Santa Cthulhu 2013

Artist Amy Rawson (previously at Neatorama), along with artist Brian East, makes a new needle felted Christmas Cthulhu (almost) every year. She has just unveiled her fifth Santa Cthulhu!

Santa Cthulhu sits in his Octi-Sleigh, ready to deliver his bag full of squirmy presents to children all over the world. A shoggoth pulls Santa and his sleigh; why bother with eight tiny reindeer when one protoplasmic behemoth will do?

Santa is about 11" tall and is made of 100% needle felted wool, even his wings, which are a new feature for 2013. You can see more pictures of the details at Rawson's website, like those dreadful "gifts" in Santa's bag, and the shoggoth, which may return in your nightmares. Santa Cthulhu is for sale through Rawson's Etsy store. -Thanks, Amy!

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