Reasons Why Crispin Glover Is The Weirdest And Most Interesting Man In Hollywood

You're either a Crispin Glover fan, a Crispin hater or you hear his name and say "who? Oh, that guy who was Marty's dad George McFly in Back To The Future?", because he's a polarizing figure in Hollywood to those who know his name.

I'm forever a fan, and his on-screen shift from nerdy square guy to dark and troubled dude has been very fun to watch, and don't get me started on his performance as Mr. World on American Gods or we'll be here all night!

Crispin often appears in mainstream movies and TV shows to raise money to make his own movies such as What Is It? and It Is Fine, Everything Is Fine!, because he's more interested in the art of filmmaking than being a mere actor.

And yet the wonderfully crazed Crispin Hellion Glover (actual middle name) we know and love is a persona of sorts, a madcap mask that belies his brilliance:

Glover commented on it during his Nerdist interview with Chris Hardwick, saying, "I understand that that entity, which I have something to do with, is an external entity, but other people have things to do with it too. So obviously other people are going to say other things and they're commenting on that element that has something to do with me but isn't me. If it was really about me, if I somehow genuinely, totally identified as that external element, I guess I'd be upset."

Read 25 Reasons Crispin Glover Is The Weirdest, Most Interesting Dude In Hollywood here

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Meet BB-9E, Star Wars' New Droid

With a new Star Wars film comes new characters, and most importantly, new toys for Christmas. Fans fell in love with BB-8 from The Force Awakens, and Disney hopes that The Last Jedi will make BB-9E a star as well. The new gray and black droid, described as "BB-8's evil twin," rolls around on a ball like BB-8, but has a flat head and a glowing red eye. The app-enabled toy is made by Sphero, along with BB-8 and R2D2.

"We saw some imagery and [learned] how it sounds and behaves in the movie," said Sphero CEO Paul Berberian.

The Boulder-based startup -- whose partnership with Disney began through a tech mentoring program -- created a robotic toy version of BB-8 in 2015, which sold more than million units.

Like the BB-8 toy, BB-9E is also a 4.4-inch app-controlled robot. It has the same ball-shaped body that moves without wheels. It comes with a magnetically-attached head. It features blue and red lights that illuminate when the head is attached to the body.

BB-9E retails for $149.99. It's the most-talked about new Star Wars toy debuting today for Force Friday, but there are a lot more products hitting the market today. If you want to do your Star Wars Christmas shopping early, check out the hot new Star Wars toys, and a list of all kinds of Star Wars merchandise unveiled for Force Friday.

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Every Marilyn Monroe Movie Ranked From Best to Worst

Marilyn Monroe is a legend and while she is best known for being a blonde bombshell, she was actually quite a talented actress and singer with a hefty film resume. Vulture took the time to rank all of her almost 30 movies from worst to best along with their reasons for their rankings. Keep in mind that the rankings are based mostly on Marilyn's performance, which is why Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is ranked higher than Some Like It Hot. Whether you're a dedicated Marilyn fan or are just interested in seeing more of her work, the list is certainly worth checking out. 

So see the full list here.

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Love Makes A Guy Feel A Little Cuckoo In Little Darling

Sometimes fate can make you feel like a puppet when it takes you for a ride down a predetermined path you're helpless to deviate from, and as the hours slowly creep by you start to feel like you're losing your grip.

But where there's motion there's life, and planning for the future equals hope, so don't lose that gleam in your eye until you've tried to follow your dreams with every fiber of your being.

(YouTube Link)

Little Darling was created by Big Cookie Studios to express their love of automaton clocks and to inspire us to keep our dreams alive even when life seems like a never-ending loop of lame.

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Superman's True Origin Story

When babies cry and keep their parents up night after night it can seem like the end of the world, especially if you're running on but a few hours of sleep.

But don't let it get you down- remember that your child will grow out of the infant stage in time and may grow up to be a super person if you teach them to be a caring and patient person like you.

Or, as this strip by Sunny Street Comics shows, you can launch the baby into space on a rocket and hope they become superheroes on another planet! (Please don't launch your babies into space, they're needed here on Earth.)

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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Famous Faces Lovingly Remade Into Video Game Heroes

Rick and Morty in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (source)

When artists go looking for inspiration for their artwork they often look at pics of famous folks, real or imaginary, since their faces are recognizable and have bold features which makes them great reference material.

Abraham Lincoln in Fallout 4 (source)

But there's one main problem with using famous faces as reference material- they're recognizable, and therefore any little mistake in the makeup of their face becomes glaringly obvious in your artwork.

(Image Link)

When game artists tried to add Steve Buscemi's face to a character in Saints Row IV he came out looking more like Steve's cousin Sal, who has a bit of a drinking problem. But this Dwight Schrute from Saints Row the Third is spot on!

(Image Link)

And even though he has a face many people want to punch you've gotta admit Guy Fieri does make a great model for video game characters, but what's with that weird baby head thing from Dark Souls 3? *shiver*

(Image Link)

See 15 Famous Faces Lovingly Remade Into Video Game Heroes here

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How Funerals Will Be When Gamers Die Of Old Age

Video game consoles have only been around for about forty years, so it will be a few more decades before Gen Xers reach their golden years and start telling "back in my day" stories about Pac-Man high scores and Atari 2600 consoles.

And when the original gamers start dying of old age they'll leave behind epic save files built up over a lifetime, achievements galore and a gamerscore their descendents can be proud of.

But, as this comic by Julia Lepetit shows, they'll also turn funerals into competitive events where the deceased gamer gets to call everyone a noob one last time.

