The Science Behind Captain America's Electromagnetic Shield

There are many unbelievable things about Captain America's character, but if you can believe there's a metal called Vibranium and a Super Soldier Serum then the electromagnetic action on his shield should be no big deal.

And as you can see in this 60 Seconds Of Science video Captain America's shield and electromagnetic bracer make up one of the most realistic weapon systems in the Marvel Universe.

(YouTube Link)

Ontario Science Centre educator Russell Zeid and engineer James "The Hacksmith" Hobson discuss the real science behind Captain America's electromagnetic shield, and demonstrate how it would look in real life. Only two words to describe it- freakin' cool!

-Via Laughing Squid

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70 People Were Harmed In The Making Of This Film

You know how movies often include a disclaimer in the credits that says "no animals were harmed in the making of this film"?

Well, one film in particular deserves an award for "most people harmed during the making of a film", because by the time the movie was finished a whopping 70 people had been injured or outright mauled during production.

ROAR [Theatrical trailer] In theaters this April! from DRAFTHOUSE FILMS on Vimeo.

"ROAR" stars Tippi Hedren, a young Melanie Griffith and a cast of savage lions, tigers and cheetahs who couldn't help but chew on the cast and crew every chance they got.

In fact, director of photography Jan de Bont is lucky to be alive after he was nearly scalped by a lion, leaving him in need of 120 stitches- which made him the perfect model for the movie poster.

But the maulings didn't stop there, and nobody was safe from the wild cast of critters:

Noel Marshall was bitten many times, often on camera, and hospitalized with gangrene; Hedren suffered a fractured leg wound during a scene with Timbo the elephant. The actress later found black gangrene in that leg as well— discovered while visiting Jerry in the hospital for his leg injury, no less. The list goes on. A horrific injury that Melanie Griffith suffered is even witnessed on-camera, during a scene in which she lay in a lion’s grasp (facial reconstructive surgery proved necessary).

Incidents like these have placed the film in an uneasy category of recognition: some cast and crew speak openly about the struggles on the film, while others, including Griffith, want nothing more to do with it. During filming, it was suggested that, due to Noel’s involvement, the production had been struck by the fabled “Curse of The Exorcist”—the inexplicable downfall of anyone linked to that production.

Read 70 People Were Harmed In The Making Of This Film at Creators

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Batman Vs Drunk Superman

Superman has been drunk on power, high on drugs made specifically for Kryptonians and delirious after a spell was cast on his mind, but his alien metabolism makes it virtually impossible for him to get drunk on Earth booze.

But if he's able to get his hands on some Kryptonian Moonjuice or Martian Ripple he transforms into Drunk Superman- with the power to pee on (and piss off) the Batman faster than a speeding bullet.

(YouTube Link)

Australian visual effects artist Darren Wallace created this silly parody video that shows why we Earthlings need to make sure Supes stays sober- because humans are fragile!

-Via comicbook

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This Pikachu USB Plug is A Little Kinky

On paper, the idea of a Pikachu USB plug that fits into the wall with his ears is a good one, but not when you decide to put the USB port directly across from his ears. No matter which side you look at, there is something not right about this USB plug...

As Nerd Approved points out, that's not the only problem with the plug, there's also the whole being terrible for children thing as it encourages them to put random things in outlets and has very easy-to-swallow ear covers. Sure it may be designed for adults, but there's no denying that the design will appeal to kids who hopefully won't play with it in the wrong way.

You can see more pictures of it on Kotaku

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Game Night At Snake Mountain

Gamers play roleplaying games to become part of the genre stories they love and escape the scary, stressful and painfully mundane nature of life on Earth, if only for a little while.

But how would beings like Skeletor, Mer-Man and Beastman, who live in a world full of magic and wonder, feel about roleplaying games? And what sort of characters would they want to play?

According to this comic by Artist QuadForceFive Skeletor's obsession with He-Man would inevitably make him want to play He-Man- and he would NOT have the power!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Blind Boy Sends Letter To Nintendo To Thank Them For Game, Gets A Response In Braille

Every fan has their own reason for loving Nintendo, whether it's because of their favorite characters, favorite console games or because their games can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike.

