Rogue One Vs. The Phantom Menace

Seventeen years separated the release of The Phantom Menace and Rogue One. George Rottkamp and Jake Young noticed some similarities and some vast differences between the two Star Wars prequels. Discounting the fact that The Phantom Menace was awful and Rogue One was very good, they came up with super-specific things to compare. But you can't discount the difference in the quality of the movies, because the mistakes of the past were lessons that the producers of the new movie took to heart. This comic is from Dorkly.  -via Geeks Are Sexy

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Casting the Perfect Halo Movie

There's been talk, and even plans, for a feature film based around the video game Halo for years -ever since the incredibly realistic game franchise began. But will it ever happen? After all the talk and delays, we would be surprised to ever see it reach theaters. Still, it's fun to do some fantasy casting. Of the many top actors available today, who would you slot into the roles of Master Chief, the High Prophet, Cortana, Sgt. Avery Johnson, and the others? Unreality has some good suggestions, although when the movie really begins casting in ten, twenty years …all these actors may be retired, and there will be a new crop to play the parts.  

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Seemingly Unrelated Pop Culture Franchises That Exist In The Same Universe

Fans like to imagine what it would be like if two pop culture universes intersected, bringing their favorite franchises together in an awesome movie or TV show that makes their geeky dreams come true.

Licensing restrictions and greed tend to keep these crossovers from actually happening, but there are quite a few geeky franchises out there that already exist in the same universe, even though many are unaware of the connection.

The TMNT and Daredevil seem like they're from totally different worlds, but they share an origin story- because the canister that left Daredevil blind and gave him powers is the same one that transformed four little turtles into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Transformers and G.I. Joe are about to cross over in the movies, but they've existed in the same universe from the very beginning- they're both owned by Hasbro, they had cross over story arcs in the comics, and both animated series' were produced by Toei Animation.

Spielberg and Lucas worked together on the Indiana Jones series so they naturally had a few crossovers, namely a kid in a Yoda costume appearing in E.T. and those E.T.-style aliens seen at the senate meeting in Star Wars: Episode I- The Phantom Menace.

Read 17 Seemingly Unrelated Movies You Had No Idea Existed In The Same Universe here

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Your Drone Needs A Cozy Sweater

Winter gets so freezing and miserable. Our poor dogs need sweaters to keep warm, but drones are often left out in the cold. But that doesn't have to be the case any more now that Drone Sweaters makes custom made sweaters for your little flying friend. According to the company:

Smaller, lightweight models, toy models, and models that naturally have very thin plastic coats benefit from a warm drone sweater for when they need to go outside, or for just hanging around the house. A sweater can make a significant difference in your drone’s feeling of well-being.

Unfortunately, you have to visit their San Francisco studio to get your drone fitted for its sweater and the price is almost $200. If you are interested in getting one though, the first step is visiting their website.

Via Fashionably Geek

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Darth Vader Vs. Aliens

According to the movies in the Aliens franchise Ripley was pretty much the only human who truly stood a chance against the xenomorphs, and even she couldn't tackle an entire brood of those nasty aliens.

But Ripley had neither an army nor the Force at her disposal, and if you want to exterminate aliens for good you need to call in Darth Vader and his hand picked 501st Imperial legion, known as Vader's Fist, to crush those bugs.

This amazing fan art by illustrator Guillem H. Pongiluppi gives us a glimpse of what a war between Darth's Imperial legion and the xenomorphs would look like, and now I'm sad that we'll never get to see this movie!

-Via Nerd Approved

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46 Shots From Rogue One That Never Made It Into The Final Version Of The Film

Rogue One has proven to be just what Star Wars fans needed at the end of this crummy year, and the final version of the film that made it to the big screen seems to have satisfied even the pickiest fans.

Believe it or not 40% of the original film was reshot, which means the original version of the film presented in the trailers may have been quite different than the one released in theaters.

But one thing is for certain- at least 46 shots shown in the trailers were cut, so film editor Vashi Nedomansky created a video essay to show us all the scenes that were left on the cutting room floor. (may contain spoilers)

ROGUE ONE - 46 SHOTS NOT IN THE FINAL FILM from Vashi Nedomansky on Vimeo.

-Via Laughing Squid

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Better Alternatives To Famous Board And Card Games

Back in the day adults were stuck playing the same old boring, repetitive and unimaginative board games because there just weren't any alternatives out there.

