Ready Player One Teaser

Ready Player One is a story that takes place in the future, the year 2044 to be exact, mostly in a virtual reality game with real-world implications that will entice all serious players. The Wikipedia link contains plot spoilers, so just watch the teaser from San Diego Comic Con.

(YouTube link)

If the movie becomes a hit and a classic, expect a backlash in the year 2044 as people complain we don't have the futuristic innovations of the movie -or else relief if we don't have the deprivations shown. Based on the 2011 novel by Ernest Cline, the movie was produced and directed by Steven Spielberg. Ready Player One will be in theaters in March of 2018. -via Geeks Are Sexy

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Times When Rampant Substance Abuse Led To Cinematic Genius

Some of the greatest works of cinematic genius were created while under the influence, like the original Star Wars trilogy, Cool Runnings and The Highlander, memorable movies the creators may not remember making.

Star Wars character animator Phil Tippett supposedly came up with the Rancor monster's design while on acid after receiving a vision of a creature that looked like "a cross between a bear and a potato". So like this then?

(Image Link)

They're not exactly cinematic genius, but the co-writer of hit family movies like Cool Runnings, Snow Dogs and the the original outlines for Shrek is named Tommy Swerdlow- and he was high on heroin the whole time.

That seems odd for the writer of family friendly flicks, but tons of booze on the set of The Highlander definitely makes sense:

Christopher Lambert, Highlander himself, remembers the extras pounding Scotch between takes, causing them to "[go] at it for real" right there on the set (hopefully he means fighting and not something else). Lambert doesn't say whether he partook, but that probably wouldn't have been a smart idea given that he was trying to act in a language he barely knew.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Connery was the hardest drinker of all. Mulcahy recalls that on the plane ride to the shooting location, Connery produced a bottle of homemade Scotch, which is apparently a thing, and offered him a sip, which "blew his brains out." Later, after a mishap during a scene in which Clancy Brown was supposed to slice a table in two with his sword, a chunk of it nearly took Connery's head off. Brown called a special meeting to apologize to Connery, who waved him off with a cool "Maybe we'll use my stunt double more." That is not the reaction of a man who is not impaired by Scottish moonshine.

See 6 Times Rampant Substance Abuse Led To Cinematic Genius here (NSFW language)

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Movies That Almost Starred Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks has starred in many high grossing and extremely popular films, movies which will forever be known as "Tom Hanks movies" and therefore impossible to imagine with anyone else in the lead role.

He's also had quite a bit of luck scoring great roles, luck which may have run out had he starred in an awful movie like Super Mario Bros.- his replacement Bob Hoskins called the movie "his biggest disappointment in life."

It's also fun to imagine how different movies like Shawshank Redemption, When Harry Met Sally or Groundhog Day would have looked if they'd starred Tom Hanks:

(Image Link)

On second thought those movies are great the way they are!

See 16 Movies That Almost Starred Tom Hanks at Mental Floss

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What Would Happen If Fictional Villains Actually Won

Storytellers love to stress that any evil being who threatens the heroes must be eliminated for the good of us all, but since the stories end with goodness prevailing we never get to see what life under an evil thumb would look like.

It's said to be horrible, with lots of enslavement, torture and skin flaying, but the baddies who simply work you to death don't really seem so bad after all, since it's easy to both skip out on work and fake your own death.

Bowser can't even keep track of the stuff that goes on in his own castle so life under his rule would be pretty much the same, only with more turtles and spikes.

And, as this JHALL comic shows, Loki would realize he made a horrible mistake ten minutes after he subjugated humanity- because humans are awful!

See What Would Happen If Fictional Villains Actually Won here

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Johnny Depp Drops Out And Breaks Stuff

Johnny Depp is one of Hollywood's most recognizable actors, and one of the most popular by far, but back before he had achieved superstar status he was a guitar obsessed teen who couldn't tune in to school- so he dropped out.

He discussed his school days and a certain hotel room incident with Carl Fussman back in 2009, then Quoted Studios cartoonified the interview for their Blank on Blank series. (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

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A Dark Starcraft Fan Film By Freddie Wong

The Starcraft series presents intergalactic conflict to gamers in a fresh new way, and even though it hasn't inspired as many fan creations as other Blizzard franchises it has inspired a few pretty great fan films.

