Massive Movie Franchises (And How To Actually Watch Them)

It can be hard for people to admit to their movie loving friends that they've never seen any of the movies in classic franchises like A Nightmare On Elm Street or Planet of the Apes because they think their friends will make fun.

So rather than dealing with any ribbing they skip these movie franchises altogether, which is a shame since these films are really fun to watch and referenced in pop culture so often it's crazy.

But what your flick lovin' friends don't know won't hurt them, so consult this guide to 6 Massive Movie Franchises (And How To Actually Watch Them) by Cracked's Daniel Dockery and see what all the fuss is about.

(Image Link)

For A Nightmare On Elm Street Daniel rightly suggests watching Freddy's Nightmares Episode 1 to get Freddy's backstory, then watching the first Nightmare film followed by the third film Dream Warriors.

As for Planet Of The Apes Daniel says the first installment is the only required viewing, but I love all the films and feel like Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes is eerily relevant again with all the madness in the world today.

Read more at Cracked (NSFW language)

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Nintendo Has Finally Admitted Mario Isn't A Plumber Anymore

(Image Link)

In the beginning we were introduced to Mario and Luigi, two Bros who were supposedly plumbers clearing the pipes of turtles, crabs and other clogs.

But then the duo became Super and started doing way more than merely clearing the pipes, and people began to wonder "is Mario really a plumber, or does he just dress like one for the sake of character?

According to Mario's updated profile posted by Nintendo the plumbing gig is up for Mario- because these days his job is doing "everything cool"-

All around sporty, whether it’s tennis or baseball, soccer or car racing, he [Mario] does everything cool. As a matter of fact, he also seems to have worked as a plumber a long time ago...

Maybe the Super Mario Bros. can find work as professional dancers?

-Via Kotaku

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A Mesmerizing Video By LAIKA Studios About Their Creative Process

If you enjoy watching stop motion films and animated features then you're probably already familiar with the incredible movies created at LAIKA Studios, and you're most likely already a fan of their films.

However, if you're an animation fan who hasn't seen Coraline, ParaNorman, The Boxtrolls or any of the other amazing films created by LAIKA then get to streaming one or all of them ASAP!

But if you're still on the fence, or you're a fan who has never taken a peek behind the scenes at Laika, then feast your eyes on this incredibly cool short video entitled "The Art and Science of LAIKA Studios".

In it you'll see how LAIKA uses cutting edge technology to help unleash the creativity of their artists, and how 3D technology has saved stop motion filmmaking from the rubbish bin.

(YouTube Link)

-Via io9

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The Perfectly Bizarre World Of Gramfel

Just when you thought the deconstruction of Jim Davis' classic comic strip Garfield was complete a new and infinitely more bizarre strip comes along and makes Garfield look as square as a litter box - Gramfel.

Gramfel is a cat, Gramfel is a being with strange powers, Gramfel is a comic strip seemingly created by someone who read Garfield comics while on an extremely powerful hallucinogen.

The hallucinatory artist behind Gramfel is named John Cullen, and he has a very interesting brain that comes up with some super interesting stuff, which he still manages to make relevant for Monday haters like me.

After visiting Gramfel and Jon no a few times your brain may start to feel like it's full of hairballs- this is a normal reaction to the radical concepts and philosophies presented by Gramfel and will not do any lasting damage.

I've read over twelve Gramfel strips and after a few aspirin and a tissue for my nosebleed I feel fine! *wink*

-Via CollegeHumor

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Quirky Stories About David Lynch

I'm literally watching Twin Peaks as I write this and that's the great thing about David Lynch movies and shows is that you can watch them over and over again and catch new things every time. As it turns out, the man behind these classics is just as fascinating and the strange trivia bits featured in this Vulture article prove it. For example, did you know that he loves quinoa so much he made a surreal video about it? Or that Cameron Crow originally wanted Lynch to be the director of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but Lynch quite politely turned him down?

You can read all kinds of weird facts about Lynch here (and watch his quinoa video for yourself)

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Video Game Developers Confess Their Hidden Tricks At Last

Have you ever been in the middle of playing a video game and found yourself wondering something like "did the game just let my character live? Because I totally should have died" or "I swear I hit jump too late, and yet I didn't fall..."?

Every gamer has wondered about these odd game "quirks" at one time or another, and yet we've received very little confirmation from game developers over the years, leaving us feeling like we're nuts. Well guess what gamers- we're not crazy after all!

A designer from Opaque Space named Jennifer Schuerle tweeted out to game developers in hopes they would spill the beans about the hidden mechanics in their games, and they did not disappoint.

It's nice to know I wasn't imagining those quirks, and neat to know game developers actually enjoy going the extra mile by adding these cool mechanics so players will have even more fun playing their game.

Read Video Game Developers Confess Their Hidden Tricks At Last here

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Video Games, Am I Right?!

Gamers- you should know better than to share your "wild but true" tales of video game adventures with people who don't play video games, especially if you're a big fan of Rated M titles like GTA or Skyrim.

Because, as this comic by Robb Mirsky shows, telling a non-gamer about the sick and twisted stuff you do in the privacy of your own game world might make them look at you a little differently, and may break your poor mother's heart. *sniff* Sorry for the things I did in GTA, mom...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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We Know Who The Last Jedi Is

Rian Johnson, the director of The Last Jedi, did an interview with the New York Times in which he revealed who the title to the new Star Wars film refers to.

It’s in the opening crawl of “The Force Awakens.” Luke Skywalker, right now, is the last Jedi. There’s always wiggle room in these movies — everything is from a certain point of view — but coming into our story, he is the actual last of the Jedi. And he’s removed himself and is alone on this island, for reasons unknown.

