Geekified Versions Of Classic Paintings

(The Birth Of Super Saiyan Goku by Kakit)

Pop culture franchises are the new classics for people who live on the geeky side of life, but that doesn't mean geeks are less sophisticated- because every geek I've ever met loves fine art just as much as the geeky stuff.

("Marge With A Pearl Earring" by limpfish)

Artistically inclined fans like to create their own geeky renditions of classical masterpieces, but these nerdy interpretations are hard to do right and typically turn out looking less than heroic.

(Zelda's Accolade by Missy Pena)

So we must show appreciation for those geekified renditions that actually look like they're worthy of being called a "classic", because they're as rare as a really good sirloin steak.

(Kirby Inhales Waddle Dee by Sakkan)

See 14 Geekified Versions Of Classic Paintings here

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A Breakdown Of The Visual Effects Industrial Light & Magic Created For Kong: Skull Island

Kong: Skull Island is the kind of movie that wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable to watch ten years ago- because the unrealistic look of the CGI monster stars would have bugged audiences to bits.

But nowadays CGI characters, environments and visual effects look so good audiences want to believe, and when it comes to creating believable CGI characters and awesome FX few studios do it better than Industrial Light & Magic.

Here's a breakdown reel of the incredible VFX they created for Kong: Skull Island.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Wired

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20 Castles You Can Rent to Live Out Your Beauty and the Beast Fantasies

Thanks to sites like Airbnb and HomeAway, it's never been easier to rent a whole home rather than just a hotel room. And while most houses are just that, some people have much more grand properties available for rent -including whole castles. And HomeAway recently took the time to compile a fantastic list of 20 castles available for rent on the site. One of the castles is even less than $60 a night! Even many of the more expensive properties are still about the same price as many luxury hotels, like the beautiful French castle featured above that costs an average of $344 a night.

Don't miss the full list of romantic castles you can rent here.

Via Travel and Leisure

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Kristen Schaal And Jason Ritter Reunite For An Adorable Gravity Falls Infomercial

The end of the series Gravity Falls left many of us with a mysterious pyramid-shaped hole in our heads and a Dipper or Mabel-shaped hole in our hearts, and some of us even miss Grunkle Stan.

*sigh* Well, the show won't be coming back in the foreseeable future, but it's good to know the cast of the show is as passionate about Gravity Falls as we are.

Here's an adorable infomercial starring Kristen Schaal and Jason Ritter, advertising the new book Gravity Falls Journal 3, that proves they're as passionate about the series as we are!

(YouTube Link)

I don't know if that made the loss of Gravity Falls any better for me, but suddenly I feel the urge to buy a book...on making sweaters for books!

-Via Gizmodo

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Every Netflix Original Ranked

There's no denying that Netflix has had some pretty amazing original shows ranging from political dramas like House of Cards to absurd cartoons like Bojack Horseman. While everyone has their own personal tastes, it's always fun to rank things and that's what Collider did with this great list of every Netflix original series to date. Personally, I have to disagree with where they put Orange Is the New Black, which really dropped off over the last few seasons, but that's one of the best things about lists -the ability to disagree with them.

So check out the full list on Collider and feel free to debate their rankings in the comments here.

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The Real-Life Waterworld Project

[Photo Removed per photographer's request]

Waterworld isn't the kind of movie that makes people think "gee, I'd sure like to live there someday!", but Brooklyn street artist Swoon saw the film as inspirational- so she started making floating homes out of trash.

Swoon calls her creations "The Swimming Cities of Serenissima", and back in 2009 she and a few dozen friends crashed the Venice Biennale contemporary art show with their barges made of trash from NYC.

Photographer and lifetime crew member Tod Seelie captured the post-apocalyptic spectacle as the trash barges floated through Venice, giving everyone a glimpse of how people might live on a drowned world.

See more from yes, This Is The Real-Life Waterworld Project here

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Celebrities Audition To Become Stephen Hawking's New Voice

Stephen Hawking is a forward thinking fellow, so when he was told his synthesized voice sounds a bit outdated he decided to call up some of his famous friends and let them have a go at becoming his new voice.

(YouTube Link)

Okay, so the whole thing is just a funny bit by Comic Relief, but if Stephen ever does decide to get a new voice for his speech synthesizer he's got quite a few great voices to choose from!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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DIY Horror Movie Makeup Lessons From The 1960s

Dressing up isn't reserved for Halloween night when you're a monster movie fan, and trying to recreate those spooky looks becomes a lifelong mission we undertake so we can feel closer to those creatures of the night.

Back in 1965 Forrest J. Ackerman hired make-up artist Dick Smith to help him create the first tutorial book on recreating those monstrous looks at home- The Do-It Yourself Monster Make-Up Handbook.

It sold for .60 cents and set the standard for all monster makeup tutorials to come, like those featured in magazines like Fangoria, The Monster Times and Forrest's own Famous Monsters Of Filmland.

