Fun Facts About Carrie Fisher

(Image Link)

Carrie Fisher may have garnered most of her fan base by playing Princess Leia, but her film career began years earlier with studies at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London and a role in Shampoo at age 17.

She was taught how to make it in Hollywood by her mom, the prolific actress Debbie Reynolds, who had the star power to call up George Lucas and rag on him for making her daughter fly coach:

Surprisingly, the budget for the Stars Wars films was so low that the American cast and crew had to fly to England in economy class. When her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds, called George Lucas to complain, he handed the phone to Carrie who told her, “Mother, I want to fly coach, will you f**k off?!” and then hung up.

Carrie had no problem speaking her mind, but she struggled during her scenes with Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin because he was so nice to her on the set she had a hard time being mean to him.

In fact, Carrie got along really well with pretty much everyone on the set of Star Wars, but she really took a shine to Harrison Ford for obvious reasons:

Carrie once joked about drinking alcohol on the set of Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. She stated, “Mark Hamill was off on Dagobah while Harrison Ford and I were were getting drunk in Cloud City.”

While Carrie certainly had lots of memories from the set and filming of the Star Wars trilogy, her fondest of that era may come as a surprise. She was on the record as having said that her favorite moments were during her scenes when she was arguing with Harrison Ford.

See 24 Facts About Carrie Fisher That You Probably Didn't Know here

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Amazing Sailor Moon Themed Figure Skating Routine

I must confess that Sailor Moon was never really my cup of tea as far as anime goes, but the fans have such an infectious energy and the costumes are so cheerful I can't help but smile when I say "Sailor Moon".

And while I'm not interested in the show I can't stop watching this Sailor Moon inspired figure skating routine performed by Evgenia Medvedeva at the World Team Trophy 2017 exhibition in Tokyo. It's more enchanting than a Tuxedo Mask entrance!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Mad Scientist Builds A 200-Watt Laser Bazooka That Can Shoot Through A Computer Case

If you mess with science you may find yourself on the wrong end of a laser beam designed to burn right through whatever gets in its way and powerful enough to shoot through a computer case.

So be nice to Drake Anthony (aka styropro) if you ever meet him, because he built a 200-watt laser bazooka out of "scrap metal, a pile of broken ‘hybrid’ DLP projectors, and runs on a stack of lithium polymer batteries" and he ain't afraid to use it.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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Iconic Comic Book Images Recreated In The Movies

Every time a director helms a new superhero project they put their own spin on that hero's origin story, but no matter how far they stray from the source material they still include some nod to the original.

Action Comics #1 features the most iconic cover art of all time- Superman lifting a car, a scene featured in 1978's Superman and Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, which is an homage to Richard Donner's original Superman films from the 80s.

(YouTube Link)

But the cover of Captain America Comics #1, featuring Cap punching out Hitler, is arguably just as famous, so why didn't it get a proper recreation in the Captain America movie?

Because the writers and director of 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger chose Red Skull and Hydra as Cap's main foes, so including Hitler and the Nazis would just confuse the plot of future Marvel movies.

See 15 Iconic Comic Book Images Recreated In Superhero Movies here

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Rian Johnson's Photos From The Set Of The Last Jedi

Hot on the heels of that amazing trailer for Star Wars: Episode VIII- The Last Jedi comes these cool set photos shared by writer/director Rian Johnson, photos which show the filmmaker's process and what he saw on set.

Rian carried an old camera with him at all times during filming, and whenever he saw a cool shot he captured the scene in black & white, which gives these behind-the-scenes images a classic look befitting Star Wars.

Rian shared these photos, as well as many color shots from the set, during a panel at Star Wars Celebration 2017 in Orlando, and he claims to have shot thousands of pics during filming. Sounds like the makings of an awesome coffee table art book to me!

(YouTube Link)

See Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi Set Photos here

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Photos From The Set Of The Original Twin Peaks

Part of me never left David Lynch's eerie town of Twin Peaks after watching the series in the early 90s, and now that the series is coming back for eighteen more episodes that Twin Peaks feeling is coming back strong too.

But simply rewatching the series and Fire Walk With Me just isn't enough to satisfy my appetite for small town Lynchian strangeness, I needed these damn fine photos from the set to silence my inner Bob.

Seeing all my old friends from Twin Peaks again has caused quite a few memories to resurface, including those "they won't be on the new episodes because they're dead!" moments that make me wanna smile-cry.

See Intimate Photos Taken On The Set Of The Original 'Twin Peaks' here

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The Invisible Art Of Visual Effects

Visual effects in films are composed and constructed just like any other work of art, but there's one big difference- in order for the VFX in movies to be effective they must be so subtle you think the effects are real.

And if you think you're an expert at spotting viz fx consider this- nearly every movie made these days features some sort of digital fx compositing, from sets to weather effects to the vehicles driving by in the background.

VFX Games - The Art of Compositing from Roy Peker on Vimeo.

This eye opening video by Roy Peker gently tears back the layers of digital deception to show us what often lies beneath each frame of film, namely an actor on a green screen set.

-Via PremiumBeat

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How Much Would Superheroes' NYC Apartments Cost?

Being a superhero typically isn't a paid gig, which is why even famous superheroes like Superman and Spider-Man have to keep their day jobs as journalists.