So the title refers to that point in time, and does not necessarily mean that Luke will remain the last, or only, Jedi in the universe. But even if he is, the saga will still go on. Uproxx has an opinion piece that posits that the survival of the Jedi order is not as important to the Star Wars saga as you might think.

The future of the Jedi may be in question, but even if the Order ends with Luke Skywalker, the Force will remain. Both Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and the final season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars set up the idea that the Jedi and the Sith are merely the most active sects of an ancient religion that predates the invention of space travel in a galaxy far, far away. Whatever deity or universe-effecting energy permeates the Star Wars universe, it doesn’t need lightsaber-wielding humanoids to keep existing. In fact, based on other quotes Johnson gave the Times in his interview, Lucasfilm is inching away from extreme Light Side/Dark Side dichotomy and towards a “gray area.”

Both articles go on to describe the psychology between the forces (pardon me) represented by Kylo and Rey, which could carry at least a couple more movies. The overarching themes here completely ignore midi-chlorians, which are best forgotten. We can just put that in the files as a theory that Qui-Gon Jinn was completely wrong about.  

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The Complete Spy Vs. Spy Cartoons From MADtv

Spy Vs. Spy turned Cold War espionage into a bloody laugh riot, with two shady fellows indistinguishable from one another doing whatever it takes to kill each other for the sake of their team.

The comic that appeared in MAD magazine was presented in black and white because MAD was printed in black and white, plus there's a black spy and a white spy so it just makes sense.

The MADtv cartoon was rendered in B&W to pay homage to the mag but also because war seems so black and white when you're invested in your home team's cause, making it easy for the spies to justify being bomb happy.

(Image Link)

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Bits Of Wisdom From Canada's Greatest Philosopher

Due to social stigmas we don't expect to find wisdom coming out of the trailer park, and those who choose to live in the trailer parks of North America are often viewed with disdain by those who live in homes with foundations.

But one hero has risen to the top of the trailer park food chain and made a name for himself by saying subtly smart stuff, kicking the most ass and growing the best dope in Canada- Julian's best bud Ricky.

Rickyisms have made him more than just a dope peddling criminal who lives in his car, and once the internet allowed Ricky to share the smart stuff he says like a bird shares its droppings everyone wanted to get hit in the face by a fresh Rickyism.

See 16 Bits Of Wisdom From Canada's Greatest Philosopher here (NSFW language)

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New Star Wars Postage Stamps

A new set of postage stamps is coming, featuring eight non-human characters from Star Wars! However, these aren't going to be issued by the USPS -they're from the Royal Mail. So if you live in the UK, you can use them to send letters, but for Americans, they are collectible only. The stamps, designed by UK digital artist Malcom Tween, have images of Maz Kanata, Chewbacca, Snoke, a porg, BB-8, R2D2, C-2PO, and K-2SO. You can can pre-order the stamps online before they become available on October 12. -via Mashable

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Awesome Arcade-Style Sofas Inspired By Geek Culture

I used to dream about living in an arcade so I could play games day and night, dine on nachos and drink from my own soda fountain, and surround myself with the exciting sounds of the video arcade.

Now I'm ready to come full circle and give my home an arcade feel with these awesome pop culture themed ARCADE Sofas from French design studio Harow.

The arcade cabinet inspired elements of the design give the sofa an unique and totally retro look, while the velvet cushions and steel sleigh legs ensure it will fit in with any modern decor.

And they're lovingly hand made to order in Paris, France, so you can get one with your favorite artwork on the side, geeky or not. Personally I think this Coco Beach themed couch looks really swanky!

-Via GeekTyrant

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Bring Pickle Rick to Your Family Therapy Sessions With This Awesome Plush

Pickle Rick is a pretty intense and very scary guy once he gets his rat suit legs, but before that, he's pretty darn helpless -which means he's in the perfect condition to force him to go to family therapy. Just pop him in your purse and you can have a perfectly complacent Rick who requires nothing more than the syringe that will eventually help him no longer become a pickle. You can get your hands on this great Pickle Rick plush through romARToy's Etsy page, where you can also get your hands on a plush Mr. Poopy Butthole, Cromulon head, and more. 

Via Geek Girls

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Critters Who Acquire A Taste For Beer Can Be Real Pests

Humans aren't the only ones who enjoy cracking open an ice cold beer on a hot day, many animals and insects enjoy the taste of beer too, and when they acquire a taste for brew they will do anything to get another taste.

So what is a thirsty fellow to do when a fuzzy little magical critter won't stop trying to steal his beer? Watch Beerbug by Ander Mendia of Katue Studio and find out!

(YouTube Link)

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A Girl And Her Robot Travel Through The West Coast Wastelands Of An Alternate 90s

Just hearing the phrase "a girl and her robot" conjures up images of sci-fi adventure and bonding between human and cybernetic lifeform, and it makes for a great prompt no matter the mode of expression.

Artist Simon Stålenhag created a series of illustrations based on the premise "a runaway teenager and her yellow toy robot" that serves as their travelogue as they make their way through an alternate post-apocalyptic 1990s:

The artist and author, who hails from Stockholm, Sweden, bases The Electric State on "a runaway teenager and her yellow toy robot," an unlikely pair that travels the West Coast in the aftermath of a massive technological meltdown, which has apparently resulted in brutal warfare between monstrous 'battle drones' and sheepish humans controlled by individual Virtual Reality helmets.

Simon's upcoming release The Electric State will be an artbook like no other- a visual guide that lets the viewer's mind tell the tale behind each fantastically realistic scene, as we wonder when the meltdown began and what 2017 would look like in Stålenhag's State.

See Girl And Her Robot Travel Through Wastelands In Alternate 90s USA In Chilling Illustrations here

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