Artist Turns Bananas And Other Fruit Into Tasty Works Of Art

Bananas don't have a very long shelf life, so using them in an art project seems like a bad idea unless the project has something to do with how quickly a banana will turn into a brown sack of mush.

But graphic designer Stephan Brusche thinks bananas make a great art medium so he doodles on them, and sometimes he cuts the peel to enhance the ink drawing in some way.

Stephan snaps a pic of each piece while the ink is wet and cuts are fresh, so he doesn't have to worry about the inevitable browning ruining an otherwise a-peeling artwork.   

Although he's best known for his banana art Stephan is really just a fruit art fan at heart, and this year his gift to us all is this little pear-headed Santa Claus!

See Artist Transforms Ordinary Bananas Into Whimsical Works Of Art here

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

You Could Voice a Dog in the New Wes Anderson Movie

Wes Anderson has recently announced that his next film will be an animated feature about dogs called "Isle of Dogs." To help promote the film and raise money for The Film Foundation, he's launched a crowd funding campaign where all money goes to the non-profit and contributors can win prizes like DVDs and books signed by the director. But that's nothing compared to the grand prize -a trip for two to London, a tour of the production and the opportunity to voice one of the dogs in the movie. If you've ever wanted to live forever in film but have a face for radio, this might just be your big chance.

Get the full details on the contest over at The Daily Dot.

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21 Street Gangs Featured In The Warriors

The Warriors is one of those classic movies that's hard to pin down- it's a dystopian action thriller that also perfectly captures elements of life in the NYC in the 70s and 80s.

But it's also a drama with a heroic underdog story, and certain scenes are downright terrifying, thereby giving it a horror edge.

But in the end The Warriors is a movie about street gangs, and 21 distinctly different gangs appear on screen in the movie, from the top dog Gramercy Riffs to the lowly Warriors, who are just trying to live long enough to make a name for themselves.

(The Gramercy Riffs) In the hierarchy of street gangs, The Gramercy Riffs are at the very top. And it’s their leader—Cyrus—who organizes the midnight summit in Van Cortlandt Park that sets off the plot. 

(The Warriors) The titular gang from Coney Island set the pace and plot of the film, as they attempt to make their way from the Bronx to Brooklyn after being framed for the murder of Cyrus, The Gramercy Riffs’ leader. Unfortunately for The Warriors, they’re being pursued by the rest of the gangs on this list.

Most of the gangs in the movie, like the Riffs, Rogues and Turnbull AC's, are based on real life gangs, while other, more far out gangs like the Baseball Furies or The Hi-Hats, are there to give the movie a sci-fi edge.

(The Rogues) “The Rogues” is an appropriate name for this Hell’s Kitchen crew, as they operate by their own set of rules. It’s their leader, Luther, who is the real shooter, and also the first to point the finger at The Warriors. Luther also has a knack for offering up some of the film’s most memorable catchphrases. Though actor David Patrick Kelly has long been credited with improvising the now-famous “Waaaaarriors, come out to plaaaay” line, he insists it was Hill. “I’ll take credit for the bottles and how I said it,” Kelly told Entertainment Weekly in 2012. “But I remember him kicking in the lines.”

(Turnbull A.C.'s) The Turnbull AC’s are easy to recognize for two reasons: They’re all bald, and they ride around the city in an old bus. It’s that same bus that the gang uses to try and run down The Warriors shortly after the summit breaks up (the Turnbull AC’s are the first group The Warriors must face off against).

(Baseball Furies) The Baseball Furies take their identity seriously, with each member decked out in a Yankees-style baseball uniform. Which may not seem all that frightening ... until they whip out their baseball bats.

(The Hi-Hats) The SoHo-based Hi-Hats might be the best proof Hill has got that he intended for The Warriors to be a fantasy film. Because clowns are scary, and mimes are not.

See 21 Street Gangs Featured In The Warriors at mental_floss

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Ranking Every Single Game in the Halo Franchise

The space battle game series we know as Halo began in 2001. Note there are seven main games, not counting reissues and remasters. Which is the best? Only those who have played all seven and compared notes would know. That said, I don't know if it would be better to introduce a game-playing child just old enough for Halo to the best of them first, or the worst and then work their way up. Get the lowdown on all the Halo games compared to each other at Unreality.

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This Poor Guy's Friends Turned His Spartan Race Pics Into An Epic Photoshop Battle

(Image Link)

Reebok's Spartan Race is one of the most challenging physical competitions in the world, and many people enter just to see if they can actually make it through the whole course without breaking down.

These competitors then post the pics online hoping to hear encouraging words from their friends and family, and to encourage others to push themselves- Spartan style.

(Image Link)

But the guy in the photos above should have known better than to post his Spartan Race pics on Facebook because his friends work in the visual fx industry- so they spirited him away from the Spartan Race and into a Photoshop Battle.

(Image Link)

Soon the poor guy was wading through much worse than mud, fighting for survival in strange new places far more dangerous than a mere obstacle course.

(Image Link)

But in the end he finished the race as a real hero with some cool new CGI tricks up his sleeve.

(Image Link)

See This Poor Guy's Friends Turned His Spartan Race Photos Into A Brutal Photoshop Battle here

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Liam Neeson Auditions To Play Santa Claus

Hollywood said Liam Neeson was too much of a tough guy to play Santa Claus, because he lacks the jolliness, beard and belly needed to properly play the role.

But Stephen Colbert felt Liam's knack for making lists made him the perfect guy to play Saint Nick, so he asked him to do a bit for The Late Show and channel his inner mall Santa.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Uproxx

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Die Hard This Christmas

Even Hans Gruber wouldn't expect to see this Christmas decoration. This delightful ornament was created by Redditor StuFX and looks like it could be easily replicated at homes across the country. After all, what's Christmas without a little Yippie Ki-Yay?

