Why Fantasy Football Is Just Like Playing Pokemon

I'm not an active Pokemon hunter by any means, but it still irks me when people talk trash about geeky pursuits then proceed to obsess over something equally geeky yet hidden behind a veil of normalcy, like fantasy football.

The similarities between the two seem pretty obvious- both games involve an ever changing cast of characters, which you use to battle against your friends while hoping they don't suffer from a status ailment.

Both games are boring as hell to hear about when you're not a player, and those who are obsessed with the game let it bring out the worst in them even though the game itself is a waste of time.

The only thing this comic by Nathan Yaffe left out is the fact that you can win cash playing fantasy football, but it never seems to be enough to justify all the time and effort that goes into playing the game!

See Why Fantasy Football is Just Pokemon For Adults here

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The Top Five Attack on Titan Moments

Attack on Titan is a spectacularly popular manga series that came to TV in 2013. And it's coming again! Whether you are a manga reader or an anime viewer, you'll be excited by the impending continuation of the series.  

Attack on Titan managed to capture the interest of a wide range of anime viewers when it started airing in April of 2013. As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that it was slated to receive a second season, which was delayed because of developments in the manga that served as its source material. Now, the second season of Attack on Titan is set in air in January of 2017, preceded by an official trailer featuring new scenes from the upcoming season that are sure to whet the appetite of interested individuals.

To get you ready for the next chapter, Unreality brings you their top five moments from the first season of Attack on Titan, with video goodness.

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Home Alone With Blood

Home Alone is a family film, so director Chris Columbus and writer John Hughes wisely chose to keep the film free of any blood and gore, even though some of those traps look like they really put a hurting on the robbers.

(YouTube Link)

Fans have speculated about what the robbers would actually look like if they'd been hit in the face with a steel pipe or beaned with a brick, so animator BitMassive added the gore effects and created Home Alone With Blood.

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So far BitMassive has added bloody effects to four scenes from Home Alone 1 and 2, but he could run with this premise forever if you consider how many movies contain slapstick violence in need of a gory makeover.

(YouTube Link)

-Via JoBlo

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The Aghast Guinea Pig Stars In A Photoshop Battle

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Guinea pigs are a humble species, so they don't like to wear theatrical costumes or draw too much attention to themselves, but every guinea pig respects a good facial reaction.

It's the way they show off their acting skills without making a scene, and their faces say loud and clear what no oink ever could.

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When humans spot a guinea pig making a spectacularly emotive face they want to put a costume on that cavy and see what they would look like as, say, Sherlock Holmes.

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Since guinea pig society forbids such showy displays of pomposity humans have to settle for Photoshopped pics of guinea pigs dressed as pop culture characters, which is actually an offer we can't refuse.

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Redditor i_love_applebees started a Photoshop battle starring a bald, aghast looking guinea pig and the crowds went wild, applauding the effort that went in to transforming his expression into a work of art.

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See Comical Edits Of Aghast Guinea Pig As Celebs, Pop Culture Characters here

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The Creepiest Facts About Mister Sinister

With a name like Mister Sinister you don't expect him to be a nice guy, but the guy is so depraved that his actions have pushed the boundary of what is acceptable for publication in a comic book.

He was born Nathaniel Essex, a scientist and contemporary of Charles Darwin so obsessed with human evolution he conducted experiments on his disabled son- and after his son died he dug up the body so he could continue experimenting on the boy.

His wife dubbed him "Sinister" with her dying breath, but she had no idea how cruel Mr. Sinister would become as he kept tinkering with his own DNA and the DNA of many other mutants.

This tinkering would result in the creation of Jean Grey and Namor clones, the birth of Cable and the Morlocks (who were products of Mr. Sinister's former student), and the deaths of many people.

Mister Sinister continues to play God, which is why he makes such an interesting enemy for the X-Men, who have proven to be the only superfolks who stand a chance against Sinister.

See The 15 Creepiest Things About Mr. Sinister here

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The Most Ridiculous Dragon Ball Z Cosplay Ever

Dragon Ball Z cosplay has been done to death, so cosplayers who are looking to bring fresh ideas to the world of DBZ cosplay have to either create a new hybrid or come up with something utterly ridiculous.

This cosplayer from Japan chose to go the ridiculous route when he dressed up as a kamehameha wave attack, and in doing so he has completely changed the game for DBZ cosplayers.

Now they can start dressing up like all of their favorite attack types, vehicles, inanimate objects in the background, a flying nimbus, the Dragon Balls themselves...the possibilities are endless!

-Via GeekTyrant

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Each State's Favorite Netflix Show

We all love a good Netflix binge, but different places have different interests. Now you can see what Netflix show your state watches more than any other. 

Not every show on the list is a Netflix original, but many of them are, like Narcos, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Fuller House. A few trends really stand out throughout the country. For example, Orange is the New Black and Scandal are certainly the most popular overall. 

Obviously the map is a little small here, so see the whole thing here.

Via The Daily Dot

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Clever Door Sensor Plays The Seinfeld Bass Riff Whenever Someone Enters The Room

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That funky Seinfeld theme song bass riff has been stuck in my head since the 90s, and every time I think about a scene from the show I hear that bass riff playing in my head once again.

Thanks to the efforts of maker Caliixxs that totally 90s synth-bass riff played between scenes on Seinfeld has made the leap out of my head and in to a door sensor- that plays the song whenever someone opens the door.

