LeVar Burton's New Podcast Is Like Reading Rainbow For Adults

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as hiiiigghh, take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbooowww.... Did reading the lyrics put the theme song in your head?

Then you grew up watching Reading Rainbow, and you probably miss hearing LeVar Burton read books to you, knowing like I do that any audiobook he doesn't narrate is missing that LeVar magic.

If this describes you then you're going to be psyched to hear LeVar Burton is back and reading short stories for adults on his new ART19 podcast LeVar Burton Reads!

Here's the intro to get you hooked on LeVar again-

-Via Nerdist

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The Quests You'll Embark On In Every RPG You Play

Every roleplaying game series is set in a different world, and each game in the series tells its own story within that world.

But for all the differences between franchises the nature of the genre makes it nigh impossible to create an RPG that doesn't include fetch quests, grinding for quest items and those sudden boss battles you cannot win.

Andy Kluthe and Tristan Cooper created this fun tribute to those schlocky quests included in every RPG, which are somehow both comfortingly familiar and totally hackneyed.

-Via Dorkly

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Martin Scorsese Discusses Filmmaking In This Animated Interview

The characters in Martin Scorsese's movies are always worried about getting pinched, whacked, ratted out, iced and/or framed, but the director himself is only concerned with one of these things- framing.

As a director Scorsese takes framing very seriously, along with credit sequences, storyboarding and Westerns, all of which he discussed with T.J. English in the 1990 interview cartoon-ified by Patrick Smith for Blank On Blank.

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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Simone Giertz Presents Her Best Invention Yet: A Wearable Mattress So She Can Nap Anywhere

Geniuses come in many forms, but the most important type of geniuses are those brilliant folks who affect positive change in the world and therefore make life better for us all.

And while many geniuses strive to create groundbreaking inventions and formulate scientific breakthroughs inventor Simone Giertz has set her sights on healing the world with humor.

If you've seen Simone's videos before then you know her inventions don't always go according to plan, but this time she has come up with a real winner- a wearable memory foam mattress, complete with blanket cape, so she can nap always.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Geekologie

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Watch Neill Blomkamp's Experimental Sci-Fi War Short Firebase

Neill Blomkamp is one of those fortunate filmmakers who is able to bring their stories to life just as they see them in their minds, which he's been doing one short at a time lately through his experimental film venture Oats Studios

His first Oats Studios release was called Rakka and starred Sigourney Weaver, and now Neill shows us war is hell with Firebase, a gory NSFW short film not for the faint of heart:

Firebase ultimately centers around an American solider who finds himself at odds with a mysterious enemy in the Vietnamese jungle. On the surface, the foe appears to be that of combatant soldiers, but when peeling back their flesh, it’s clear these things are anything but human.

(YouTube Link)

-Via HighSnobiety

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Take A Flight Of Fancy With "Johanne"

The fantasy genre  is home to many strong female characters, and the stars of these fantasy tales inspire girls to dream about being something far better than a prissy princess or a scullery maid turned royal.

In this conceptual animated short by Anna-Ester Volozh et al we meet Johanne, a young girl with an armed posse who takes to the skies to fight for honor.

Inspired in part by Joan of Arc, Johanne is a visualization of a fantastic daydream with a wonderfully retro 2D animation style that made my heart soar.

(YouTube Link)

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If Movie Characters Had Poor Eyesight

People with poor eyesight can do most everything the perfectly sighted can, with the exception of easily reading stuff, but pop culture characters must have perfect eyesight unless poor eyesight is part of their character.

That's because characters like Indiana Jones and Luke Skywalker rely on their keen eyesight to get the heroic job done, and without their prime peepers they wouldn't have lived to see the sequels.

These comic strips by illustrator Wren McDonald for Visian ICL are the first in a silly series that shows what movies would be like if the main characters had poor eyesight. Who says heroes don't wear glasses?

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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The Suicide Squad Reimagined As Cartoon Characters

I must admit to having disliked the Suicide Squad movie for too many reasons to list here, and yet I loved the original comic book series back in the 80s and even enjoyed reading the more recent New 52 reboot.

So that tells me the problem with the movie is the fact that it was live action and starred real people instead of cartoons, which was a mistake.

Instead the movie should have been done as an animated feature, because check out how cool the characters look when drawn in a cartoon style by illustrator Brandon Pike.

Joker still doesn't look Joker-y enough for me but at least he looks 100% less douchebag-y!

