flick, but are you familiar with the name Nick Castle?

He's the guy who played Michael Myers in the original Halloween movies, and yet Nick is way more famous for being the co-writer of Escape From New York than for his chilling portrayal of Michael Myers.

And let's not forget Doug Bradley, the guy who's happy to be called Pinhead because he plays that sinister Cenobite in the Hellraiser movies.

Doug has fully embraced the darkness that comes with playing the head Cenobite, which isn't surprising considering he has been friends with Clive Barker since the two were in secondary school.

Still, without those pins stuck in his head he's hard to pick out of a crowd...

See Horror Movie Characters Behind The Mask here

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Harry Potter Fan Theories That Totally Make Sense

One of the great things about the Harry Potter series is that it is detailed enough to be a great story, but still open enough that it allows for an entire world of fan theories, sequels and other additions. Ranker has collected some of the best fan theories in one place and some of them really are mind blowing. For example, are the Dursleys cruel to Harry because he has a horcrux inside of him and Horcruxes do make people inexplicably angry and hateful? Or were Neville's spells backfiring so long because he chose to use his father's wand rather than using a wand that actually chose him?

Check out the full list of theories over at Ranker

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Male And Female Celebrities Who Look An Awful Lot Alike

I'm sure you've seen side-by-side comparisons that show how shockingly similar Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber look, but you'd be surprised just how many male celebs look like female celebs and vice versa.

Actually, it's not that surprising considering Hollywood loves actresses with a distinct jaw line and actors with slightly androgynous faces, but some celebs look so similar they could almost be the same person.

And then we have to start asking ourselves- when was the last time you saw Maria Shriver and Willem Dafoe in the same room?

That has to be a coincidence, right? But how can we explain away the shockingly similar face shared by Scarlett Johansson and young Christopher Walken?

See 17 Male And Female Celebrities That Look Terrifyingly Similar here

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You Need This 3D Periodic Table Lamp

The periodic table is a work of art in itself, but putting a generic poster of the elements on your wall is a little uninspired. If you're looking for a particularly attractive way to display the elements, this Instructables creation is far more appealing. 

You can even make your own lamp over by following the instructions, but it's not particularly easy -and you're going to have to spend some serious time and effort to get samples to fill in the jars. In fact, the one in the tutorial only has 20 samples so far.

Check out how to make make your own here.

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The Most Indestructible Superheroes And Villains

We normal humans tend to be quite envious of the powers possessed by superfolks, but the one we envy most is the power of invulnerability or indestructibility.

That's because we all fear death, and if we knew we couldn't be killed by any normal earthly means we could stop worrying about dying and adopt a devil may care attitude about life.

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But being indestructible is not without its drawbacks, and when you live in a world where evil seems to triumph at every turn this power doesn't make you feel any more secure about your place in the world.

And if you end up shooting your mouth off like Deadpool then villains will spend all their time and effort trying to figure out how to make you stay down for good.

It's enough to make you as blue as Doctor Manhattan, who found that immortality breeds apathy and nihilistic tendencies, and Galactus' has learned that immortality leads to soul crushing loneliness.

Of course, it doesn't help that Galactus is older than the Big Bang and has to eat planets to survive, both of which are total deal breakers for most potential dates.

See The 12 Most Indestructible Comic Book Characters here

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MALL 84 Is An Animated Love Letter To The 80s

There are so many things to love about the 1980s it's hard to fit them all into one project, but if you're going to properly pay homage to that radical decade your project has to include a shopping mall.

Malls were like microcosms of American life in the 80s- they were the place where you could see all the latest styles, trends and tech, or all the noisy new games in the video arcade.

MALL 84 from Gervart on Vimeo.

Gervais Merryweather created this wonderfully eye pleasing animated short as "a love letter to the 1980's..", then he got Mitch Murder to create the soundtrack and make MALL 84 an instant classic!

-Via GeekTyrant

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Looking For A Great Comic Strip With A Wicked Twist? Head Down A Toon Hole

Comic strips wouldn't be the same without that (typically last panel) twist ending, and even though this last panel reveal is a well known part of the medium there are still plenty of strips out there that can still surprise you.

Toon Hole is one of those comic strips, and their black comedy coupled with the eye pleasing artwork makes Toon Hole the strip you need to brighten up our dark days.

Because you can't go wrong with a comic strip like Toon Hole that delivers the funny without fail strip after toon-tastic strip!

See 10+ Cartoons By Toon Hole That End So Unexpectedly It Will Make You Laugh here

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Mad Shelia Is The Chinese Mad Max Ripoff The World Needs Now

Asian companies have been creating bootleg versions of American merch and media for decades, and in that time they have become masters of making knockoff products that are just different enough to avoid a lawsuit.

But when they decided to rip off mega hit Mad Max they didn't care how much their film resembled the original, and this attitude shifted Mad Shelia from bootleg to full blown parody film.

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Mad Shelia looks like it might be the most enjoyable ripoff movie ever made, and the studio who made the film already has two sequels in the works, so the Mad Max crew better get to work or they risk being run over!

-Via Nerd Approved

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