Which One's The Doppelganger?

When a Doppelganger emerges from the shadows and attacks the Original they've replicated that person's world is turned upside down, and they're forced to fight themselves for survival.

Then Somebody Else shows up and tries to tell the difference between the two, and the whole thing turns into a game of "Pick me! No, pick me!" until one gets dropped.

But, as this Maximumble comic shows, if the Somebody Else who shows up is a total bore then death by doppelganger it is!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Last Night's Other Oscar Flub You Might Not Have Heard About

By now you may have already heard about how Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway pulled a Steve Harvey at last night's Academy Awards and announced La La Land as the Best Picture winner despite the fact that Moonlight actually was supposed to take home the title. But that wasn't the only embarassing mistake at the event -the in memoriam segment also featured a picture of someone who is very much still alive. 

Australian film producer Jan Chapman was shocked to see her image used in the reel rather than the image of her collaborator, Janet Patterson, who died in October. On the upside for Chapman, she is not only alive and well, but also getting a lot of publicity from the mistake. You can read more about the producer at Heavy.

As a side note, If you haven't see the Best Picture mixup yet, you can see the whole trainwreck here (skip to the 1:50 mark to see the frantic faces in the background as the awards staff tries to fix the mistake):

(Video Link)

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A Classic Clip Featuring Nirvana Reacting To Critics Of In Utero

People from all walks of life listened to Nirvana in the 90s, and yet it seems some of the fans brought in by the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" sound didn't dig In Utero.

In 1993 MTV News visited St. John's University and asked students to take home Nirvana's In Utero on CD and give it a listen, then they met up with the students the next day to get their reaction.

A little while later Nirvana stopped by the MTV studios to react to the students reacting to In Utero, and...man, life was so much simpler back then, wasn't it?

(YouTube Link)

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Can Buzzfeed Guess Where You Live Based on What Show You Like?

Where you live may not determine what you like, but there's no denying that people who live in certain areas tend to like some shows more than people who like other shows. For example, the map above shows where Duck Dynasty is most popular. The New York Times did a whole article with these charts, revealing trends among TV viewers across the country. 

It's hard to say if this BuzzFeed quiz is based on the Times article, but they do use a lot of the same shows and the results were at least accurate for me. So was the quiz able to guess where you live based on your favorite shows or are you an anomaly? And while we're at it, did the NYT article line up with your tastes?

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The Best Bounty Hunting Hat in the Galaxy

The Force is with this epic bowler hat designed to add a perfect level of geekiness to your fancy dress or steampunk ensemble. Etsy seller The Blonde Swan makes this brilliant design from handstitched leather. Of course, even with this incredible level of detail, for $600, I'd want a jetpack (or at least a blaster) to come with it.

Of course, that's far from their only geeky hat. The Geeky Swan offers over 100 designs, including this cool Harley Quinn motorcycle cap and the Deadpool top hat below.

Via Technabob

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The Most Awkward Moments At The Oscars

The 89th annual Academy Awards are on, and seeing as how things are a bit tense in America at the moment there are sure to be lots of tense and awkward moments as Hollywood celebs accept their Oscar and speak their mind.

But will this year's awkward moments measure up to the absurdly awkward moments of the past?

Like the time Bjork laid an egg on the red carpet, and everyone around her was like "don't look down, it might be poop." Or the time Travolta made a pass at Scarlett Johansson in the oddest way possible, proving he'd lost that Saturday Night Fever sizzle.

And who can forget the time Seth McFarlane made us all feel dirty with his song "We Saw Your Boobs"? The Oscars don't get much more awkward than that! (best reactions at :13 and :46)

(YouTube Link)

See 12 of the Most Awkward Oscars Moments Ever here

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Can A Hydraulic Press Crush Wolverine's Claws?

Wolverine's most identifiable features are his claws which, along with his entire skeleton, have been coated in the virtually indestructible metal adamantium.

This advanced alloy is strong enough to stand up to a good smashing from an angry Hulk, so it's no surprise that an hydraulic press doesn't do much of anything against Wolvie's claws.

Still, there's something delightfully geeky about watching the press smash down on Wolvie's claws as they sink into the steel base like hot butter. (NSFW due to language)

(YouTube Link)

This Hydraulic Press Channel video is a clever way to advertise the new Marvel movie Logan, which is in theaters March 3rd, and it's a good example of how to do an online promo the right way.