But game industries have been booming for the last 20+ years and now there are some amazing, captivating and, most importantly, super fun to play games available for those who are tired of spelling words and passing go.

It's sad to see adults so strapped for game options they reach for games like Mouse Trap, Sorry or Trouble, especially when they could be playing amazing games like Pandemic and The Resistance: Avalon, which are similar in spirit but much more fun to play.

In Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! The players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand.

The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden from all but one of Arthur's servants. Merlin alone knows the agents of evil, but he must speak of this only in riddles. If his true identity is discovered, all will be lost.

Solitaire tends to numb your mind after a while, turning the player into a card flipping zombie, but why flip cards mindlessly when you can play Agricola and flip cards with a purpose?

In Agricola, you're a farmer in a wooden shack with your spouse and little else. On a turn, you get to take only two actions, one for you and one for the spouse, from all the possibilities you'll find on a farm: collecting clay, wood, or stone; building fences; and so on. You might think about having kids in order to get more work accomplished, but first you need to expand your house. And what are you going to feed all the little rugrats?

And I think Cards Against Humanity is a brilliantly simple game that can be played forever, provided you keep adding new cards to the set, but at the same time the gameplay can get a bit boring after a while.

So if you and your friends are looking for a more compelling alternative why not give 7 Wonders a try?

7 Wonders lasts three ages. In each age, players receive seven cards from a particular deck, choose one of those cards, then pass the remainder to an adjacent player. Players reveal their cards simultaneously, paying resources if needed or collecting resources or interacting with other players in various ways. (Players have individual boards with special powers on which to organize their cards, and the boards are double-sided). Each player then chooses another card from the deck they were passed, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age. After three ages, the game ends.

See 5 Much Better Alternatives To Famous Board Games here (NSFW language)

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Harry Potter Actors Then and Now

It has been 15 years since the first Harry Potter film came out and those adorable little kids from the films are entirely grown adults now. Geek Girls has a collection of pictures showing the actors as they appeared during the movies and how they look now -and some of the transitions are amazing.

Even nerdy Neville is now a swoonworthy stud and snotty Drako is a sweet-looking, sensitive guy.

See all the photos over at Geek Girls.

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The Best Japanese Commercials Of 2016

Every year we're treated to a bunch of "Best of..." compilations, which are a fun way to watch an entire year's worth of clips in a flash, but none of them can compare to those wacky Japanese TV commercial comps.

That's because Japanese television commercials are the zaniest, craziest and most eye-pleasing ads on the planet, and most of us only get to see them on these year-end compilations.

So close out one of the crappiest years of all time with some super terrific Japanese commercial fun!

(YouTube Link)

JPCMHD sifted through over 2200 commercials to pick out the very best commercials Japanese TV had to offer in 2016, and they really picked a pack of winners!

-Via Laughing Squid

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80-Year-Old Grandmother Loves To Play Skyrim, Has Over 200k YouTube Subscribers

Video games are assumed to be a young person's pastime, but more and more seniors are embracing the awesomeness of video games, and soon the kiddy stigma attached to gaming will fade away.

And older gamers like Grandma Shirley are leading the way for seniors to become pro gamers like their noob grandkids, so they can prove you're never too old to love playing video games.

(YouTube Link)

Grandma Shirley started posting videos of her Skyrim sessions to YouTube on September 18, 2015, and now she has posted over 300 Let's Play-style videos and has well over 200,000 subscribers.

She also receives pleasant comments on her videos, which is a rare occurrence on any site but especially rare on YouTube. Maybe it's because she starts every video out by saying "Hi Grandkids!"

(YouTube Link)

Read This 80-Year-Old Grandmother Hits 300 Eps Of Her Skyrim Let's Play, Has Over 230k Subscribers here

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Your Family As Video Game Franchises

The holidays are a time for friends and relatives to come together and celebrate, and a time to become re-acquainted with all the characters in your family.

We'll see the mothers and grandmothers who are warm and comforting, and although they change very little over the years it still feels good to see them again, just like a Super Mario or Legend of Zelda game.

Your deadbeat dad might show up looking for money, just like that new Call Of Duty game that always seems to come out just in time for the holidays.