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Caliixxs built it using an infrared sensor, an Arduino unit and the Adafruit Music Maker Shield, but she must have used some TV magic too, because the thing makes real life feel like a ridiculous sitcom.  Anybody handy with electronics wanna build me one?

-Via Laughing Squid

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Why Do So Many Characters Drink Milk In Movies?

In the movie A Clockwork Orange Alex and the boys drink glasses of Moloko Plus, which are milk and drug cocktails that fuel the gang's wicked behavior, so they have a valid reason for drinking milk.

But why did Anton Chigurh in No Country For Old Men, Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds and Leon in The Professional drink milk by the bottle?

Because it's seen as unsettling when an adult male drinks milk, especially when they look all menacing or nutsy while they drink it.

And in Leon's case it's also a sign of his maternal nature, and a way to add a whimsical element that feels natural for the character.

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Now You See It explores the various reasons why characters drink milk more often in movies than whiskey or Coke, and once you've seen all those characters drinking milk you'll be looking for it in every movie you watch!

-Via Sploid

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How To Make Your Own Rogue One Stormtrooper Doll

Ever since Rogue One: A Star Wars Story came out people have been wondering where they can get their hands on a Stormtrooper doll like the one carried by young Jyn Erso in the beginning of the movie.

Since it's not the kind of licensed Star Wars toy that typically gets released, fans have been out of luck, but now we can make our own adorable Stormtrooper doll thanks to this Instructable by backwards lamb.

All you need to make this cute little guy is some clay, elastic or twine, a few simple sculpting tools and some paint.

Or, if you're not the crafty type, you can buy this little guy from Etsy seller StormtrooperCrafts, made to order for around $45.

-Via Nerd Approved

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Comic Book Characters Who Are Blatant Rip-Offs

Characters, storylines and art styles are all elements that are regularly ripped off in the comic book industry, which has been a standard practice even before the superfolks took over.

But once DC Comics and Marvel Comics started battling it out for the top spot they began to rip each other off at an alarming rate- which resulted in some of the most beloved comic book characters of all time.

Most comic readers know Deadpool is a blatant rip-off of DC's Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, but over the years Deadpool has evolved into an unique and hilarious yang to Deathstroke's dark and brooding yin. 

And speaking of brooding- Wolverine is one of the most popular comic book characters of all time, but surprisingly he's a rip-off of the DC Comics character Timber Wolf (nee Lone Wolf), who has all but the adamantium skeleton.

Doctor Strange is another rip-off character who ended up outshining the original character he's based on, DC's Doctor Fate, but readers have a hard time deciding between the two because their stories are so darn mystifying.

And lastly there's the issue of Black Cat vs Catwoman- they're both virtually the same in every regard, from their powers to their penchant for burglary, but one kisses a bat while the other kisses a spider...you decide which is better!

Read Yoink! 20 Blatant Comic Book Rip-Offs here

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The Most Kick-Ass Tea Commercial You've Ever Seen

People typically drink tea to relax, therefore tea is typically marketed as a relaxation-related product with calming commercials and soothing box art.

But according to this commercial bubble tea is a fun, youthful product that gets people so fired up they feel like doing some kung-fu fighting!

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This clever ad for Kung Fu Tea was created by Team Red Productions and stars the Shaolin Stooges, three guys who like taro bubble tea so much they study martial arts so they don't have to share!

Apparently they'll also fight to the death over the last slice of pizza...these guys need a bigger food budget!

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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Everyone Needs a Niffler Necklace

Fans of Fantastic Beasts fell madly in love with the adorable little thief known as Niffler who just wants to get his little hands all over any thing shinny. While you can't have your own actual fantastic beast, you can get your hands on this precious jewelry version made by Aisha Voya -or at least you could if the pre-sale wasn't already completely sold out.

Of course, that was just the pre-sale, so with any luck maybe the cute critter will appear on her Etsy page in the future (or maybe she'll at least be willing to take custom order for them.

Via Fashionably Geek

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Why Does He Always Win? Because He's The Batman

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There's Bruce Wayne and then there's The Batman, the crime fighter in the cape and cowl who's capable of conquering any challenge physical or mental.

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He's the original Most Interesting Man In The World, the man who makes James Bond look like a Boy Scout, and the super guy whose silhouette is enough to strike fear into the hearts of wicked men- and sharks apparently.

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Brazilian comic artist Dragonarte continues his quest to reveal all the Bat-antics left out of the DC Comics Batman titles, and with each Dragonarte strip we come a little closer to figuring out Batman's biggest secret to success.

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-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Nobody Does Wannabe Celebrity Like Phoebe Price

Social media has made it easy for pretty much anyone to become a celebrity in their own mind, proving that if you try hard enough any wanna-be celeb can amass quite a few followers and get the likes they seek.

But something tells me model and actress Phoebe Price would have gotten attention with or without social media, because her gonzo diva persona demands all eyes are on her- and her burrito.

Phoebe can be seen hanging around Hollywood doing totally normal stuff like posing with a burrito, reading tabloids in a sultry manner, and strutting down the sidewalk with a giant sundae.

No wonder the paparazzi love to photograph Phoebe whenever they spot her in the wild!

See Phoebe Price Is Officially The Most Ridiculous "Celebrity" Of 2016 here (NSFW-ish)

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