Clark Kent lives in the fictional city of Metropolis, so there's no telling how much rent he pays, but could Spider-Man actually afford to live in New York City on his salary from the Daily Bugle?

And what about our new favorite friends from Harlem and Hell's Kitchen Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Luke Cage and Jessica Jones? created this slick infographic that reveals how much Marvel superheroes would pay for their apartments around NYC, as well as some trivia related to the real life equivalent of each location.

See full sized infographic here

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Wolverine's Wildest Offspring

Wolverine's offspring have proven to be an entertaining cast of characters who give their dad a run for his money in terms of ferocity and bloodthirst only most of 'em ain't as nice as Logan, bub.

Daken is a lot like his dad only without the warmth or human compassion, and the first time he met Wolverine he slashed his old man's stomach open and left him to die.

Daken's one scary dude but he looks like a choir boy compared to Raze Darkholme- offspring of Wolverine and Mystique.

Raze can shapeshift, has bone claws, an incredible healing factor and heightened senses, and since his power level rivals that of his parents he keeps them both looking over their shoulders Did I mention Raze is also a time traveler?

Poor Wolverine can't seem to win with his angsty mutant offsprings, but there's one kid who actually loved and cared for Wolvie during the post-apocalyptic Old Man Logan storyline- Hulk Jr.:

After Old Man Logan wipes out the Hulk Gang, he rides off into the sunset with the last surviving member of Bruce Banner’s family, his grandson Hulk Jr., who also happened to be Banner’s favorite. Logan forsakes his former identity as the Wolverine and becomes the Hooded Man, raising Hulk Jr. to be a force for good. Together, they retake the United States, joining with the Fantastic Four and other heroes to form the New Defenders.

Read Lone Wolf And Cubs: Wolverine's 15 Wildest Kids here

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Star Wars Crawl Wedding Cake

Cakeguy555 made this awesome 5-tier Star Wars wedding cake for a couple who were renewing their wedding vows. It features Han, Leia, R2-D2, and text that looks like one of the opening crawls from the movies, but the actual words are about their love for each other (good luck reading them). The cake was not easy to make, as we can assume from another picture he posted about it. -via Geeks Are Sexy

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This Diner Is Full Of Dark Secrets

Rest your eyes on this image of a seemingly ordinary diner for a while and you'll start to notice strange and sinister things are afoot in this particular beanery which smack of black magic and the Old Gods. 

Thankfully this illustration by Jeff Lee Johnson is purely fictitious, created for Fantasy Flight Games' illustrated short story collection The Investigators of Arkham Horror, Tales of Adventure and Madness.

But if you notice any of the strange things you see in this image happening in the real world seek out your nearest Mythos investigator so they can battle the squirming forces of chaos before great Cthulhu is awakened...

See full sized image here

-Via HouseBeautiful

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Black And White Photos Of Famous People On Skateboards

Lots of people ride a skateboard when they're young only to give up sidewalk surfing when they become adults, but the truly passionate will keep on skating until their dying day.

Just look at how much fun Pete Townshend is having on his skate, and he's skating after becoming rich and famous so you know he's still riding to this day!

Okay, there's no evidence online to prove that Pete still skates but he sure liked to shred back in the day, I wonder if he and John Lennon ever got together for a skate session? Imagine that!

See Black And White Pictures of Famous People on Skateboards at Dangerous Minds

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Simply Endearing Comic Strips About The Joy And Pain Of Relationships

Every relationship has its share of joy and pain, with bouts of swooning, sadness and giddy glee, but mostly there is talking and sharing and caring, so if that's not your cup of tea then Tuna Dunn's comics may not appeal to you.

But you might want to take a quick glance at Tuna's comics anyway, and please forgive the Thai artist's grammatical errors, because they'll show you what you've been missing.

If you've been on the relationship ride more than a few times then Tuna's comics will remind you of your current love or an ex, and if the ride makes you sick then Tuna's comics will make you sick too.

But, as every good relationshipper knows, you've got to be a little sick to stay with somebody who loves you this much!

See The Beauty And Pain Of Relationships In 10+ Comics By Thai Artist Tuna Dunn here

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A New Addition to the OED: Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who has been a staple of British culture for over 50 years, and now it has officially infiltrated the language -that's why the Oxford English Dictionary will be adding the word Sonic Screwdriver to the newest editions starting in June. In the announcement, the OED joked that it only made sense given that the dictionary itself is a lot like a certain blue box in that it is "blue, much bigger than it looks from the outside, and ‘the gateway to everything that ever was or ever can be’…showing you the whole of the past (and much of the present) of the English language."

Sonic screwdriver isn't the first Whovian term to be included. Already in the dictionary are TARDIS, Dalek, and Cyberman. You can read the announcement on the OED blog.

Via The Mary Sue

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Beloved TV Characters Who Are Really Bad People

Whenever fans develop strong feelings for a pop culture character they start to feel like that character can do no wrong, because every choice they make and action they take is just character development.

But if you put the fan feels aside and actually look at what these characters have done during their storylines they start to look like really bad people.

Characters like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel started out evil, and made no bones about their allegiance to the dark side, but there's evil and then there's staking your own mother evil.

Spike is scary and all, and I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of Tyrion's crossbow, but sometimes the scariest and most dangerous characters look like harmless dimwits.

See 10 Favorite TV Characters Who Are Actually Very Bad People here

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