Nic Cage Hunts Bin Laden With A Samurai Sword In Army Of One
Nicolas Cage is a hero created by the people for the people, and whether you're a fan or a super fan you have to admit one thing- Nic Cage is quite a character both on and off the screen.
Nic's latest fictional life will play out in the new movie Army of One, in which he stars as Gary Faulkner- an unemployed weirdo who hears the voice of god telling him to go capture Bin Laden. (Barely NSFW due to language)
Army of One is loosely based on the true story of "Rocky Mountain Rambo" Gary Faulkner, who claims he went to Pakistan eleven times to hunt Bin Laden before being arrested by Pakistani police. Sounds a little too sane for a Nic Cage role...
-Via Nerdist
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