Simply Hilarious The Last Jedi Comics By Rachel J. Pierce

The Last Jedi wasn't a particularly funny movie, but it did have plenty of moments that would have made audiences laugh had they seen it through a silly filter like that applied by cartoonist Rachel J. Pierce.

Now the serious Star Wars fans would have found all the silly humor disturbing, but something tells me nobody would have objected to the jokes aimed at that Emo Sith Kylo Ren!

See more at Geeks Are Sexy

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Celebrating Nearly 40 Years Of Heavy Metal's Most Iconic Mascot, Iron Maiden's Eddie

When Iron Maiden first started out they used a papier-mâché prop that would spew fake blood from its mouth on stage to give their performances some theatrical flair, a prop that would become the mighty metal icon Eddie.

(Image Link)

Well, that's not exactly true since the original prop was just a ghostly mask that looked nothing like Eddie. But the prop was a solid concept that would become an integral part of Iron Maiden's stage show after a chance meeting with the man who would give life to Eddie, artist Derek Riggs.

Riggs created the character Eddie and served as the band's sole cover artist from their first self-titled album in 1980 until the 1992 release Fear Of The Dark, and as the character grew so did his presence on stage.

(Image Link)

Now fans can't imagine an Iron Maiden stage show without Eddie sharing the stage with the band, and in the last 38 years Eddie has gone from a novel idea to the grim face of heavy metal.

See Iron Maiden's Eddie: Nearly 40 Years Of Metal's Best Mascot here

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The Ever Present NPC Naming Dilemma In Dungeons & Dragons

Naming NPCs is one of the banes of my existence as a DM (or GM if you prefer the more generic and broadly encompassing title), and try as I might to come up with new names I often fall back on old standards.

If the guy or gal is a rogue-like character then the words sneaky, stabby, cutter, shadow or fingers tend to find their way into their name somewhere, and rangers are almost always named Roger, Dan or Dana for some reason.

And, as this Electric Bunny comic shows, when all else fails you should just name them after the first thing you see. My personal favorites- Mr. Coffee and Senor Stinkbottom (my dog's nickname).

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Farkels- An Animated Short That's Just As Strange As It Sounds

The world is full of weirdos, including those who walk around all day talking to themselves out loud, but the weirdiest weirdos of them all are those who chat with their hair all day.

These loony lock lovers are so convinced the protein strands sitting on top of their heads are actually a sentient entity that they treat their hair like their best friend- leaving the position closed for all humans.

But, as you'll see in the animated short Farkels created by Greg Kletsel, Dessarae Bassil and Valerie Lockhart, it's probably best if sentient beings of all shapes, sizes and species minimize contact with those lock-lovin' loons!

(YouTube Link)

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Some Of The Weirdest Video Games Ever Made

There are so many bizarre video games out there that the top ten lists kinda just make themselves, and strange games are constantly being made so these top ten lists will keep rolling out FOREVER.

In this video by WatchMojo we see Octodad-a game about an octopus pretending to be a human dad, Bad Mojo- a game where you play a guy who was turned into a cockroach, and the weirdest game of all I Am Bread, where you play a slice of bread. 'Nuff said!

(YouTube Link)

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The Watcher

With great knowledge comes great wisdom, with great vision comes great foresight, with great power comes greater responsibility, and with a great many number of things to watch this wizard ends up watching porn.

Eh, sounds about right. (Comic by Slack Wyrm Comics)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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The Top Ten Biggest Netflix Flops

Netflix has become a powerhouse in the entertainment industry, and the original shows and movies they're making nowadays are so beloved people have forgotten Netflix started out as a small DVD by mail service.

But in their quest to grow more powerful by creating original content that will crush the competition they released some serious flops- like when they gave Ashton Kutcher his own sitcom called The Ranch.

With overly predictable storylines and stereotypical country characters The Ranch is an homage to the classic American sitcom that fell flat with both viewers and critics alike, and yet Netflix still hasn't cancelled the show for some reason. Maybe they think the third season's the charm?

(YouTube Link)

This WatchMojo compilation focuses on the failures of streaming media powerhouse Netflix, showing us that even giants stumble once in a while but Netflix doesn't look like it's going to fall flat anytime soon!

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Classic Comics That Had Some Totally Insane And Controversial Content

As a general rule comics that become really big and really famous refrain from including material that would be considered controversial, offensive or too adult to be enjoyed by a wide audience.

And the bigger the title the less challenging the material, so Mickey Mouse comic strips and the action packed panels of Wonder Woman are the last place you'd expect to find controversy.

But back in the day both comics included material that is seen as controversial these days but was always seen as totally bonkers- like hide inside a dead elephant bonkers.

When Wonder Woman learns that the elephants at a circus keep dropping like flies she suspects foul play is afoot, so she hides inside a taxidermied baby elephant to find out what's up and foil the bad guy's evil plan. And that's when things get really weird:

Ed King talks with Wonder Woman and Steve and expresses his fears that the dying elephants will ruin his show. Wonder Woman and Etta Candy dress up as a baby elephant to try to find out who is poisoning the elephants. They find themselves in the midst of a Burmese worship ritual, in which the Burmese say that they will use the elephants to trample the "foreign devils." Suddenly a large elephant appears and inadvertently blows Wonder Woman and Etta's cover. The Burmese take them prisoner and plan to sacrifice them to the Elephant Gods.