But none of those Starcraft fan films are as dark as Freddie Wong's The Rush, which gives us a ground view of what it feels like to be caught in the middle of a zerg rush. It made me feel bad for all the innocent digital people in video game land who lose their little virtual lives every time we play.

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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Cereal Disappointment

Cereal promotions used to be really good, but like the toys they include in the boxes these days their promo items have really gone downhill.

It used to be that cereal fans could collect a bunch of UPC codes, send them in with a check and a great t-shirt or plush toy would appear 4-6 weeks later, but nowadays the great toys and tees are few and far between.

And, as this Ostrich Zero comic shows, any Star Wars blind promotion you see is bound to bring you nothing but a bowl full of disappointment. "Meesa gonna ruin your day!"

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Animated Short About A Zombie And The Dog Who Loves Him

It's hard to say goodbye to dead friends and relatives, hard to let them go after they've passed on, but pets find it impossible to let go of the love they feel for their dead owners- especially if their owner is still shambling around.

The little dog in this adorable short by animator Changsik Lee refuses to give up on his now zombified owner, and his unconditional love is horrifyingly heartwarming...and a little sick.

(YouTube Link)

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What Nickelodeon's Green Slime Is Actually Made Of

If you grew up watching Nickelodeon, then you probably have great memories of the green slime that covered participants in Double Dare, You Can't Do That On Television (which was technically a Canadian show) and countless other Nickelodeon programs. But have you ever wondered what actually went into that green goop?

(Video Link)

Now, thanks to this great video with Marc Sumemrs himself, you can finally put all those childhood questions to rest. The secret to the perfect slime? Vanilla pudding, apple sauce, green food coloring, and oatmeal -so you know it's delicious as well as disgusting-looking.

Via That's Nerdalicious

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"Impossible" Japanese Puzzle Solved After 10 Years!

Makers of "impossible" puzzles must get a kick out of watching people struggle to solve their creation, sitting there all smug with that "I know something you don't know" face on as the person flounders.

And yet these puzzles captivate certain people, frustrating and beffudling as they are, and these obsessed puzzlers will spend years trying to solve the puzzle even if they never get anywhere.

The older Japanese gentleman in this video has been trying to solve an "impossible" puzzle for a decade, and after the solution to the puzzle is revealed to him it becomes clear he should have chosen a different hobby!

(YouTube Link)

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Fun Food and Drink Specials Served Up for the San Diego Comic Con

Downtown San Diego goes all in when it comes to celebrating SDCC and welcoming its over 130,000 attendees. Restaurants and bars are no exception to the rule and throughout the area, chefs and bartenders whip up brilliant new concoctions based on fan favorites like Wonder Woman, Game of Thrones and even My Little Ponies. Whether you're going to the convention or just want to make some fun geeky food at home, you'll want to see all the fun foods and beverages available for sale only during Comic Con weekend.

Cafe 222 (222 Island Ave.)

Always a popular Downtown breakfast spot, Cafe 22's specialty of the month is a waffle shaped just like Captain America's shield and adorned in the red, white and blue of raspberries, whipped cream and blueberries. It's a heroic way to start your day.

Tajima (901 E St.)

Naruto fans know that the show's main character has a soft spot for some good ramen from the Ichi Raku ramen restaurant. He also has a particular list of favorite ingredients including pork chashu, Japanese seaweed, green onions, half an egg, bamboo shoots and naruto fish paste cakes (that's the real name unrelated to the character). While local ramen shop Tajima's usual miso ramen always contains pork chashu, Japanese seaweed, green onions and egg, their special Naruto ramen is only available during Comic Con and has the bamboo and naruto additions to make it perfect for visiting anime fans.

The Blind Burro (639 J St.)

One of the busiest Mexican restaurants Downtown, the Blind Burro modified a few of their regular items to be particularly super -like the 10" long Super Tacos available in carne asada or pollo varieties, or the Giganto Dog which could go quite far in filling up the monster it was named for with an all beef frank topped with candied chipotle bacon, pinto puree, charred green onions, pico de gallo, pickled jalapeño puree, mayonnaise and mustard. Even the most popular appetizer on the menu, the classic guacamole, was given a name to suit the occasion as it has been retitled Kryptonite for the weekend.

