Russian Grandma Teaches People How To Use A Green Screen

People don't look to their grandmas for advice on how to up their digital art game, since most grandmas seem to have a hard time understanding how to use the computer let alone software with a steep learning curve.

But Russian grandma and Chroma Key guru Tatiana Subbotina has a good handle on the whole digital video editing game, and she's sharing her advice with the world in the weirdest way possible.

(YouTube Link)

Even though the videos don't really give much usable advice on video editing they're really fun to watch, and Tatiana seems to really enjoy making them:

Subbotina spoke to BuzzFeed saying, “I decided that I too could talk about this [editing videos]. So I started making stories on my YouTube channel about how I work with it. I didn’t invent anything there, but I try to explain it as simply as possible. It’s very exciting and I like it.”

(YouTube Link)

-Via DesignTAXI

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Furless Tickle Me Elmo Proves Adorability Is Skin Deep

There has always been something sinister about Elmo's squeaky clean and innocent facade, but until that little bugger is caught and dissected to see what he's actually made of we'll just have to keep on wondering.

For #ScienceMobile that wondering led to performing surgery on a Tickle Me Elmo doll, which is the only test subject they had that is similar enough to teach us anything about Elmo anatomy.

I think I like him better this way...

-Via Nerdist

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A Guitar Transcription Of The "Monster Energy Drinks Are The Work Of Satan" Speech

(Image Link)

Evangelicals are seeing Satan everywhere these days, which is more a matter of seeing what they want to see than actually seeing anything real, and even energy drinks aren't safe from the 21st century Satanic Panic.

For according to Christine Weick, the woman who made this video back in 2014 and believes the Easter Bunny is a "Pagan Hare",  Monster energy drinks are the work of Satan and corrupting young minds.

(YouTube Link)

Christine's crackpottery naturally became the stuff of internet legend, but nobody could have foreseen how it would inspire talented musician JackWeir85 to transcribe and harmonize the speech for guitar.

And we still have no idea why JackWeir85 transcribed the speech at all...could it be the work of SATAN!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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Disney Movie Posters That Are Real Works of Art

Sure Disney movies are mostly made for child audiences, but they certainly have their adult fans as well and some of those fans are artists. Mondo art gallery decided to embrace these nerdy artists by putting together an art show of Disney movie posters created by 30 different artists. 

The films included in the show span over 80 years of Disney history. One of the artists, James Flames, even learned how to draw by tracing Uncle Scrooge’s beak and Mickey Mouse’s ears.

You can see more artworks from the show and read more about it on Mondo's website.

Via Wired

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Anime Characters Who Were Based On Real People

The artists who create characters for manga and anime almost always use a real person as a reference for drawing, including their features, hairstyle and skin tones in the cartoon adaptation.

The massive man-eating "Armored Titan" on Attack On Titan is based on MMA fighter Brock Lesnar because of course he is, and the comparison between Rock Lee from Naruto and Bruce Lee is pretty obvious.

But most people are unaware how many of the characters on the sci-fi noir series Cowboy Bebop are based on real actors, including Spike Spiegel who is based on badass Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda.

The hair, the clothes and the swagger are a perfect fit, and with that in mind who do you think inspired the bounty hunter character Coffee?

That's a no-brainer, Coffee is a ripoff of inspired by Pam Grier, star of the movie Coffy.

The real life inspiration for the High School Of The Dead character Hirano Kohta isn't quite as obvious unless you're an otaku like him- he was drawn to resemble Hellsing creator Hirano Kouta. They changed one letter in his name...nothing obvious about that! *wink*

See 10 Anime Characters You Didn't Know Were Based On Real People here

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Police Mistake Fallout Cosplayer For Bomber

Cops don't understand cosplay, or cosplayers for that matter, so they're constantly mistaking people in costume for a threat to public safety, a misunderstanding which has turned deadly on a few occasions.

Thankfully when cops in Grand Prairie, Canada were called in to investigate this Fallout cosplayer they didn't shoot first and ask questions later- because they mistook part of his costume for a bomb.

Dressed as a member of the New California Republic from Fallout: New Vegas, the cosplayer was heading to the nearest tailor for some alterations when police moved in to take action:

While on his way to Lynn’s Alterations at Bell Tower Plaza carrying a New California Republic flag, calls from concerned residents altered police who then showed up to the tailor’s shop and used their vehicles for cover, treating the entire ordeal like a live bomb situation that might end in a shootout. “At least eight officers responded with their long guns drawn,” CBC News reported

While in the middle of doing measurements for the costume, the owner of Lynn’s Alterations, Hoa Huynh, was called by police and asked if he saw any wires on the man. When Huynh confirmed that he did, they told him to exit the shop out the back entrance.

