Read Joss Whedon's Unproduced Screenplay For Wonder Woman

Joss Whedon has come a long way from the days when he was writing for Roseanne, and since then many studios have asked Joss to write scripts based on their franchises.

But for some reason Warner Bros hired Joss to write and direct a Wonder Woman movie back in 2006 but by early 2007 the project had been cancelled, leaving us to wonder what a Whedon Wonder Woman movie would have looked like.

(Image Link)

We've waited 10 long years to see Wonder Woman on the big screen, but before you go see the new movie you should read Joss Whedon's unproduced Wonder Woman screenplay and see how it compares to the Snyderverse version.

Read the full script here

-Via GeekTyrant

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Red Red Riding Hood

Fairy tale characters were way too calm and composed considering the morbid situations they dealt with during their stories, and they acted like these dark moments were no big deal.

Pushing an old hag who eats kids into an oven and leaving "the ungodly creature to be burned to ashes" should have scarred Hansel for life, and Jack narrowly escaped the clutches of a hungry giant, which would have left him with PTSD.

And, as this Electric Bunny comic shows, Little Red should have totally lost it when her grandma emerged from the wolf's stomach alive and unharmed, leaving them both in need of therapy and a long shower!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Rock Bands Named After Classic Literature

Somewhere along the way it was decided that people who play in bands aren't very bright, then rock stars were further stigmatized as being drunk, dumb and on drugs because some big names glamorized this lushy lifestyle.

In actuality many of the most famous musicians in rock'n'roll history were extremely intelligent people, who showed off their brainy side with their brilliant lyrics and the very name of their band.

The Doors were named after Aldous Huxley's The Doors Of Perception, which is a line taken from William Blake's The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell:

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”

Stuart Murdoch got the name for his band Belle and Sebastian from French children's book Belle et Sébastien by Cécile Aubry, which was adapted into an awesome anime series in the 80s.

(YouTube Link)

Modest Mouse's lead singer Isaac Brock named the band after a passage from Virginia Woolf's The Mark on the Wall:

"I wish I could hit upon a pleasant track of thought, a track indirectly reflecting credit upon myself, for those are the pleasantest thoughts, and very frequent even in the minds of modest, mouse-coloured people, who believe genuinely that they dislike to hear their own praises."

And last but not least we have Moby, the guy who was clearly named after Moby Dick, right?

Well, sorta- Moby was born Richard Melville Hall, and his parents started calling him "Moby" at a young age after telling young Richard Herman Melville is his "great-great-great-granduncle".

See 20 Bands Named After Classic Literature at Mental Floss

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It's A Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road World

The world had become a mad, mad, mad place well before Max went mad and fired up his Interceptor looking for revenge, but where will the madness end?

Will the post-apocalyptic world look more like the modern interpretations, or will it be full of kooky characters wearing patchwork outfits like as seen in those crazy movies of the 70s and 80s?

This video by Monkey Blood doesn't answer any of those questions, but it does answer the question nobody has ever asked- what would a Mad Max: Fury Road-It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World mashup look like?

Two words- utter madness! Also acceptable- Jonathan Winters!

It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road - Trailer from Monkey Blood on Vimeo.

-Via GeekTyrant

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10 Of The Worst Animated Movies Of All Time

It's hard to decide which animated movies are the "greatest of all time", especially when you include both 2D and 3D features, but telling which ones are the worst is incredibly easy.

You just have to look for the animated films that are brazen ripoffs of good movies, unnecessary sequels nobody asked for or the ones that are simply too ugly to watch.

(YouTube Link)

AlltimeMovies put together this list of 10 Worst Animated Movies Of All Time, and while I don't feel they all deserve the "worst of all time" title every film on the list is unwatchable, so "the worst" it is!

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A Wes Anderson-Inspired Tourism Campaign For The Latvian Capital Of Riga

Whenever a director establishes their signature style other directors are bound to copy it, either because they're hacks or because they want to channel that director's iconic style into their own film.

The folks from ad agency DDB who created the Wes Anderson-inspired tourism campaign for Latvia's capital city Riga clearly wanted to add a bit of Wes' signature symmetry and cool use of color to their production.

(YouTube Link)

They also must have chosen Wes Anderson as their muse because Latvia looks like the setting of one of Wes' films, and the Latvians who star in these fun ads don't have to pretend to be quirky characters- because they're not acting.

(YouTube Link)

So far there are videos for five characters- the Taxi Driver, the Senior, the Priest, the Blogger and the Teacher, five colorful characters meant to symbolize the fact that you can "Be anything in Riga!"

(YouTube Link)

-Via DesignTAXI

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Unforgettable Video Game Moments

Video games are often far more memorable than other visual media because players interact with and affect the story, giving them a sense of satisfaction no movie or TV show can replicate.

(YouTube Link)

This interactivity also helps imprint those memorable moments in our minds, making sure gamers will never forget the first time they stepped out of the Vault in Fallout 3 or when they rode into Mexico after an intense river battle in Red Dead: Redemption.

(YouTube Link)

And who can forget when Ellie and Joel came across a herd of giraffes in that otherwise grim and dismal game The Last Of Us?

(YouTube Link)

See 15 Video Game Moments That Stuck With Gamers Forever here

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Weird Simpsons VHS

The Simpsons and weird go together like Bart and crime or Krusty the Klown and heart surgery, and while the show has gone to some weird places fans have managed to top the writers by a mile with their creations.

