Gamer Tries To Buy A Copy Of Fallout 4 With A Box Full Of Bottle Caps
Bethesda Softworks has a pretty good sense of humor about their games, and often incorporates humorous elements into their games just to keep the whole thing from becoming a total downer.
The post-apocalyptic series Fallout, which they took over from Interplay in 2008, features a monetary system based on Bottle Caps. Players use bottle caps taken from Nuka Cola bottles as currency, a system which works in the game world because those particular caps are rare, but in the real world we’ve got caps a-plenty.
However, it took Fallout fanatic GatorMacheteJr seven years to save up 2,240 bottle caps, which he promptly sent to Bethesda as payment for a copy of Fallout 4.
Will his dedication to cap collecting pay off, or did he send off eleven pounds of heartache?
-Via Geeks Are Sexy
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