What the police and other residents had mistaken for a bomb, however, turned out to be several cans of Pringles potato chips.

Fortunately, the police tried to open a dialogue with the cosplayer before opening fire, and in so doing realized what exactly was going on. They still took him into custody but eventually released him without any charges.

Moral of the story? Fallout cosplay at a Con is cool, but Fallout cosplay on the street looks like a felony in the making.

-Via Kotaku Cosplay

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A Furby Being Crushed By A Hydraulic Press

Do you get creeped out every time you see a Furby? Have you had nightmares about that scary little talking toy walking into your bedroom while you're sleeping and whispering gibberish into your ear before it strangles you to death? No?

I might need to see someone about my recurring Furby nightmare, but while I do that you should watch Furby being crushed to bits by a hydraulic press, it's so satisfying!

(YouTube Link)

Thanks for showing that Furby who's boss Hydraulic Press Channel, hopefully I'll have pleasant dreams about flat Furbys tonight!

-Via Laughing Squid

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A Fascinating Look Into The Lives Of Internet Trolls

The internet has proven that globally one type of user can be found more than any other- the "profane and prolific online contrarians" better known as internet trolls.

These sad little souls get a thrill out of making others feel bad or uncomfortable online, and even though most of them wouldn't have the cojones to say that vile crap IRL online they're fearless Internet Warriors. (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

The Internet Warriors is a short documentary created for The Guardian by director Kyrre Lien, who traveled all over the world to speak to trolls in their own caves and find out what makes them troll so hard:

Why do so many people use the internet to harass and threaten people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits? …Online platforms are their favourite tools to express the opinions that others might find objectionable in language that often offends. Do they behave in the same way when they come offline?

-Via Laughing Squid

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The Real Danger in Being a Redshirt

It's common knowledge that you don't want to wear a red shirt if you are serving under Captain Kirk in Starfleet. Redshirts are usually security officers who accompany an away team down to a new planet, and they often get killed right off the bat. Earlier research shows that indeed, more red shirts were killed during the series than crew members wearing any other kind of uniform. But mathematician James Grime looked at the numbers in a different way. He gave a lecture called "Star Trek: The Math of Khan" at the Museum of Mathematics in New York, in which he used the statistics of the entire Enterprise crew, not just those who appeared on the original series, and not just those who died. He asserts that the idea that you are more likely to be killed if you are a redshirt is not true.

That claim, in fact, is false — more "redshirts" died on-screen than any other crew type (10 gold-shirted, which are command personnel; eight blue-shirted, who are scientists; and 25 red-shirted, Grime said), but that calculation fails to take into account that there are far more redshirts on the ship to start with than any other crew type.

In other words, we're looking at the probability that you are a redshirt if you die (58 percent) — what we want to know is the probability that you die if you're a redshirt, Grime said.

Grime used the "Star Trek" technical manual to find out how many of each crew type there were, which painted a different picture: out of 239 redshirts, 25 died, which is 10 percent. Out of 55 goldshirts, 10 died, which is 18 percent! So you are more likely to die as a goldshirt, Grime said.

It appears we've been led astray by the fact that the TV series only followed the top command of the Enterprise- those who appeared on the bridge. Of course, in the 1960s, the idea that other things went on in a fictional universe that didn't appear on camera was absurd. Grimes also covered Vulcan reproduction, computer paradoxes, and the Drake Equation. Read about Star Trek Math at -via the A.V. Club

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The World's Craziest Roller Coasters

When the first roller coaster debuted in Paris in 1817 it was considered quite thrilling, but the Promenades-Aériennes was a total snoozefest compared to the crazy thrill rides of today.

And even though theme parks keep finding new ways to combine cutting edge technology with rides to make them even more thrilling they still can't beat a high speed ride down the rails on a coaster.

Full Throttle at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California looks plain and simple as far as coasters go, but it features the world's tallest vertical coaster loop (160 ft.) making it simply insane to ride.

(YouTube Link)

The Lihpao Land Discovery World in Taiwan features a crazy coaster called Gravity MaxX that starts you off with a jaw clenching 90 degree drop at 114 miles per hour, proving the bigger the drop the bigger the thrills.