The opening title sequence is by far the most popular part of the show to recreate, but animator Yoann Hervo didn't just recreate the intro- he reconfigured its chromosomes and created a mutant called WEIRD SIMPSONS VHS.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Art of the Title

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Dad Creates Wooden Sculpture Of His Son Wearing His Favorite Darth Vader Mask

Parents can go crazy making stuff for their kids, stuff that will most likely end up stashed in a box in the garage, but when sculptor Dan Lefebvre goes crazy making stuff for his son his creations end up proudly displayed.

Dan's version of going crazy involves chopping, carving and chiseling a massive chunk of red cedar into a realistic wooden sculpture that looks just like his son wearing a Darth Vader mask.

It's really interesting to see how Dan took a daunting chunk of cedar log and shaped it to look like his son in stages, and his attention to detail definitely adds visual interest to the figure's realistic pose.

I wonder how his son feels about having to hang out with a wooden version of himself?

-Via Bored Panda

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The Script For Ghostbusters Rewritten As Shakespearean Prose

Ghostbusters is a timeless film in the sense that people are going to enjoy watching it forever, but it will also forever be associated with the 1980s, so in that sense Ghostbusters is timelessly 80s.

But is the tale of four guys who use science to bust the supernatural timeless enough to translate into Shakespearean speak without missing a beat?

Artist and writer of geeky adaptations Jordan Monsell seems to think so, and his new book Ministers Of Grace: The Unauthorized Shakespearean Parody Of Ghostbusters channels The Bard for those who were bored while reading Hamlet or MacBeth.

Here's a taste:

I humbly thank thee gentles for thy speed. Our guests grow anxious by the hour and start To question me for reasons have I none.
Hath it appeared ere now?
The eldest servants know of higher floor The strange impatience, I do mean to say Though stirred it not these past five moons till late. And ne’re did carry on as violently.
Did’st thou make report to any soul?
Nay! Good heavens! We do not speak of it. I wish it were removed before the dawn.
Verily. Now peace good sir. Custom hath made it in we a property of easiness.
What be you, a Muscovite?
Nay, we be extirpators. A rat a man did see on floors above and called upon us.
An unholy size this rat must be.
‘Twould take this from this, sirrah.
Wilt thou follow?
I’d rather keep my head to chew and swallow.
It hath occurred to me of late that a successful trial of our weapons have we not.
I do accuse myself.
As do I.
The fault, dear Egon, is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings.
Wherefore be troubled? For upon our backs have we unlicensed boxes of rough magic.
Agreed. Are we content?
EGON charges RAY’s pack, then backs away.

-Via GeekTyrant

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Star Wars Nothing But Star Wars Mixtape Trailer

Cinefamily TV is putting together a mega-project for the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, featuring 70 minutes of the most bonkers Star Wars-related footage possible. The trailer gives us a little taste, and although it's less than two minutes long, it's weird enough to enjoy on its own.

(YouTube link)

Forty years is a long time to be obsessed with one franchise, but plenty long enough to amass tributes that will make us laugh and feel nostalgic at the same time. The full version will be shown May 25th at the Cinefamily theater in Los Angeles. -via Gizmodo 

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The First Trailer for Star Trek: Discovery

The new series Star Trek: Discovery takes places slightly before the events of the original series with Kirk and Spock, but somehow the Starfleet crew is way more diverse, well-dressed, and armed with better special effects.  

(YouTube link)

The CBS All Access series will be available online through a subscription service this fall. For details on the characters and trailer scenes, check out this article at Den of Geek

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Dwayne Johnson Stars In Home Alone, Goodfellas, Napoleon Dynamite And More

Now that Dwayne Johnson is a huge movie star he doesn't have to take every role he's offered, and since he's a rough and tumble kinda guy he likes to star in action films, although he was amazing as Maui in Moana.

But, as this GQ comedy video shows, Dwayne should definitely stick to starring in films that are mostly action, because he's better off playing a larger-than-life hero than a Napoleon Dynamite type.

However, if Scorsese ever considers making a Goodfellas 2 he'd better cast Dwayne as Tommy DeVito's illegitimate son because he's perfect for the role! (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

-Via Slash Film

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Artist Lost His Virginity To An Alien, Now He Paints About The Experience

Most people remember the day they lost their virginity, and since that day introduced them to the joy of sex it's usually seen as one of the best days of their lives.

But 72-year-old painter David Huggins didn't remember the day he lost his virginity until he started remembering suppressed memories- and realized he'd lost his virginity to an alien.

According to David he lost his virginity at seventeen to an "alien hybrid" named Crescent, with whom he has sired "over fifty hybrid-alien children":

As he tells it, he was walking through a forest in Georgia towards a lake. He saw her sitting next to a tree. Crescent had a perfectly normal human appearance except for her head—her pale, pointed face had large black eyes and she was wearing a wig. They both disrobed and he soon lost his virginity.

As the memories of this strange sexual encounter returned David started to use his painting skills to capture the scenes he once thought of as dreams but now believes are true events his mind has repressed.

David is the subject of an upcoming documentary by Brad Abrahams called Love and Saucers, here's the trailer:

Love and Saucers: Trailer from Brad Abrahams on Vimeo.

Read Artist Loses His Virginity To Alien. Now He Paints About It here (NSFW-ish)

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Rowan Atkinson Plays The Doctor In This 1999 Doctor Who Red Nose Day Special

For some reason the writers, directors and producers behind Doctor Who never even considered casting Rowan Atkinson as The Doctor when they rebooted the series, which was a big mistake.

Now if you only know Rowan as Mr. Bean then you probably don't see how he would work as The Doctor, but if you look at all the drastically different roles he's played you can see he was born to play a Time Lord!

Steven Moffat certainly thought so when he cast Rowan as The Doctor in this special episode he wrote for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day back in 1999, six years before the Doctor Who reboot took the world by storm.

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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