But fifth-grader Hibiki Sakai has an unique reason for enjoying the Nintendo series Rhythm Heaven- he can play the games in the series even though he's blind. 

Hibiki lost his eyesight as a toddler due to a childhood cancer called retinoblastoma, and after the cancer left him blind Hibiki developed a love of rhythm- and he even started playing the drums.

His love of rhythm led Hibiki to play the Rhythm Heaven games, which he could actually play with other kids, and in this way Nintendo changed his life- so he wrote them a letter to thank them.

Here's the translation:

Dear Nintendo,

How do you do. My name is Hibiki Sakai, and I am in 5th grade.

I cannot see with my eyes, but I have always wanted to play games, just like everybody else. There were hardly any games I could play.

The only game I could actually play was "Rhythm Heaven." I was able to enjoy only this game with others, and no one could beat me in this game.

I have perfected the game on Game Boy Advance, Game Boy DS, Wii, and 3DS.

Therefore, I strongly hope you keep making "Rhythm Heaven" going forward. I can handle it, even if you made it a little bit harder!!

I am sure that there are many visually impaired kids besides me who want to but cannot play games.

That is why I hope you develop games that people with physical disabilities can enjoy with other people. I will continue to support Nintendo.

From: Hibiki Sakai

Nintendo showed they genuinely appreciated Hibiki's letter by sending him a letter in return, which was printed in braille and promised they'd "keep doing our best to create games that everyone can have fun with."

Hibiki's dad Kentaro was thrilled by their response:

"As parents, we were truly surprised to get a prompt and sincere response to a letter written by a child. Regardless of whether a new version is released or not, we were very happy that the letter brought hope to Hibiki."

"Hibiki taught us that people are not unfortunate because of their disabilities, rather, the heart that is weakened by the disabilities is unfortunate. By changing his blindness from a fate to a mission, he fights on everyday toward a big goal of becoming a drummer who can bring courage and hope to the world."

-Via BuzzFeed

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How to Make a Geek's Head Explode

Normally, I'm completely against trolling someone just to provoke a reaction, but in this case, it's so extreme and so fictional that I'll let it pass, maybe as an example of what not to do. This isn't even nice. Oh, sure, if the target geek were in on the joke, it would be completely different. It's the latest comic from Zach Weinersmith at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

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Times When Video Games Took Fan Service Way Too Far

When video game designers are trying to sell more copies or appeal to that prime target young males between the ages of 18-34 audience they include fan service elements in their game, which are often taken way too far.

Want to know what taking fan service too far looks like?

It pretty much looks like the entire Dead Or Alive series, but especially that cheeky DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball game released by Koei Tecmo- which was basically all about boobs.

In fact, when it comes to fan service most game designers go straight for boobs in skimpy bikinis, which is not only a cheap way to lure in teen boys with raging hormones- it's a good way to make your game fail among serious gamers.

There are exceptions to the rules like Metal Gear Solid V, which is still seen as one of the best games in the franchise despite the fact that Quiet the mute sniper wears a bikini to battle.

They could at least try to make the sexiness work in the storyline like they do in The Witcher games, but maybe Quiet is so quiet because she's almost naked?

Read All The Times Video Games Made Having One TV In The House Very Awkward here

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A Montage Of Movie Characters Saying The Title Of Their Film

It's considered cheesy for a character to name drop the title of the film by today's standards, but back in the day the “title drop” was something viewers anticipated, cheered at and talked about after watching a movie.

Some movies like Good Morning Vietnam, White Men Can't Jump, Dude, Where's My Car?, Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot and What About Bob? Use the title drop during a memorable scene.

Others like The Godfather, The Big Lebowski, Hobo With A Shotgun, The Wolf Of Wall Street and Fantastic Mr. Fox are named after the main character so the name drop feels natural but doesn't make for a quotable moment.

All of these movies also have one other thing in common- they're all included in this compilation video by Roman Holiday entitled “Title Drops” along with around a hundred and forty more.

Title Drops from Roman Holiday on Vimeo.

