Invageddon: The Movie

Some people think an alien invasion is imminent, and that we're not doing enough to prepare for the little green or gray invaders who want to conquer our planet.

Others believe aliens have already been here, and that these extraterrestrial visitors left some of their DNA behind to infiltrate humanity from within.

Of course, both theories are silly because anybody who knows anything about aliens knows they only share their DNA with their own species- and if they want a planet they'll exterminate every life form on that planet to acquire it.

Our only consolation is that these aliens will inevitably exterminate each other at some point, leaving our planet free for the taking!

(YouTube Link)

Invageddon is a cutesy looking yet totally twisted animated series by RiggXAnimation, presented here in its entirety so you can see the whole crazy story from out of this world beginning to ridiculous end!

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