-Via Dorkly

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An Anime Style Intro For SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants has a signature look influenced by 60s animation and the slapstick cartoon stylings of John Kricfalusi, both of which keep the show light and whimsical for the kiddies.

But if the show was made in Japan SpongeBob would have been a serious show about a serious young man, with a seriously kickass theme song that contains lyrics like "I sink into the tomorrow where I can't see colors anymore."

And his friends Patrick, Sandy and Squidward would have all been troubled and super serious too, with emotional depth that actually defines who they are as a character.

(YouTube Link)

Eh, maybe this awesome anime intro for SpongeBob SquarePants created by the mighty Narmak is all the anime SpongeBob we can handle...was anybody else disturbed by Patrick's lack of clothing?

-Via Laughing Squid

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TV Shows That Never Should Have Made It On The Air

Television industry producers and network execs don't like to part with the money flooding in, they'd rather drown in a deluge of cash if they could, so they're not going to take a chance on strange or crappy TV shows.

So it's safe to say shows like Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp, Clutch Cargo and David Cassidy: Man Undercover would not have made it on the air if they were pitched to the TV execs of today.

That being said Clutch Cargo is stupid funny, and Lancelot Link is one of my favorite TV shows of all time because it stars chimps, and who doesn't love chimp actors?

(YouTube Link)

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Express Your Love With the Love Hormone

When you're in love, hugging your child or even just flirting with a crush, oxytocin is the chemical in your body making you feel that magical emotion. Now you can give your loved one a physical reminder of that special hormone with this cool oxytocin necklace by Etsy seller Nikola Jewelry.

Is oxytocin not quite your thing? Well the seller also makes seratonin and dopamine earrings as well as jewelry featuring other molecules and DNA strands as well.

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Gender-Swapped Versions of Famous Cartoon Characters

One thing makes a good cartoon character is creating a design that is instantly recognizable even when it's drawn in a completely different manner. Artist Alicia Herber took some truly fantastic characters and then changed their genders -and the results are delightful.

Her choices range from classics like Looney Toons to modern favorites like Rick and Morty, and include everything in between like Captain Planet. You can see her full collection over on Buzzfeed.

Via Geek Girls

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Movie Mistakes That Were Too Fun To Cut

Most movie directors do a great job of bringing their vision of the script to life on the big screen, their control over each shot in the film quite obvious, but a good director also knows when to leave in the happy accidents.

Which is why a surprisingly high number of popular films still contain happy accidents, because Titanic wouldn't have been the same without Leonardo DiCaprio getting tongue tied when he asked Kate Winslet to pose for a sketch.

And remember when Star-Lord dropped the ball in Guardians Of The Galaxy?

That was Pratt literally fumbling the ball in a blooper too fun to cut, but at least he didn't break that prop, unlike Kurt Russell in The Hateful Eight- who smashed a $40,000 antique guitar by mistake:

Quentin Tarantino was loaned a 19th century guitar for Jennifer Jason Leigh's outlaw Daisy Domergue to play in The Hateful Eight. A prop was provided for Kurt Russell to destroy...only for him to smash up the real, $40,000 one by mistake.

Leigh's horror on screen is genuine, and Russell was suitably mortified about obliterating an irreplaceable antique.

(YouTube Link)

See Movie Mistakes So Good They Were Kept In here

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The Time Ric Flair Traveled To North Korea For The Biggest Wrestling Show Of All Time

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair is one of the most electrifying wrestlers ever to enter the ring, and between his fearless high flying moves and mega-macho smack talk between bouts Ric was born to be a wrestling superstar.

Back in 1995 Ric got to represent as America's greatest wrestler in an epic match versus Antonio Inoki, the most popular wrestler in Japan's history, but there was one catch- the match was in North Korea.

The show, which took place on April 28 and 29, 1995, was dubbed the International Sports and Cultural Festival for Peace by the North Korean government. For a country that is usually intent on keeping outsiders away, inviting 300,000-plus people to cram into Pyongyang's massive May Day Stadium over the course of the two-day event seemed to be an about-face for the notoriously secretive regime.

"American tourists are almost never granted visas," wrote The New York Times's Sheila Melvin in 1996. "Yet less than a year after [Kim Il-sung's] death, North Korea was allowing outsiders to attend an International Sports and Cultural Festival for Peace. Perhaps it was an effort to showcase a North Korea ruled by Kim Jong Il."

(YouTube Link)

Read When Ric Flair Traveled To North Korea For The Biggest Wrestling Show Of All Time at Mental Floss

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Let Satan Explain HTML Using Death Metal

I can't really concentrate on things that require a lot of mental energy when death metal is blasting out of my speakers, and metal has to be played at a high volume or else it just sounds like noises from a nearby machine shop.

But for some reason learning HTML from RiffShop's David Wu while he's dressed and Satan and singing about code accompanied by his death metal band Cyborg Octopus made it quite easy to learn.

And I'll never look at all those bodies in the HTML code the same way ever again!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Reddit

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Pickle Rick: The Action Figure!

The recent episode of Rick & Morty entitled "Pickle Rick" changed some fans' wubbalubbin' lives, as Rick turned himself into a pickle then used his astounding intellect to survive a day as a limbless pickle.

Fans were so enamored of that episode they started creating fan art as a physical manifestation of their love, proving Pickle Rick is a smash hit and sure to be one of the most popular episodes of all time.

So in order to properly capitalize on this fan mania the folks at Sneaky Zebra created an 90s style TV commercial for the mighty ridiculous Pickle Rick action figure! (NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

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