-Via Laughing Squid

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Animated Creatures Have Invaded This Guy's Home

If you're lucky you'll never know what it's like to have your home invaded by cartoons- friends, relatives or otherwise. But if you ever discover a toon or two lurking in your home you should act fast and call in the Erasers to avoid a full-blown invasion.

Because, as storyboard artist and animator Marty "Hombre_McSteez" Cooper discovered, when toons invade your homes things become uncomfortably ridiculous real fast.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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What Freddy And Jason's Final Battle Would Have Really Looked Like

When the two superstars of slasherdom finally got to battle it out in Freddy Vs. Jason the writers came up with a pretty convoluted reason for their conflict- Jason refused to let Freddy boss him around.

But if we've learned anything about these characters it's that they both have a penchant for killing people that defines their very existence, so rather than enemies Freddy and Jason would have been soulmates.

And, as this comic by JHALL and Tristan Cooper shows, the two would have preferred to snuggle on the couch and watch the live-action Scooby Doo movies rather than fighting. That is, unless Freddy said something mean about Jason's mom...

-Via Dorkly

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Impressionist Surprises Characters At Disney Parks

Disney parks hire some really talented people to play the characters guests can interact with in the park, and the non-mascot characters try to imitate the character's original voice as best they can, accent and all.

But when the characters encounter impressionist Brian Hull his impressions make the Disney parks actors' performances look like Pooh.

They can't believe the spot-on impressions coming out of Brian's mouth, and Winnie almost loses his willy nilly silly old mind he's so impressed!

(YouTube Link)

Brian has two more Doing Impressions At Disneyland videos which you can watch here (pt2, pt3), but his newest video finds him all the way across the U.S.A. at Walt Disney World.

Same concept, different cast of characters, more funny reactions from Disney parks characters!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Right This Minute

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Famous Works Of Art Recreated With Marvel Toys

Comic books introduced the world to an iconic pantheon of characters with god-like powers who star in timeless tales of good vs. evil, but well before comics the Old Masters were telling similar stories with their artwork.

And now the subjects of those old works of art have been replaced with the heroes of the Marvel Universe in these fun fine art updates by VFX artist David Cubero, who uses Marvel toys as the subjects.

Here's what David has to say about this heroic project:

I love toys and photography and I have been shooting pics of my toys collection since 2009. Recently I started this series about the history of art using Marvel Toys, mostly Iron Man. Why? Because I use references to create new pictures and I thought it would be fun to recreate this well-known images with modern iconic heroes.

See more from I Recreated Famous Works Of Art Using Marvel Toys here

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Super Terrible Wonder Woman Screen Test From 1967

The Wonder Woman series from the mid-70s truly did the iconic character justice, but before they got it right by casting Lynda Carter and giving the show a decent budget Wonder Woman's TV show dream died hard.

That's because back in 1967 TV execs were hoping to capitalize on the success of the Batman TV series by giving Wonder Woman her own show, and they even got Batman producer William Dozier to help create the show.

But, as you can see in this screen test for Who's Afraid Of Diana Prince?, a campy Wonder Woman series was never going to work- especially when she's a 27-million-year-old living with her mom.

(YouTube Link)

So whaddya think- is it too terrible to watch or so bad it's good?

-Via GeekTyrant

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Nightmarishly Beautiful Illustrations Of Reimagined Asian Myths

Fashion illustration and fashion design aren't exactly the same thing, since designs are used to make clothing but fashion illustrations often feature clothing that would be virtually impossible to duplicate in real life.

So fashion designers will look at Tina Jiang's amazing illustrations and get a bit frustrated, after they wipe the drool from their chins, because the clothes featured in Tina's illustrations look amazing but they'd be a nightmare to make.  

But Tina's fantastic illustrations aren't all about the clothes- each one tells a story inspired by mythology:

The 28-year-old UC Davis BFA synthesizes powerful poltergeists and etherial deities from a variety of folkloric traditions on her Instagram account.

"I get most of my inspiration from Asian folklore, some Greek mythologies, and a rare few from my dreams," she tells Creators. "I get some pretty vivid dreams."

See more [NSFW] Nightmare Fashion Illustrations Reimagine Japanese Myths here

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