What Star Wars Characters Are Called in French

(James Chapman)

Millénium Condor? That totally would have worked, even in English. And Chewie is a Chico for sure. But Jabba the Woodsman? Maybe the French version has a different backstory for him.

Cartoonist James Chapman publishes many cartoons showing how different words and expressions are conveyed in languages other than English, including the sound of frying bacon and how to answer the phone. In a recent production, he took us back to il ya longtemps dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine.

-via Blame It on the Voices

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I'm afraid this is kind of fanciful french, we say Choubaka, as well, even if we do not know how to write it. "La force est forte avec celui-ci" is absolute charabia Dark Vador says "Que la Force soit avec Toi", we say R2D2 (like "herde'-deade'") and it's "Jabba le Hut".
It is very imaginative except for the most important, in France we do not say "Star wars" but "War of the Stars" (la guerre des étoiles) wich doesn't mean the same.
Luke is Luc but still Skywalker...
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