Facts About David Lynch That Are Almost As Strange As His Films

David Lynch has made my geeky dreams come true by bringing Twin Peaks back to TV, and his past films still haunt my dreams and give me the occasional daymare when I think back on them all.

But as far as Oscar-nominated filmmakers go David is quite reserved, preferring to keep to himself and keep his chats with the press to a minimum.

That's why even hardcore Lynch fans may not know many of the odd and interesting facts on this list of Strange David Lynch Facts, like the fact that he didn't leave his room for two weeks when he first arrived at college- he only left his room when the batteries in his radio died.

And have you ever wondered why David Lynch always buttons the top button on his shirts? He's not trying to be fashion forward- he buttons it because it makes him feel safe.

Even though Lynch's films have forever changed the movie industry by proving artistic films can make millions he initially wanted to be an artist-he is an avid painter and he used to draw a comic strip called The Angriest Dog In The World.

The New York Times once wrote that Lynch's paintings look like they were "seemingly made by a psychiatric patient nursing festering grudges." Maybe Bob helped guide his hand?

Read David Lynch Facts Almost As Strange As His Films here

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FX Artist Patrick Magee's Incredible Creature Sculptures And Masks

There are so many special effects artists working in the entertainment industry today that it's hard to make a name for yourself unless your creations really stand out, and if you have your own style then all the better.

Which is why fx artist Patrick Magee is so sought after in Hollywood- he has his own style, his creations range from hyper realistic to gruesome and cartoony, and the scary stuff he sculpts stands up to scrutiny.

Patrick Magee was in attendance at Monsterpalooza 2017 in Burbank where Tested artist Frank Ippolito met up with him to discuss how he approaches a new project, what his creations are made of and where he finds inspiration.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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Nintendo Switch's Durability Tested With A Thousand Foot Drop

The Nintendo Switch has been a hot seller since it came out three months ago, and even though many gamers bought it so they could play the new Legend Of Zelda game Breath of the Wild they keep finding new reasons to love the Switch.

And thanks to YouTuber UnlockRiver you can add one more reason to love the Switch to the list- the little sucker seems to be virtually indestructible, proven by the fact that it survived a thousand foot drop.

(YouTube Link)

Looks like the Switch will be catering to a new market soon- skydivers!

-Via GameTyrant

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Artist Illustrates Everyday Life With His Wife

We've shared many relationship comics created by women, but relationship comics created by men are a rare find- and they're rarely very good looking or fun to read.

But Tel-Aviv-based illustrator Yehuda Adi Devir draws a comic about life with his wife that is truly a marvel to behold.

Yehuda's one-panel comics deal with relatable moments in every couple's lives which he takes to the extreme in truly comical fashion, and he's not afraid to risk bodily harm in order to find inspiration for his comics.

With geeky themes, great art and a genuine reverence for his wife, Yehuda's comics have set the bar high for relationship comics drawn by guys, and I can't decide which one is my favorite. This one is pretty great though.

See more from Artist Illustrates Everyday Life With His Wife in 10+ Comics here

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According To A Quantum Physicist Ant-Man Could Beat Superman In A Fight

Fans love to argue about who could beat up whomever and whatnot online, but these arguments are usually based on the arguer's emotional connection to the character and some stuff they've read on Reddit.

But if you want to present an airtight argument you've gotta have scientific evidence to back up your point, especially when you're arguing about superheroes. Which is why I trust quantum physicist Dr. Spiros Michalakis when he said Ant-Man can beat up Superman during an interview with Inverse.

(YouTube Link)

Dr. Michalakis served as a consultant for the Marvel movie Ant-Man, helping the writers infuse some real physics into Ant-Man's abilities, especially his shrinking power:

“When I was looking to inject elements of modern physics into the script, I brought up this idea that, when Ant-Man goes into the Microverse and something malfunctions, he doesn’t just go to just a smaller space like Fantastic Voyage, (he goes to a step beyond the Proteus) … This is a place where the nature of reality changes around you. So, when you enter the quantum realm, its different set of laws takes hold.”

As Spiros sees it Ant-Man would be able to best Superman by sucking him into a black hole:

“What I’m saying is that potentially understanding the quantum code from which curvature of space-time comes from, [Ant-Man] could manipulate to increase it or decrease it.” Superman has, in the canon of the DC Universe, lifted 200 quintillion tons. But if Ant-Man had a way, he could crush Superman with 201 tons... Ant-Man could have created say, a black hole. Could Superman escape the black hole? Probably not. Then game over.”

-Via GeekTyrant

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Some Of The Best Disney Tumblr Posts Of All Time

(Image Link)

Social media networks made it possible to share a whole new world of funny pics with your friends and family, and then Tumblr came along and allowed you to share your magic internet kingdom with the world.

So what's the most popular stuff being posted to Tumblr pages now and seemingly forever? Memes, of course, and Disney memes are clearly one of the most popular with the peoples on Tumblr.