-Via GeekTyrant

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Artist Replaces Jurassic Park Dinosaurs With Those From the Show Dinosaurs

Since Jurassic Park has been out for over 20 years, we all know exactly what those dinosaurs look like. But what if they weren't quite so accurate and instead looked like those lovably goofy dinosaurs from the 90s TV show, Dinosaurs?

Artist Jen Lewis took the steps neccessary to make the crossover none of us realized we needed. Personally, I just wish someone made this into a full video because that would be all too brilliant.

You can see the rest of the pics on Jen's Twitter.

Via Geek Tyrant

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Some Of The Strangest Products Endorsed By Famous Musicians

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It totally made sense when Chubby Checker endorsed the game Twister, or when Sammy Hagar started making his own tequila down Mexico way.

But it's strange to see musicians endorsing brands like Overstock, Country Life butter and Sour Patch Kids, and we can't help but feel like they've lost their edge when we see them schilling such normal products.

1. Andrew W.K. for Playtex Fresh + Sexy Wipes-

(Image Link)

Andrew W.K. gets really, really sweaty during his high octane stage performances, so he probably uses a towel or wipe to clean up after the show- which must be how he came to endorse Playtex Fresh + Sexy wipes.

Still, Playtex is associated almost exclusively with feminine hygiene products, so it was brave of Mr. W.K. to bridge the gender gap and show the world Fresh + Sexy wipes are for every sweaty one of us...oh wait, they're labeled "intimate wipes", so they're for a different kind of sweaty....

(YouTube Link)

2. Bret Michaels for Overstock-

(Image Link)

When Bret Michaels was the lead singer of Poison he had an insatiable appetite for booze, drugs and groupies, but Bret has come a long way from those hard rockin' days- and now he sells stuff through Overstock.com.

This may seem like a strange partnership, since Overstock is more soccer mom than rocker chick, but one of the things Bret sells on Overstock is his own line of luggage, something he'd know a thing or two since he's done so much touring.

(YouTube Link)

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Death Buy Lemonade

It seems like the Grim Reaper would be a pretty thirsty entity considering all the traveling and soul transporting they do, and having no skin to cover those old bones of theirs must give them a serious case of dry mouth.

But according to Death Buy Lemonade by Kyu-bum Lee the Reaper don't care about thirst, lemonade or supporting small businesses- they just want to grab the soul and go, so they probably prefer fast food.

(YouTube Link)

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A Kooky Compilation Of Chuck E. Cheese's Animatronic Malfunctions

The killer robots in the Five Nights At Freddy's franchise are loosely based on the animatronic characters found at theme restaurants like Chuck E. Cheese's and Showbiz Pizza Place, but the real robots don't eat people.

However, it's easy to imagine Chuck E., Helen or Mr. Munch going crazy on the patrons when they start having uncontrollable robo-spasms that look like the stuff of nightmares.

Luckily they're usually bolted to the stage, giving kids a head start when the animatronic characters turn into psycho killing machines...

(YouTube Link)

Never mind the countdown, these animatronic characters look creepy whether they're functioning properly or not!

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A Ska Version Of The Scooby Doo, Where Are You? Theme Song

It's safe to say the Scooby Doo, Where Are You! theme song is one of, if not the, most iconic theme songs in television history, and we can't hear the words "Scooby Doo" without having that catchy song come to mind.

And once you watch The Holophonics cover the Scooby Doo theme song you'll hear their ska version of the song in your head instead of the original!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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Comical Lowbrow Paintings Of Disney's Bastards

Disney's cartoon characters are drawn to be visually appealing, cute and charismatic, in other words they're supposed to look good so audiences will want to watch them and root them on.

But French artist Gilen Bousquet has dispensed with all likeability in his lowbrow art series Disney's Bastards, turning childhood favorites like Dumbo, Ariel and Mowgli into dark degenerates.

Gilen's twisted versions of Disney characters still retain some of their visual appeal, but their bad habits have definitely taken a toll on them and now they're begging to be redrawn.

See more from Disney's Bastards- The Provocative Paintings By Gilen Bousquet here

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A Breakdown Of The Silicon Valley Intro Sequence

If you've seen Mike Judge's latest comedy series Silicon Valley then you've seen the amazing animated intro sequence featuring tech company buildings populating the valley Sim City style, with a roster of companies that change every season.

This amazing looking title sequence is full of small details that are easy to miss, and yet it only gets about ten seconds of airtime so you have to pause and rewind to see it all.

Or better yet just watch this video by Shots Fired which gives us a more in-depth look at this ever changing sequence created by Garson Yu et al at yU+co.

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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