Christopher Nolan Explains Why Tom Hardy Covers His Face In Films

Have you ever noticed Tom Hardy often plays roles that involve covering his face with some sort of mask?

Hardy's face-covering habit isn't an accident, and director Christopher Nolan claims Tom wears masks in his movies because "he can do more with his eyes alone than most actors can do with their whole body".

Nolan went on to explain more about this theory in an interview with the Press Association:

Nolan said: "I was pretty thrilled with what he did in The Dark Knight Rises with two eyes and couple of eyebrows and a bit of forehead."

So naturally Nolan wanted to up the ante for his next film with Hardy, which perhaps explains his role of a spitfire pilot in Dunkirk: "I thought let's see what he can do with no forehead, no real eyebrows, maybe one eye."

Nolan said it is a testament to Hardy's acting ability.

"Of course Tom, being Tom, what he does with single eye acting is far beyond what anyone else can do with their whole body, that is just the unique talent of the man, he's extraordinary."

-Via Esquire

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Twitch Streamer's Daughter Scares The Crap Out Of Him While He's Playing A Survival Horror Game

The vast majority of Twitch streamers are pretty boring to watch in my opinion, but like any good community-based site you've gotta have the boring people around to make the cool people look even cooler.

And if I'm being honest again I didn't find father, gamer and Twitch streamer JurassicJunkie all that fun to watch play games- until his daughter came into the room while he was playing the survival horror game Outlast 2.

That's when the show really started, as JurassicJunkie screamed and nearly jumped out of his skin, and now he'll never be able to top that one streaming session so he might as well throw in the towel!

-Via Laughing Squid

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Frank Miller Announces He's Writing A "Superman: Year One" Comic

Frank Miller is one of those comic creators who leaves an indelible mark on any character he writes about, and when well established characters receive a Miller-verse makeover they're left a bit more depressing.

So it will be interesting to see what Frank Miller does with the Man of Steel's origin story when the new "Superman: Year One" style comic he just announced is released, especially considering his less-than-flattering portrayal of Supes in The Dark Knight Returns.

Maybe he has discovered a love for Superman's simplistic-yet-inspiring message of hope and undying goodness, or maybe he's just looking to twist the superheroic goody-two-shoes into a darker shadow of his former self.

Either way it's gonna be a fun ride for Frank Miller fans and a bumpy ride for die-hard Superman fans. Here's the announcement to get your blood pumping one way or the other!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Slash Film

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Makeup Artist Transforms People Into Disney Villains

It's easy to dress up in a Disney character's wardrobe and create their accessories, but it's really hard to make someone's face look exactly like a Disney character because they look so cartoony.

But French makeup artist Audrey Logeais has mastered the art of cartoonifying people, making them look like living illustrations when photographed, and her ability to transform people into toons using makeup is truly inspirational.

Audrey's models are unrecognizable under the cartoon makeover that makes them look exactly like Yzma, Scar and Jafar, and in some cases the transformation is so complete the models can even act and pose without breaking the illusion.

See I Turn People Into Disney Villains Using Makeup here

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The Nymph And The Well

In Greek mythology nymphs are "divine spirits who animate nature, and are usually depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing", and they also represented sexual freedom.

But these days nymphs typically represent the ancient ways and that free spirited beauty known as Mother Nature, serving as caretakers of the wilderness who cast a spell on curious mortal souls.

However, in this animated short entitled The Nymph and The Well by Sara E. Cardona there are no mortals to be found, just a caring nymph, the guardian of a well and a dance number.

(YouTube Link)

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The Clog

Mario and Luigi are supposed to be plumbers, and yet they don't own a wrench, plunger or drain snake so it's unclear how they actually get any work done.

And yet, as this Pie Comic shows, they're not afraid to charge big bucks for their services because they perform all kinds of secondary services along the way to unclogging your drain- services nobody ever asks for.

Their customers would call them out on it, too, if they didn't keep the pipes free of man-eating plants, bitey turtles and angry mushroom men...maybe their customers need those secondary services after all!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Archer Visits Bob's Burgers

H. John Benjamin has incredible range as a voice actor, which he has proven by playing Bob from Bob's Burgers and Sterling Archer from Archer so differently it's like they're two different people.

One is a mellow family man who owns a burger joint, the other is a drunk secret agent/detective who lives a very violent life, both with completely different voices as delivered by H. John Benjamin.

Both shows have hinted at having a crossover episode for years, and the Archer episode entitled Fugue And Riffs kinda did a crossover type thing as Archer assumed the role of Bob due to amnesia.

But until an official H. John VS H. John freak out episode airs you should watch 'I Had Something For This Burger' by artist Simon Chong of Explosive Alan. It's a real John Benja-mind bender!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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If Bowser Had A Personal Assistant

Bowser has a really bad temper, a sulfurous body odor that'll make your eyes water and breath that'll turn your hair white, so he doesn't like to interact with the public in person.

Which is why he had to hire his assistant Kevin, well, that and because he's so obsessed with Mario that he never gets any work done. Kevin has figured out how to streamline and improve upon Bowser's operation, which is great news for Bowser and not-so-great news for the Super Mario Bros.

(YouTube Link)

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Over 60 Great Cosplays from the 2017 San Diego Comic Con

Last weekend Zeon and I went to the San Diego Comic Con and took cosplay pictures just like we have every year since 2009. Whether you like comics, movies, television shows or even hot sauce, there's bound to be a costume in this gallery that you'll enjoy.