(YouTube Link)

And if you're tired of roller coaster rides lasting a mere minute or two then The Steel Dragon 2000 at Nagashima Spa Land in Japan is the ride for you- because it's the longest roller coaster in the world at 8,133 feet long.

(YouTube Link)

See The World's Craziest Rollercoasters here

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This Family Feud Episode From 1983 Features The Cast Of Batman Vs. The Castaways From Gilligan's Island

Remember when TV shows featured awesome crossover episodes that brought characters from different shows together in fun and funny ways?

These cool TV crossovers were perfected in the 80s, and in 1983 one very special episode of Family Feud showed audiences the crossover their lives had been missing- Batman and Gilligan's Island.

Just imagine what these two amazing casts of characters could have accomplished had they met on the island, it would have been a beach blanket Bat-tusi bonanza!:

This episode featured Adam West (Batman) at the helm of a team, which included Lee Meriwether (Catwoman) and Yvonne Craig (Batgirl), Burt Ward (Robin) and the great Vincent Price (Egghead). On the other side of the aisle, a captain’s cap wearing Alan Hale Jr. (The Skipper) sat the head of his team including Jim Backus (Thurston Howell III), Natalie Schafer (Lovey Howell), Dawn Wells (Mary Anne) and Russell Johnson (The Professor).

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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The Lady Of The Manners Is Here To Help Elder Goths Stay Spooky

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Subcultures are generally a young person's game, and as we grow older and mellow out we tend to lose interest in those "edgy" scenes we thought were so cool when we were young.

But not every subculture loses members when they hit 30 or 40, and as the original generation who became enraptured by the goth scene officially settles into their senior years they prove goths truly are immortal.

Jillian Ventners, aka The Lady of the Manners, is a self-proclaimed elder goth and owner of the blog Gothic Charm School, "an essential guide for goths and those who love them.".

She has been involved in the goth scene since the 80s, when goths were all young, pale and waify, and now she's ready to guide her fellow elder goths into their glorious grey days: 

"We are the first and second generations to age into goth, and we have to stand up and say that there is room for older women in this subculture," she says emphatically. "We don't have to conform to that template that we're too old." Venters often reminds women 40 and over that as the progenitors of the goth movement, they are the ones who set the visual standard.

In Venter's opinion, you're never too old to be goth. She encourages women to embrace the idea that with age comes knowledge, power, and not caring what other people think. And with societal pressure on women to be caretakers, nurturers, and invisible past a certain age, Venters is determined to take up space, encouraging other eldergoths to age as visibly and flamboyantly as possible. "Maybe you think I shouldn't have brilliant pink and burgundy hair at age 48," says Venters. "Whatever. That's your opinion. I don't care."

Read Elder Goths: When Growing Up Doesn't Mean Abandoning Your Favorite Youth Culture here

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Dark Comics About Kevin The Horrible Optimist

Most optimists can be a little pessimistic at times, and no matter how much they want to believe their glass will always be half full they know sometimes it's just plain empty- and there are no more free refills.

But Nick Fisher's eternally gleeful guy Kevin sees the silver lining on every mushroom cloud and the gold nuggets in every pile of poop, and his comic strip Kevin & Friends shows how sickening the eternal optimist can be.

Kevin & Friends is demotivational, dark and disgusting in all the right ways, and even though life sucks for saccharine Kevin his misfortune makes us smile, so that makes it all worthwhile, right?

See Dark Comics About A Horrible Optimist Kevin here

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Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name Performed On Children's Toys

When Rage Against The Machine hit the L.A. music scene back in 1991 their hybrid sound and intense lyrics made them popular with metal heads and hip hop fans alike but left some parents feeling scared.

Their music was angry and radical, so parents were afraid Rage's aggressive songs would turn their kids into fiery anarchists, but THE WACKIDS grew up listening to Rage and they turned out all right.

And if Rage had played songs like Killing In The Name on a Spider-Man drum set, a plastic guitar and a kooky looking Otamotone parents wouldn't have been afraid of the Rage.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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The Best Car Chases of All Time

Hollywood loves car chases and they overdo them so much that 90% of the scenes are just fluff that's not even worth watching. But there is just something so satisfying about a realluy good car chase and that's what makes this list of the 12 best car chase scenes of all time so damn enjoyable.

(Video Link)

Whether you prefer high-polished, perfectly-coreographed chase scenes or hyper-realistic, crash-filled mayhem like the French Connection's legendary scene above, you're sure to see plenty of action-packed brilliance. You might even have to plan a movie marathon around the list.

So check out rankings for the best car chases of all time on Collider.

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