The Story of Electron Boy, the Child Turned into a Superhero by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Made into Comic Book

The Make-A-Wish Foundation asked seriously-ill child Erik Martin what he'd like for his wish. Erik said that he'd like to be a superhero. So the Foundation and the city of Seattle made him into a superhero called "Electron Boy". Staged adventures with costumed villains allowed Erik to live out his dream. Now his alter ego's life has been turned into a comic book by Capstone Comics. Author Rob Bass wrote:

What really got me about the whole story was what it proved, right out there where anybody could see it, pure objective truth, that our imaginations are pure and boundless and can take us anywhere that we let them, no matter how much these bodies might fail us, that even if you're born without a right atrium and ventricle in your heart and no spleen and all your organs on the wrong side of your body and are extremely sensitive to the touch and you beat cancer once when you're eleven and then it comes back again when you're thirteen, you can overcome all of that, because you still have the power to do anything, become just who you've always dreamed of being.

Proceeds from the comic go to benefit Erik's family.

Link | Image: Capstone Comics

@Johnny Cat -- the object of a girl's crush can be a good indicator of what she's looking for in a man.

@Jjannie -- the sex in Enterprise is pretty heavy-handed and contrived. But I like the grand, serialized war depicted in it, as well as the Dominion War in DS9. I found the latter rather tedious until the Dominion invasion.
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My misgivings about Enterprise was that it turned into a soap opera. Season 3 became one long seralized story. ST:TOS and ST:TNG episodes were all stand-alone stories (two-part stories episodes notwithstanding). Also, when Enterprise went into this never-ending story, they lost all sense of humor. The first two seasons were peppered with light-hearted stories, or at least stories where some comic relief was inserted.

Since the author hasn't completed Season 3 yet, I'll forego my comments that would tip him off to events of Season 4, but in my mind, the show continued to go downhill. No wonder it didn't return for a fifth season.
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OK. I'm a Long time Trek Fan...I gave Enterprise a chance in the beginning...and it failed, or more Berman and Braga failed Gene Roddenberry and both the original and potential new the Star Trek fans miserably.

Though I did return to it at the end, and it was immensely better in the last year than the first year (wholly crap T'Pol's wig looked a million times better), the whole Xindi thing just sucked badly, and the way it was resolved was just impotently unimaginative.

Oops, sorry we killed 7 million people on your planet, but we're glad you cleared up that sphere thing for us, YAY!

Enterprise was NOT "Star Trek," it was "Enterprise."

Enterprise, although placed in the same fictional world, was about the first warp 4 "EARTH" Star Ship, and it's deep space exploration missions.

Remember other ships, even freighter class ships had warp 2 capabilities - what did they only build one or two of each class of ship?! Not likely...this is earth were talking about...

In the original TOS Technical Manual - with the constitution class there were 20 main/flag ships (presumably for all the sectors/quadrants of space), and the A FULL PAGE listing ships names and their registration numbers...There should have been at least 20 warp 2 (overhauled and upgraded?!?!) Earth ships to face off against the Xindi Weapons - let alone Earth's Vulcan Allies?!?!

Ummm...something was really a miss in that plot line.

Anyway...I was looking forward to the war with the Romulans, but when they were not even spoken about, I knew Berman and Braga had blown it.

Brandon and Braga had a real opportunity to make a long time race THEIR series arch villain, and to expand and build on and amazing rich culture, and to create real plot conflicts with the Vulcans...but I guess they weren't Borgy enough...they were to...human?

Interesting with what western civilization is facing right now, if they had put a religious face on the Romulans they could have used that to say a lot.

With each successive Star Trek show Rick Berman ran the Star Trek franchise into the ground and then introducing the pessimistic nihilist Braga as executive producer into the newest "Non-Trek" Star Trek didn't help one bit, neither of them ever got Roddenberry's vision of hopeful optimism in the future.

I am tired of these no talent desk jockeys who want to make a name for themselves and in the process destroy an already well established deep rich mythology of Star Trek.

And while I love J.J. Abrams as a director he has sucume to the decoys of flash pomp and Cameron Circumstance.

His version of Star Trek was like an order of bad Chinese food, a 1/2 hour later, the garlic is repeating on you even though you couldn't swear to what it was that you ate and indigestion aside were hungry all over again.

There was no substance (side stepping any faithfulness to the mythology - through the "alternate time line" claim), leaving the audience dazzled dazed and confused by special effects...yes, there were some great performance.

Simon Pegg was great, Urban amazingly hit the mark and made McCoy his own, Seldana was sweet cheese cake, Ben Cross was an amazing Sarek and what little of Ryder as Amanda was good...but she's dead, so no more Ryder, but watching Quinto's Moe wig flap in the wind as he ran around was pitifully hilarious, and I kept waiting for Sulu and Checkov to start chanting Belly bombers.

Enterprise...well there were a few redeeming shows, the Vulcan plot lines kicked ass...especially finding the Kir'Shara and finding Sarak's Ka (although it being transfered to Archer was a little hoe-key)...had they stuck with the established mythology, we could have learned more about the Romulans - maybe giving them their own "religious" prophet of "war."

Well can't dwell on the could haves.
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