Amazing Geek Tattoos Spotted At the 2016 San Diego Comic Con
Geeky people with tattoos tend to have geeky tattoos, so it's no wonder that you can find some amazing geek tattoos at the San Diego Comic Con. Here are a few of the best and coolest tattoos we spotted at the convention.
The Sexiest Witch King In Town
Even the most dedicated Lord of the Rings fan has probably never seen the Witch-King of Angmar like this. You know what they say -if you've got it, flaunt it.
Don't Mess With These Ladies
Some girls like princesses that follow all the rules, like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, but others like girls who defy authority.
That's why she had the princesses Daenerys, Merida and Mulan tattooed on her sleeve.
Of course, strong female role models don't end with princesses. These Gotham City femme fatales also belonged to the same woman, Ms. Melissa Romero. All of her work was completed by Steve Rieck, a Las Vegas artist who has a particular interest in doing geeky tattoos.
There Couldn't Be a More Fitting Place
A comic book cover tattoo on someone at Comic Con? I think he found his true home.
With Our Powers Combined
You don't want to mess with the superpowered team on this guy's leg.
Scary Good Work
It takes a lot of dedication to wrap your whole calf muscle with a tribute to a horror movie.
So if you're going to put that much time, pain and money into fandom for a movie, it better be good.
And this guy chose one of the most beloved horror trilogies ever to decorate his leg, so I think he made the right choice.
Old School Horror Matters
Then again, there's nothing wrong with the classics either.
Out of This World
Aliens are always scary, but it's hard not to love them when they're this well done. Gil Macias got this great piece done by Bok.
A Stitch in Time
As a huge fan of all things Stitch and someone who always cries at the scene where he wanders off in the woods to find his family, this tattoo is my personal favorite.
It's GIR-eat
When I asked if I could take a picture of this girl's GIR tattoo, she said "absolutely...
as long as you take a picture of this one too." I was happy to oblige.
The Best Neighbor
This gal was wearing a Totoro shirt that perfectly matched her Totoro tattoo. Something tells me she's a fan.
One Good Tattoo Deserves Another
Here's another lovely lady wearing clothes that match their tattoo perfectly. I think Harley would love that dress.
Although this fangirl also has a soft spot for The Nightmare Before Christmas and she has the Pumpkinhead Jack Skellington tattoo to prove it.
Wearing Her Burton on Her Sleeve
And here's another Tim Burton fan with lovely tributes to The Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie.
The Force is Strong With This One
The top of this gal's arm featured the Light Side...
while the back featured the Dark Side. It's good to know the Force is balanced on her tattoo.
Aren't You A Little Cute for A Star Wars Tattoo?
Why LEGO Star Wars? Because everything, even Star Wars, is better in LEGO.
And below the LEGO tattoo, this girl had a piece that somehow managed to make BB-8 even cuter than he already is naturally.
He's No Good to Me Dead
If you think it's bad luck to disrupt an Indian burial ground, just wait until you see what happens when you upset a storm trooper burial ground. I don't actually know what would happen, but I'd love to see it.
She Wants to be Where the People Are
And fortunately for Ariel, all the people are at San Diego Comic Con, so she finally made it.
On the down side, Ursula was following close behind her.
That's all from this year, but if you haven't got your fill of geeky tattoos, don't miss our article from last year. And if you want to see more coverage from this year's Comic Con, don't miss our cosplay article and even more cosplay featured on Rue The Day.
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