See Homemade Monsters: DIY Horror Movie Makeup From 1965 here

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The Avengers React to the Justice League Trailer

After 15 years or so of Marvel movies raking in billions of dollars by using teams of superheroes in The Avengers, X-Men, and Guardians of the Galaxy, DC is finally ready to jump in with Justice League this November. The first full trailer debuted this weekend. The Avengers saw it, too.  

(YouTube link)

Dr. Machakil edited this fan film that gives us a hint that the Avengers will be plotting a one-up soon. -via Metafilter 

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Guy Recreates Cocktails From The Simpsons

The Simpsons has contributed so much to pop culture, and society in general, that it's no wonder the show is still going strong nearly 30 years later.

And yet the colorful cocktails made by characters on the show, such as the Flaming Homer or the Skittlebrau, have yet to make the leap into real life.

So Nick Fisher of Cocktail Chemistry made these two drinks, along with "a single plum floating in perfume served in a man's hat" for comedic effect, then he came up with new and improved versions you can actually drink. Except for that perfume in a hat one, of course, that one's way too ahead of its time.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Uproxx

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6 Key Differences Between the Power Rangers Film and the Original Series

There have  been many incarnations of the Power Rangers, which evolved from the Super Sentai series that originated in the 1970s. However, the internet generation is most familiar with the 1993-1996 series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The new Power Rangers film that opened this past weekend with middling reviews is supposedly based on that 1993 series -but it's not the same. Check out a list of six key differences between what you know and what the new movie has at TVOM. It is full of spoilers if you haven't seen the film.  

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Vince Gilligan Explains That Unsliced Roof Pizza In Breaking Bad

Fans have been arguing about the meaning behind the scene in Breaking Bad where Walt throws a whole, unsliced pizza onto his roof since the show started, thinking there's some hidden symbolism behind the act.

(YouTube Link)

But show creator Vince Gilligan recently explained the significance of this scene during a Reddit AMA, and it turns out the arguments were all for naught- because the pizza was kept whole simply for the sake of throwability.

one fan asked, "Was Badger and Skinny Pete's conversation at Jesse's party about the pizzas not being sliced written in after the fact to explain how Walters pizza landed on the roof intact? Everyone knows a sliced pizza would have come apart."

As creator Vince Gilligan says of the unsliced pizza, it had to do with continuity and physics:

Yes! We had a long discussion before we shot the pizza on the roof scene about whether or not the pizza should be sliced—because, as all you physicists know, a thrown, sliced pizza would come apart due to centrifugal force or angular momentum (or something like that). And yet, you're right: no self-respecting pizza parlor sells an unsliced pizza. So we figured we needed to explain it (in the "They pass the savings on to you" scene), or else face our audience's righteous wrath!

-Via Esquire

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Things You May Not Know About Geena Davis

Geena Davis is one of the most talented and dynamic actresses in Hollywood, and her career has taken her from hanging out with Tootsie in the 80s to her recent appearance as Reagan on The Exorcist TV series.

But acting isn't the most important thing in Geena's life, and unlike the hungry Hollywood crowd that surrounds her Geena has much more important things to do with her life than simply being a star:

20. I run a film festival every May in Bentonville, Arkansas, called BFF. It was created to champion women and diverse voices in film and other media.

23. I’m a special envoy for Women and Girls in Information & Communication Technologies to the U.N.’s International Telecommunication Union.

24. I have a research institute,, that advocates for more and better female characters in kids’ TV and movies.

Geena also has many talents you don't see on the screen:

18. I can move my eyes independently.

19. I can also wiggle my ears one at a time.

22. I am an expert pumpkin carver.

25. I can write backward with my left hand while I write forward with my right hand. I can also write upside down just as fast as I can normally write.

Want to know more? Read Geena Davis: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me here

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Things Many People Still Don't Understand About Star Wars

Star Wars has become such an epic franchise with such a devoted fandom that the origins of that universe have been left behind. To understand some of the mechanics of the story, Looper takes us back to how the stories were first constructed to remind of some details we've either forgotten or never realized in the first place.

(YouTube link)

A little context helps us to understand how the juggernaut we know as Star Wars grew from just a movie into what it is today: a modern mythology that became more than anyone could have imagined. -via Geeks Are Sexy

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The Ridiculous Way Epic Cosplay Shots Are Made

Cosplayers have learned how to market themselves on social media, how to fund their art with print sales and crowdfunding, and now they're mastering the art of the superheroic self portrait.

But, much like the characters they portray, those epic self portraits are pure imagination, scenes set up to make the cosplayers appear to be fictional characters come to life.

Budding cosplayers should take note of the ridiculous(ly clever) ways these seemingly epic shots were created, so you can power up your cosplay photo game with a few simple tricks and a little help from your friends.

See 15 Epic Cosplay Shots...and the Ridiculous Ways They Were Made here

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