And even though he isn't much fun to be around anymore your stoner older brother will probably show up too, cluttering up your house with unwanted "peripherals" you can't even sell on Ebay. (Comic by Julia Lepetit)

See Your Family As Video Game Franchises here (NSFW language)

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This Guy's Brother Trolled Him Perfectly With His Christmas Gift

Trolling family members with fake Christmas presents can be fun, as long as feelings aren't hurt and the victim of the prank actually gets a present in the end.

But Christmas gift trolls should bow down to the master, Imgur user Lictalon's brother James, because James has turned gift trolling into an artform.

First Lictalon was presented with an obviously guitar-shaped gift, which he found odd since he's "the least musically talented dude on Earth".

But as he tore into the gift he found something too good to be true inside:

Knowing that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild wasn't set to come out until some time in 2017 Lictalon said "confusion set in...nah...can't be", and then he took the bait anyway.

James completed this trolling triple play with a specially made insert, earning him a place in the gift trolling hall of fame.

-Via Bored Panda

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Epic Army Battle Simulation- Santa Clones Versus The Penguins

In order to maintain control of the North Pole and keep his global Christmas toy operation up and running Santa Claus has been forced to assemble an army of clones, which is quite possibly the most powerful army on Earth.

But the polar critters who call the North Pole home don't want Santa and his elves to have free reign over their frigid home, so they've assembled a penguin army of their own to take down the Jolly Old Elf with beaks of fury.

(YouTube Link)

This bloody battle between Santa clones and a seemingly endless army of penguins was created by Brilliant Game Studios to advertise their new game Epic Battle Simulator, where you can create the massive battles of your dreams

-Via Huffington Post

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Terrifying Christmas Monsters Who Spread Yuletide Fear

(Image Link)

Some little kids see Santa as a scary monster, which is understandable since he's typically played by a large man wearing a fake beard, wig and hat, but Santa is the least scary man ever compared to Krampus.

As you may know Krampus is the Austrian keeper of the naughty list, a half goat half demon sent to punish wicked children by beating them with a bundle of birch sticks and dragging them off to Hell.

In Germany and the Pennsylvania Dutch communities Krampus was replaced by the somewhat less scary Belsnickel, a creepy guy wearing dirty robes who beats bad kids but doesn't take them to Hell.

Belsnickel is pretty scary, especially considering he could be anyone in the community, but he doesn't give children nightmares like that creepy old crone Grýla- who boils children and eats them.

Grýla is an evil ogress from Iceland who snatches up naughty children and drags them back to her cave to be devoured, but she can only devour the truly wicked so kids who repent are set free.

She has given birth to at least 72 children of her own, most notably the 13 Yule Lads, who are like a twisted version of the Seven Dwarfs:

Sheep-Cote Clod: He tries to suckle yews in farmer's sheep sheds
Gully Gawk: He steals foam from buckets of cow milk
Stubby: He's short and steals food from frying pans
Spoon Licker: He licks spoons
Pot Scraper, aka Pot Licker: He steals unwashed pots and licks them clean
Bowl Licker: He steals bowls of food from under the bed
Door Slammer: He stomps around and slams doors, keeping everyone awake
Skyr Gobbler: He eats up all the Icelandic yogurt (skyr)
Sausage Swiper: He loves stolen sausages
Window Peeper: He likes to creep outside windows and sometimes steal the stuff he sees inside
Door Sniffer: He has a huge nose and an insatiable appetite for stolen baked goods
Meat Hook: He snatches up any meat left out, especially smoked lamb
Candle Beggar: He steals candles, which used to be sought-after items in Iceland

Read These 5 Christmas Characters From Around The World Are Scary Enough To Have Their Own Horror Movies here

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Celebrities Dressed As Santa Claus

The great thing about mythical beings like Santa Claus is the fact that whoever dons the costume becomes the character, even if they seem too suave or too tough to play Father Christmas.

Mr. San-T-Claus? I pity the fool who ends up on his naughty list!

Santa's spirit can easily merge with the spirit of just about anybody once they're in the costume, combining to form cool Saint Nick hybrids such as the far out Zappa Claus.

The Santa suit can even combine with women, children and animals without missing a wink, resulting in five times as many happy holi-days.

And when the Godfather of Soul gets geared up to play Santa we get an amazing pic and a Funky Christmas album!

See 17 Famous People You Wouldn't Expect To Be Dressed As Santa Claus here and Alice Cooper, Jimi, James Brown, Marc Bolan, Frank Zappa (and many more) do Santa here

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