George Lucas Tells Little Boy That He Can Get Married and Still Become a Jedi
Although the rule has not always been enforced, in general, Jedi aren't supposed to be married. They're supposed to live celibate lives of contemplation and service. This came as dismal news to 7-year old Colin Gilpatric. He wants to become a Jedi, but he'd also like to get married and have kids.
So Colin wrote to George Lucas and asked him to alter the Star Wars universe so that Jedi can get married. Lucas responded:
Here is Colin and his mother opening the package from Lucas. It contained much delightful swag from Star Wars, as well as a letter granting the request. He affirms that the values that make a marriage healthy are also Jedi virtues:
I thank the illustrious Rusty Blazenhoff for alerting me to this story.
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