Fan Gets Radical Facial Surgery To Look Like Red Skull
Comic book fans express their love of the medium in many different ways, but these expressions are generally quite simple, like a bit of cosplay or a tattoo of their favorite character(s). One guy went a bit further and subjected his face to over a dozen surgeries to look more like Superman, but he looks like the Clark Kent of comic book fandom compared to this guy:
His name is Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela, and he voluntarily took his face from perfectly normal to extraordinarily ugly to look more like Captain America's arch nemesis, the Red Skull.
He had the front end of his nose removed, bumps and a coil implanted in his forehead, his brow ridge enhanced and his skin tattooed dark red to complete his vision of the Red Skull look in real life.
I'm not sure I see the Red Skull in his new look as much as Etrigan the Demon, maybe he would've had more success capturing that authentic Red Skull look if he'd dipped his face into a vat of acid?
-Via CBR
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