(Image Link)

I think they're popular because everybody gets Disney memes, they get the references and laugh at the jokes whether they love or hate Disney flicks.

Plus people can chime in and add to the chain of LOLs, which means the joke is almost always taken too far!

(Image Link)

See The Best Disney Tumblr Posts Of All Time here (NSFW language)

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How Heroes Treat Priceless Heirlooms In RPGs

The heroes who star in video games have access to some pretty sweet equipment, and they don't mind telling us they deserve this stuff because they're the "chosen one" and wield "ultimate power".

But why do so many RPGs bother telling us the history, provenance and rarity of this loot when they know we're just going to turn around and sell it when we find something more level appropriate?

Because badasses need epic gear, even if they're gonna sell it for less than the price of a healing potion later. The Witcher, on the other hand, just sells artifacts and priceless heirlooms because he's kind of a jerk. (Comic by Teamwreckloose)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Makeup Artist Creates Gruesome Special FX That Will Make You Grin

Makeup fx artists usually focus on one genre or style, choosing to create pieces that are either horror, fantasy, or sci-fi inspired, but they all strive to make their pieces as realistic as possible.

In order to achieve this realism makeup artists use reference photos and study anatomy incessantly, so they can create pieces that are believable enough to sell the illusion and send chills down our spines.

But just because makeup effects have to be believable doesn't mean they can't be fun!

UK-based makeup artist David Harris creates special fx illusions that'll make you grimace and grin at the same time, and even though they'll make you feel sick they'll also put a smile on your face while you hurl.

See SFX Artist's Gruesome NSFW Makeup That's Distressing Yet Satisfying here

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The Toughest And Most Feared Wrestler Of All Time

Professional wrestlers are a mighty fearsome bunch, and no matter what wrestling fans yell out while watching matches on their TVs at home they wouldn't have much to say if they met a pro wrestler in person.

A few even managed to fill their fellow wrestlers with fear, making their matches hurt quite a bit more than usual because they were total brutes, but nobody put a hurting on wrestlers like Tonga Fifita.

Veteran grappler Tonga Fifita (aka Meng, Haku or King Tonga) started wrestling in 1978, and by the 80s he was one of the most feared opponents in both the WCW (Meng) and the WWF (Haku).

So what made King Tonga so fearsome? His brute strength and steel intensity:

Bobby Heenan

“The toughest man I’ve ever met in my life. “He took his two fingers on his right hand, his index finger and trigger finger, and he reached into a guy’s mouth and he broke off the guy’s bottom teeth.” Heenan added, ‘I wouldn’t have believed it, if I didn’t see it for myself.’ Bobby Heenan also claimed that Andre the Giant wasn’t afraid of anybody…except for Harley Race and Haku.

Rick Steiner

“I was in LA one time with him and he fought eight cops, they shot him with mace and he closed his eyes and sucked it in. He just opened his mouth and took a deep breath. I mean, some of the stuff he did was like ‘What the hell’. Scotty (Steiner)and I always thought we were tough guys but that was before we met Meng.”

Other stories include Fifita pushing a man through 3 doors with his bare hands and brute strength. He also admits to biting off a man’s nose for calling pro wrestling fake. He was later sued for over 2 million dollars because of that incident. Kevin Sullivan used Fifita as a threat to other wrestlers who wouldn’t cooperate or were difficult. When that would happen, Sullivan said he would bring Fifita into the room and have him stand there and the wrestlers would instantly work well with the plans.

Another story had Brutus Beefcake complain to WWF management that Fifita was working too stiff. When management confronted Fifita of the incident…Fifita went right after Beefcake. He found him in the shower and began choking him. It took management to ask Hulk Hogan to intervene and calm things down.

Please note that I never said wrestling was fake...King Tonga Rules! *grin*

Read about The Toughest And Most Feared Wrestler Of All Time here

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Only The Lonely Go To Disneyland Alone

This is Jonny Dow, and Jonny has lots of friends who look forward to spending his birthday with him each year because he throws one hell of a house party.

But this year Jonny wanted to do something a bit different for his birthday, so he decided to go to Disneyland for some theme park fun.

Unfortunately, only a handful of Jonny's friends have year passes, and after weeks of planning a trip all of his Disneyland buddies bailed on him, leaving Jonny to go it alone.

Planned to go to Disneyland 2 weeks in a row for my b-day. Had a friend bail each week, so I went by myself. I'm gunna have so much fun! — at Disney California Adventure Park.

Jonny tried not to let his loneliness get him down, but after posing for a few sad and lonely pics it became clear Jonny was feeling pretty bummed about being at The Happiest Place On Earth all by himself.

So he put on a pouty face and tried to make his friends who'd bailed feel bad by sharing some radically sad photos on Facebook.

Now Jonny has a bunch of great pics to commemorate the day he spent at Disneyland with his best friend- himself!