This Deadpool impersonating Bob Ross was a fun sight.

Especially when you saw his great artwork complete not only with happy little trees, but also a flying chimichanga.

A particularly fun trend this year was costumed characters cosplaying as other things, like these dinos -one of whom was dressed as Deadpool while the other two were Jedis.

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The Greatest Adult Jokes Hidden in Kid's Movies

If you watch kid's movies, you already know that they are loaded with jokes that go way over the heads of children watching them. In many cases, the jokes just make references to people and things the kids aren't familiar with, but sometimes the jokes are a touch risque. 

Fatherly rounded up some of the greatest naughty jokes from kid's movies and their list is utterly hilarious. My only complaint is that no list talking about adult jokes in kids movies that leaves out Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is obviously missing some of the best adult jokes in children's movie history. 

Even so, you can check out the full list here.

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Pokemon Go Fest Was An Epic Pokemon No-Go

(Pokemon Fighters by trheewood)

Last weekend, you probably heard all kinds of news about San Diego Comic Con, but you might not have even known that over in Chicago there was a Pokemon Go Fest at the same time. As it turns out though, there was pretty much no news coming out of Pokemon Go Fest, other than the fact that it was an utter failure -spotty internet service and other issues caused most attendees to be completely unable to log in. Guests are getting a refund on their tickets, but that doesn't help people who paid scalpers a fortune for their tickets or for those who spent money traveling to Chicago just for the event.

You can read more about the disaster here.

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Astonishing Video Game Myths That Turned Out To Be True

(Image Link)

What do Michael Jackson, E.T. and Super Mario Bros. 3 have in common, besides being big in the 80s?

They're all the subject of video game myths that turned out to be true, and confirming these myths to be true made gamers hungry to expose more hidden truths about the video games they really dig.

Gamers definitely did not dig the E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial video game released back in 1982 for the Atari 2600, so Atari decided to bury thousands of copies in a landfill in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

The whole thing sounded like a crazy conspiracy cooked up by gamers who wanted to make Atari look bad for selling them such a crappy game, but the 2014 documentary Atari: Game Over confirmed the myth to be true.

Another myth that sounded half baked but was totally true involves Michael Jackson creating some of the soundtrack music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3- the King of Pop was uncredited until recently:

Due to a number of complications, Sega remained tight-lipped about the whole thing for a long time, but it was eventually confirmed that Jackson did have an involvement with the game. However, apparently a lot of the work he did for the soundtrack was heavily altered following the allegations of sex abuse made against him in 1993. Nevertheless, prominent Sonic 3 developers have claimed that Jackson actually completed the full soundtrack, but he was unhappy with the sound capabilities of the Genesis and so he decided to remain uncredited.

(YouTube Link)

And lastly we have Super Mario Bros. 3, the strange sequel that starts with a curtain rising and ends with the characters exiting stage right.

Gamers have long suspected the game's whole story was nothing but a stage performance, which was recently confirmed by creator Shigeru Miyamoto: seemed more likely that people were just over-analyzing the game rather than it being something that Shigeru Miyamoto and company actually had in mind when they designed Super Mario Bros. 3. But last year, on Nintendo’s UK Twitter, Miyamoto addressed a handful of Mario myths, including the question, “Was Super Mario Bros. 3 all just a performance?” His response: “YES.”

(YouTube Link)

See 10 Astonishing Video Game Myths That Turned Out To Be True here

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Ranking 40 Trailers Revealed At San Diego Comic-Con 2017

San Diego Comic-Con International is the most popular place for studios to show off their creations and get fans excited by releasing trailers, but it seems like they released more trailers this year than ever before.

(YouTube Link)

From Stranger Things season 2 to Ready Player One to Thor: Ragnarok, fans have some great movies and TV shows coming to a screen near them soon, so let's kick start the excitement with some must see trailers.

(YouTube Link)

Personally I'm excited to see Marvel's The Defenders finally come together, with Sigourney Weaver as the main villain...Sweet Christmas I'm hyped!

(YouTube Link)

See Syfy San Diego Comic-Con 2017 Trailers Ranked here

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How Fallout Loot Actually Works

Fallout has left many players struggling with loot fever, an affliction which caused characters to fill their inventory with junk like teddy bears, tin cans and vacuum cleaners just in case they need them later on.

This fever causes players to do unspeakable things in order to keep their packs full of junk, like looting the dismembered bodies of fallen raiders or searching the battlefield for a chunk of Deathclaw needed to make gauntlets.

And, as this comic by Julia Lepetit shows, loot fever can also cause characters to lose all sense of style, leaving them looking like someone who has been hanging out in the radzone too long!

-Via Dorkly

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Gorgeous Fan Art Of The Women Of The Marvel Universe

The women of the Marvel Universe are not disparaged or marginalized, they're extremely powerful and treated as equals by the guys they regularly best in battle.

They also each have their own signature style of dress which isn't limited to capes and spandex, and their costumes often become as much a part of their identity as their powers.

Now I wouldn't call these beautiful fan art pieces by illustrator and colorist Michi faithful adaptations of the characters from the comics, they're more like imaginative redesigns rendered in a painterly, post-modern style.

In other words they're quite nice to look at online but would look even more amazing hanging on your wall!

See more Gorgeous Fanart Of The Women of Marvel here

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