Fourteen Recommended Facts About Netflix

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Netflix became a household name by being one of the first companies to deliver streaming video service straight to your gaming console, television and computer, ushering in the age of bingewatching.

They continue to expand the boundaries of streaming video service by creating original content and bringing our beloved shows back from the dead, but there’s also a lot of stuff that Netflix does you probably know nothing about.

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As we watch their content Netflix is watching us, recording our ratings and viewing habits to deliver more precise recommendations, and they’ll soon be working with Nielsen to record viewership data and create ratings figures for streaming video.

Need to know more about the almighty Netflix? Read 14 Facts About Netflix, Recommended For You at mental_floss

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The current streaming menu doesn't show me the more obscure films I might like to watch so I've started searching a different way. I put a letter in the search till actors/directors names are recommended. when you click on a name, it shows all the movies/shows they are in. Most of the movies that get listed have never been offered to me in the main menu. I scroll through the names and find all kinds of stuff I would never have seen otherwise.
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Pretty sure Netflix was a household name long before they started doing any internet streaming video at all. After all, they put Blockbuster out of business before they started doing video streaming, which means they had many millions of customers back then.

The disc-in-the-mail business model is interesting... People PAY Netflix to do the job of cleaning all their grimy DVDs for them.
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