Via Nerd Approved

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Batgirl And Supergirl Go Christmas Caroling

Superheroes don't just serve the community by cracking down on crime and taking out the supervillain trash- they also try to do a bit of community outreach whenever possible.

They help the less fortunate, escort kitties down from trees, bring lost kids and puppies home and provide the muscle for urban renewal programs.

But, as this comic by Mike Maihack shows, Batgirl and Supergirl like to do a different kind of community outreach around Christmas- by going out caroling! 

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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These Bingo Cards Make Watching Formulaic TV Shows Into A Fun Game

When it comes to creating formulaic TV shows predictability is the name of the game, so even the slowest viewer can feel excited about knowing what's about to happen to the characters in the next scene.

And even though shows like The Walking Dead have begun playing with that predictability by adding gruesome plot twists nobody saw coming the majority of the show remains as easy to foretell as the fate of a B-list character bit by a walker.

So how can viewers who are bored by formulaic shows make the viewing experience a bit more tolerable? By printing out these Bingo Cards created by Cracked and playing along as they watch the easily foreseen events unfold!

And don't worry- there are plenty of really good yet formulaic TV show sheets included too!

See 21 Bingo Cards For Watching Formulaic TV Shows here (NSFW language)

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The Secret Lives Of Star Wars Villains

The villains of the Star Wars universe have had it rough these last few years, since new movies like Episode VII: The Force Awakens and Rogue One keep making them look like helmet clad monsters.

But according to a new Empire News report villains like Darth Vader, Greedo and the Imperial Stormtroopers aren't so bad when they're cooling their heels between intergalactic conflicts.

In fact, they're reported to be just like any other citizen of the galaxy, and they enjoy spending time with loved ones, giving gifts and sharing a hot tub with their fellow Stormtrooper so they can forget all that pew pew pewing.

Photographer David Gilliver has given us a rare glimpse into the secret lives of Star Wars villains, revealing Kylo Ren's most closely guarded secret- he's a huge Kylie Minogue fan!

Bet you didn't see that one coming!

See The Secret Lives Of Star Wars Villains here

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The 12 Days Of Doctor Who

Nothing makes geeky spirits bright quite like a Doctor Who Christmas special, and this year we've got a real doozy to look forward to since Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi will be joined by Little Britain's Matt Lucas for a super-powered episode.

But until that magical day arrives we can count down from 12 to 1 with this awesome 12 Days of Doctor Who comic strip by Julia Lepetit, which is animated by the power of pointer hover technology.

Simply visit Dorkly to see the strip, hover over each panel to watch it magically transform, and you'll be forced to feel the spirit of the season coursing through your veins!

(Discontinue use immediately if fingers go numb, do not stare at screen too long or your eyeballs may become dislodged from your head)

See The 12 Days Of Doctor Who here

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Super Villains Who Are Actually Nice People

There are super villains like Lex Luthor, Darkseid and The Kingpin who willingly embraced the darkness and chose to become a force of evil, and then there are those who were turned into villains by circumstances beyond their control.

These good people were twisted into doing evil deeds by the callous corporations who gave them super powers, the events that resulted in the loss of their loveds one or, in Magneto's case, by atrocities committed against mutantkind..

Both Harley Quinn and The Lizard were doctors before their transformation into the villains we know today, and when their humanistic sides shine through they both possess the desire to help people.

And then there's Bizarro- Superman's totally cracked evil twin.

Bizarro is a good guy beneath the bad skin and wicked attitude, because in Bizarro World bad is good and evil is super duper good!

Which is why Supes is often able to trick Bizarro into doing the right thing, because when Bizarro looks in the mirror he sees a hero staring back at him...I guess all mirrors on Bizarro World are broken!

See 11 Super Villains Who Are Actually Nice People here

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"The Night Before Christmas" Read In 27 Different Celebrity Impressions

Knowing a celebrity impersonator is way better than knowing an actual celebrity, because they're like ten or more celebrities in one and yet paparazzi don't hound them while they're trying to eat.

Renowned Imitator of famous voices Jim Meskimen wants to be a pal by making our spirits bright this holiday season with a rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" as told by 27 different celebrities.

It's star-studded silliness, and it sure made me feel merry!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Lauging Squid

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The Top Memes of 2016

Memes can say a lot about our culture and the top memes of 2016 say a lot about this past year. From Dark Kermit and F* 2016 to Sad Affleck and Phelps Face, memes capture our culture's overall state of mind and popular culture.

Of course, looking back on the top memes of the year isn't just a good way to reflect on the past, it's also a good way to get a quick laugh. While the list isn't complete (they intentionally left out Harambe), it's a good place to start and it leaves plenty of room for you to leave your own favorite memes of the year in the comments. 

So if you're feeling nostalgic, curious or just need a chuckle, don't miss this list of 2016's best memes on Thrillist.

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Totally Radical New Wave Christmas Ornaments Featuring Siouxsie, Bowie And More!

People are tired of putting up the same old Christmas ornaments, and geeks naturally want to cover their trees with their favorite pop culture characters and people.

For instance, wouldn't it be nice to put up an ornament of Saint Nick (Cave) or Santa Klaus (Nomi) instead of the same old Santa?

Traditional they are not, but the awesome New Wave ornaments created by NY based illustrator Matthew Lineham are a smash hit with the cool kids, and are only suitable for truly hip trees.

Matthew's New Wave ornaments were such a hit they sold out three times over, but hopefully he'll make our radical dreams come true and keep making these amazing ornaments, because my tree suddenly seems naked without David Snowie!

-Via Dangerous Minds

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