Sir Ian McKellen Mistaken for Beggar
Sir Ian McKellen, the actor who played Gandalf, was mistaken for a beggar while taking a break outside a theater. He was in costume while rehearsing Waiting for Godot:
Link via Sci Fi Wire | Photo: REX/Daily Telegraph
The 70-year-old actor is rehearsing Waiting For Godot in Melbourne, Australia, and was sitting in his tramp costume having a break when a passer-by gave him an Australian dollar.
He said: "During the dress rehearsal of Godot, I crouched by the stage door of the Comedy Theatre, getting some air, my bowler hat at my feet (and) seeing an unkempt old man down on his luck, a passer-by said, 'Need some help, brother?' and put a dollar in my hat."
Link via Sci Fi Wire | Photo: REX/Daily Telegraph
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