Meanwhile, the thugs return and take two of the Burmese men hostage. Steve Trevor follows them. Back at the circus, Dom Carney meets up with Elva, but Uncle Ed King also appears and fires Dom from the show under suspicion of being the person poisoning the elephants. An elephant, following orders from some of the other Burmese men, snatches Elva and makes off with her. Ed and Dom chase after them on horseback.

Elva is brought to the same Elephant Temple that the Burmese have brought Wonder Woman and Etta to. The three of them are to be sacrificed for the Elephant Spirits. San Yan admits that his people have been killing the elephants to set their spirits free. Wonder Woman notices that San Yan speaks with a Japanese accent, so she breaks free of her bonds. Steve, Ed, and Dom all arrive, and as a group they defeat the Burmese men who are actually Japanese spies. Now free of suspicions, Dom gets Ed's permission to be with Elva.

On the other hand the controversy found in the pages of the old Mickey Mouse comic strip can be summed up by these three panels:

Mickey kicking a character in the kiester who is clearly gay wasn't seen as that big of a deal when the strip came out in the 1930s, but Disney knew the part where he calls the character a "cream puff" was wrong- so they edited that bit to make it more PC:

See 5 Famous Comics That Got Totally Insane Out Of The Blue at Cracked (NSFW language)

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Movies So Bad They Were Pulled From Theaters

Movies typically stay in theaters anywhere from one to two months, and even bad movies last two or three weeks in theaters to try and recoup as much of the budget as possible.

But some movies are so horrendously awful it's a wonder they ever got made at all, much less made it into theaters, and they are pulled so fast most people aren't even aware of their existence.

Johnny Depp has been in some massive blockbusters, but his campy comedy Mordecai was so epically bad it was pulled from 90% of theaters carrying it during its third week, the third biggest theater drop of all time.

On the flipside there's Max Steel, a movie based on a toy line and cartoon that had no big names, zero audience reception and a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Oh, and it came nowhere near recouping its $10 million budget.

(YouTube Link)

This WatchMojo compilation counts down some of Hollywood's biggest flops, from the aforementioned Mordecai to the less-than-super Blackhat starring Chris Hemsworth.

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Google Translate Movie Quotes Featuring Jimmi Simpson

Iconic movie quotes don't need to be translated because no matter what language a movie lover speaks, and no matter what language an iconic film has been translated into, the quote is always best known in its original form.

Ever fascinated by the power of Google Translate those mythical video guys Rhett & Link of Good Mythical Morning fed famous movie quotes into Google Translate over and over again until they got weird.

Then they had their friend, famous actor Jimmi Simpson, join them in acting out the terrible translations, which really showcased his acting skills!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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One Punch Man Animator Tries Animating Lightsaber Battle Scene From The Phantom Menace

Animators often practice animating action sequences by creating a hand-drawn version of a live action movie scene, the more dynamic motion in the scene the better.

So when Arifumi Imai, the talented animator who has worked on One Punch Man, Naruto: Shippuden and Attack On Titan, wanted some action animation practice he chose the Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul lightsaber fight from The Phantom Menace as his inspiration.

The scene is kept simple and rough, since it's just an exercise, but you can imagine how amazing it would look as a polished scene in an anime series.

-Via GeekTyrant

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Dia De Los Tacos

For some tacos are more than just a fun food product in a folded tortilla- they're an obsession, a passion, the perfect food loved by everyone and always in style.

And yet some taco trucks out there struggle to sell their stuffed shells because they can't seem to get customers to come to their spot, which is why they always say location is everything.

But if you can't choose to set up shop at a location where there are lots of customers then you've gotta bring the customers to you- by dragging them to your taco truck by their noses!

(YouTube Link)

Dia De Los Tacos is a deliciously silly animated short created by Vincent Scala for the Nickelodeon Animated Shorts program 2017, and while it has nothing to do with Dia De Los Muertos it has everything to do with tacos!

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This Incredible Star Wars Mural Took 450 Hours To Complete

There is some really, really bad fan art out there that makes you want to cringe when you come across it online, but the vast majority of the fan art shared online is okay, mediocre, so-so, good enough.

This sea of mediocre fan art makes the really great pieces stand out, but you don't need to see a bunch of bad fan art to appreciate this piece- because it's a standout blockbuster all on its own!

It took artist James Raiz, aka TheBoxOfficeArtist, 450 hours over the course of 7 months to complete this massive Star Wars mural, which is made up of eight smaller sections one for each live action movie released.

But you don't have to sit through over 400 hours of footage to see James create this amazing mural, because this timelapse video shows the entire creation process in around ten minutes!

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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The Next Star Wars Movies

The men and women of the Rebel Alliance have a lot of heart and a seemingly never-ending supply of moxy, but they're not the brightest beings in the galaxy- or else they would have defeated the Empire a long, long time ago.

How would they do this, you ask? Well, according to some the answer is superior firepower, and this comic by Pretends To Be Drawing seems to think making more Death Stars than the Empire is the answer.

But I believe the answer is Force-enhancing smart drugs and a giant spaceball bat...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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This Time-Lapse Footage Of An Artist Painting A Fearsome Dragon Portrait Will Blow You Away

Watching people paint in real time can literally feel like watching paint dry, but watching an artist work on an incredibly detailed and beautiful painting in time lapse can be quite thrilling and inspirational.

This is especially true if the subject is something near and dear to your heart, and seeing as how I was born in the year of the dragon and I'm a huge fantasy nerd watching artist Chris Scalf paint this awesome portrait of a dragon really blew me away!

(YouTube Link)

-Via io9

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