Interview With The Vampire

According to the myths and movies vampires cast no reflection in mirrors because they have no soul, making it easy to identify any bloodsuckers hanging around your house.

But this part of the vampire myth has always made me wonder- do vampires see a reflection when they look in the mirror, or do they see an empty frame like normal humans do?

That sucks for them if they can't see their reflection in the mirror because, as this Random Crab comic shows, vampires are hardcore pranksters so mirrors probably factor into a lot of their pranks.

Maybe that's why so many vampires carry parrots around on their shoulders...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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I used to love standing between two mirrors and seeing the dozens of reflections seemingly going off into the distance. A vampire would be able to see even more reflections. That would have been cool.
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I learn something new every day ... You know, my mother tongue, Bahasa Indonesia, has a very simple rule for plurals: just repeat the word (so airplanes = airplane airplane)

Irregular plurals always trip me up. Thanks for letting me know, Johnny Cat!
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Wasn't mentioned in the article, but the planes were put out all chopped up like that as part of a Cold War era disarmament treaty. Each side would chop up bombers that were to be destroyed under the treaty and then leave the pieces out for several months so that the other side could confirm their destruction with spy satellites.
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Airplanes can't fly forever. They get old, the metal starts to fatigue, the planes become too costly to maintain. Probably very near this air force base is a boneyard for commercial aircraft, where 747s, DC-10s, et al. are parked by airlines for many of the same reasons.
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