-Via Nerdist

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Take A Trip Into The Monster-Filled Depths Of The Dark Dark Woods

You've heard this tale many times before- a princess is bored of the royal life, so she decides to go out and find some adventure outside the castle walls, where dire circumstances in a dark forest help her grow up fast.

The animated short Dark Dark Woods is kinda like that, only in this story the dark woods come to the princess...

(YouTube Link)

Dark Dark Woods was created by third year students from The Animation Workshop in Denmark, and hopefully it won't be long before this short is turned into a feature length movie!

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Invasion Of The Insectoid Tchotchkes

The porcelain tchotchkes of the past were so boringly innocuous they felt out of place in a haunted house, dungeon or starbase, but these insectoid replicant figurines by Curious Cryptid Curios fit right in!

They were crafted by Miss Mantis to fit in with the rest of the snobbish porcelain statues on the shelf, but their heads reveal their true nature and make stuffy statue collectors recoil in horror.

Miss Mantis has also created an amazing series of Altered Authors, starring writers Louisa May Alcottontail, Jane Austern, Salmon Rushdie and the mysterious Neil Gaimantis.

-Via Dangerous Minds

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Better Get Some Earplugs if You Wanna Cuddle With This Little Mandrake Root

In the world of Harry Potter, mandrakes can be used in some powerful potions, but they are also incredibly dangerous to replant. In other words, don't let this little doll's cute (but grumpy) face fool you, it just takes one ear-piercing scream to kill you. 

If you have some well padded earmuffs and a great planter to store him in though, you can get your hands on this delightful, one-of-a-kind amigurumi on TheTinyGeek's Etsy store.

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This Betty Boop Makeup is Unbelievable

Betty Boop is one of those awesome characters that is nearly impossible to cosplay right because her portions are just so off. 

(Video Link)

That being said, this Betty Boop cosplay by Jbunzie is one of the best we've ever seen. Of course, that's not just the makeup, which she shows you how to do for yourself in the video, but also her perfect expressions and movements when she imitates the classic cartoon vixen. It really is like Betty Boop crawled off the screen and into real life.m

Via Fashionably Geek

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Actual Old Man Logan

Wolverine will be a badass until the day he dies, and he'll probably spend his golden years slashing and slaying his foes like he did when he was a pup, but the Old Man Logan storyline tells a different story.

And if that wasn't confusing enough the new Marvel movie Logan tells yet another story about the mighty mutant's later years, so which story is to be believed?

This video by The Warp Zone seems like the most realistic interpretation to me!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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An Exploration Of What Made The Ren & Stimpy Show So Unique

The Ren & Stimpy Show made a strong impression on young minds (and probably warped a few too), but John K.'s incredible cartoon show wasn't made to be watched by kids alone.

And for the most part kids didn't get why Ren & Stimpy was such a special show, one that inspired the animation industry to give up safety for the sake of artistry and visual delight- they just liked the visual gags.

The Nerdwriter Evan Puschak grew up watching Ren & Stimpy in the 90s, but as he rewatched the series he started to appreciate all the amazing and groundbreaking elements that made The Ren & Stimpy Show super special.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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Five Moments That Prove Batman is as Insane as the Joker

Comic book heroes can be great fun, but when they are perfect, they can get boring over time (see: Superman). Batman has no superpowers, but all the money, gadgets, skills, and ethics he ever needs -which got boring over time. But sometime after I quit reading comic books, DC introduced flaws in Batman's psyche. Psychological problems made the character all the more interesting, although some may argue that the idea has occasionally been taken too far. His nemesis the Joker was always portrayed as criminally insane, but there have been a few times that Batman himself was shown to be more mentally troubled than even the Joker. Check out five of those times explored at TVOM.  

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How An Old Camera Flash Became The First Star Wars Lightsaber

Most people are familiar with the iconic look of the side mounted Graflex flash, the one that's always attached to those bellow-bodied folding Graflex cameras in old movies and TV shows.

This bright flash was often used as a comedic element, something that would blind the characters and deliver a laugh, but did you know it was also used to make movie history?

(YouTube Link)

This video by DigitalRev In-Focus reveals how crafty prop builders used the battery tube from the Graflex flash to create the iconic lightsaber Obi Wan passed on to Luke and inadvertantly made movie history.

-Via Boing Boing

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