The Burro didn't leave their cocktail menu behind either, sprucing up their usual house margarita, border mule and paloma tradicional with Milagro Silver and fun adornments, and redubbing them the Mega Margarita, the Pop Bam Slam Mule and the Marvel-ous Paloma.

Le Parfait Paris (555 G St.)

Rather than taking the time to introduce all new dishes just for the weekend, Le Parfait Paris decided to make all the items on their regular menu a little more super. How, you might ask? By adding superhero-shaped chocolate pieces to them all, of course! Besides Superman, there are also Batman, Spider-Man and Iron Man chocolates available.

Gelato Paradiso (789 W Harbor Dr., #117)

While the rest of the bars and restaurants on this list have merely taken inspiration from their favorite comic books, movies and tv shows, Gelato Paradiso actually partnered with Zenescope Entertainment to release three specialty gelato flavors based on characters from the company's comic book characters. The Van Helsing Vanilla Variegato features vanilla gelato with a strawberry variegato swirl; the Robyn Hood Camo Pistachio is a pistachio gelato gone nuts with hazelnuts and almonds; and the Grimm Tales of Double Chocolate Terror is made with a double chocolate gelato and cherries.

Are you unable to stop eating gelato once you start? Then you'll want to head to the Zenescope booth at the convention before noon on Saturday to register for their gelato eating contest held on Saturday at 3 PM. The winner of the contest will receive a four day pass for next year's Comic Con as well as a best of Zenescope goodie pack and all entrants will also be entered to win one of three sets of PlayStation VR goggles.

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Greatest Secrets Of The Nintendo Entertainment System

I remember the first time I named my save game ZELDA in The Legend Of Zelda and started my game on the second quest, with a completely different map layout, which totally blew my young mind back in '88.

Then came the mighty Contra code, the Track & Field pencil trick and the Duck Hunt brightness trick, which allowed players to hit the duck every time by tweaking the TV's brightness level until it zonked the zapper.

These secrets were shared by word of mouth or through Nintendo Power magazine, so many of them remained undiscovered by gamers, which is a shame because knowing them really would have helped.

For example- I really wish I'd known about Merlin's Mystery Shop in River City Ransom, which sold epic level weapons that would have made beating the game so much easier! Instead I got beat into submission and gave up...*sigh*

See Greatest Secrets Of The NES You Never Knew here

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The Story Of Your Friendly Neighborhood Accountant John Spiderman

Spider-Man earned his "friendly neighborhood" nickname by helping his fellow citizens live safer and more peaceful lives, but his services are pretty much limited to doing whatever a spider can.

John Spiderman, on the other hand, earned his "friendly neighborhood CPA" nickname by providing citizens with low cost accounting services, tax filing and a friendly smile...which you can't see since he's wearing a mask.

(YouTube Link)

This ridiculous video by The Warp Zone may not give Spider Man: Homecoming a run for its money, but it does present an alternate version of Spider-Man Marvel hasn't thought of yet, and that's something, ain't it?

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Make Your Baby a Hero With This Crocheted Thor Baby Set

You know that your little one is destined for greatness, but it might take a little convincing to get other people to believe it. But that's where Etsy seller CrochetHeroDesigns comes in -helping you put together the perfect outfit to deckout your little hero. For boys, there's this great Thor costume, but for those sweet little girls, you can always try the Wonder Woman design below.

You can check out the rest of their great designs here, but keep in mind they only sell the crochet designs, so you'll have to make them yourself if you want to actually put one on your baby.

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An Up Close Look At The Costumes From Marvel's Black Panther

We've finally been treated to a fantastic trailer for Black Panther, and even though many casual comic book fans didn't have a clue who Black Panther was before Captain America: Civil War they're all on board the train to Wakanda now!

So to help get everyone hyped about Black Panther, which is slated to be released in February, 2018, here's a look at the amazing costumes designer Ruth E. Carter created for the film.

Gizmodo's Germain Lussier took these up close pics of Ruth's costumes at D23, giving us a glimpse of what the characters Shuri (Letitia Wright) and Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o) and Zuri (Forest Whitaker), as well as Black Panther's updated costume with his cool new mask/cowl.

See Up Close With The Gorgeous Costumes of Black Panther here

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