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Cracking Michael Jackson's P.Y.T. Code

Back in 1982 Michael Jackson introduced us to the acronym P.Y.T. with his song P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) on the album Thriller, a fun, lighthearted and dancy jam about a girl who makes Michael go "woo-hoo!".

(YouTube Link)

But if you think the title says it all you're wrong, because this seemingly simple pop song has been hiding a mystery all these years- hidden lyrics in the high pitched, chipmunky part at the end of the song.

Music copyright expert Drew Seventeen used audio software Audacity to pitch shift the outro of P.Y.T. and discovered some hidden messages sung by Michael himself:

“‘Good Life’ by Kanye West featuring T-Pain (heavily sampling that section) is actually my iPhone morning alarm song. So after hearing the voice hundreds of times in the dream-wakefulness transition, I became obsessed with knowing what the actual lyric was. I assumed the ‘tee’ and ‘see’ were chopped off in the final mix due to timing limits on early sampling technology, but the exposed stem also makes it clear that he just hits a lower note there which becomes unclear in the master recording.”

-Via Dangerous Minds

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Guy Sucks At Photoshop, So He Spends 10 Years Illustrating His Book With MS Paint

Working hard until you achieve your goal requires tons of time, effort, luck, discipline and perseverance to follow through no matter what obstacles stand in your way, in other words way too much.

But a few dedicated folks have managed to live up to the adage "if you want something bad enough you have to work for it; If you don't get it, work harder", and they're making the rest of us look bad!

Author and now illustrator Pat Hines wrote a book called Camp Redblood and the Essential Revenge which he felt needed illustrations, but he sucked at Photoshop and other digital art programs.

So Pat spent 10 years mastering the "classic" PC art program MS Paint so he could create his own artwork, and his perseverance paid off.

Now Pat's book has snazzy artwork and he has the satisfaction of knowing it'll only take him another twelve years or so to master Photoshop!

-Via design you trust

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Mac DeMarco Tries To Maintain His Chill While Eating Spicy Wings

Mac DeMarco is one of the most chill dudes in the indie music scene, and that's saying a lot considering how totally chilled out soft rock-inspired lo-fi bands can be.

Mac's latest album This Old Dog dropped on May 5th, which means summer 2017 is going to be one laid back and dreamy season of warmth, but can Mac maintain his chill while eating the spiciest wings on the planet?

Mac appeared on First We Feast's Hot Ones to chat with Sean Evans about his dope new album and see if he can keep his cool while the wings keep getting hotter and hotter.

(YouTube Link)

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A Collection Of Cringeworthy Commercials From The 90s

When I think back on the 90s I recall all the cringeworthy things my friends and I thought were so so sick during that decade between the radical 80s and blah 00s.

Trends like JNCO jeans, frosted tips, hemp bracelets, Big Johnson t-shirts and bowl cuts parted right down the middle didn't age well, so they'll forever be thought of as 90s throwbacks.

But aside from these horrible fashion trends the 90s gave us some pretty great stuff too, like Pokemon, Super Soakers and Rice Krispies Treats Cereal, which were sold to kids via these totally slammin' commercials!

(YouTube Link)

Those shiny robot people from the Duracell commercials still give me the creeps... *shiver*

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Why Some Great Game Consoles Failed Spectacularly

When gaming consoles were introduced in the early 1980s they were so expensive many kids couldn't afford them, so the lucky kids who could were forced to share their rad new console with their friends and family.

This prohibitive pricing may have contributed to the North American video game crash of '83, which sunk the Magnavox Odyssey 3 before it could change the gaming world with its high resolution graphics and precision keyboard.

(YouTube Link)

It took decades for game companies to realize price is everything in the world of gaming consoles, and yet EA founder Trip Hawkins didn't think about price when he left EA to create the 3DO, so it bombed hard.

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Released in 1993 at a staggering $700, the 3DO was supposedly HDTV compatible with graphics that blew away the competition, but the 3DO simply couldn't compare to the mighty $90 Nintendo Entertainment System.

Nintendo has made their fair share of mistakes too, like the Virtual Boy or the more recent Wii U, but their biggest failure was also one of their biggest leaps forward in terms of tech- the 64DD.

(YouTube Link)

The 64DD was released as a magnetic disk drive peripheral for the Nintendo 64, but console gamers couldn't wrap their minds around all the 64DD's high tech features:

"DD" is short for "dynamic drive".[1] Plugging into the extension port on the underside of the console, it allows the Nintendo 64 to use proprietary 64 MB magnetic disks for expanded and rewritable data storage, a real-time clock for persistent game world design, and a standard font and audio library for further storage efficiency. Furthermore, the 64DD's software titles and hardware accessories let the user create movies, characters, and animations to be used within various games and shared online. The system could connect to the Internet through a now-defunct dedicated online service called Randnet for e-commerce, online gaming, and media sharing.

Only 10 games were ever released for the 64DD, and Nintendo sold about 15,000 units worldwide, making it one of the worst console failures of all time.

Read Why These Great Game Consoles Failed Spectacularly here

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