84 Weeks And Counting
It has been 84 weeks since The Baby was born. She has come a long way during those 84 weeks. She is no longer the 8lb 4 oz little lump I brought home from the hospital. She is now a walking, talking spitfire of a toddler! This baby has a big personality.
This a condensed list of the wonderful things The Baby learned to say this week:
Salta: The Spanish word for "jump."
Boots: Dora's monkey friend who wears little boots. He has no clothes, but he has boots. I can understand this. I love shoes too.
Backpack: Dora's purple knapsack friend. He eats up all of Dora's belongings with a yum, yum, yum and spits them back out when she needs something. It's a strange relationship, but who am I to judge.
Are you sensing a theme to the list of words? I admit it, we had a Dora video running in the car during a road trip. The video was to keep the older children from turning on each other, and us, during the 3 hour drive. Go ahead and scold me for letting my children watch TV. I will gladly accept the tongue lashing. That video made the drive almost bearable.
Anyway, yes it's all good and wonderful that The Baby is learning to be bilingual. Of course I am thrilled with her progress. There is just one little bone of contention I have with her. It's 84 weeks and counting and the adorable little booger still refuses to say Mama. Of course she says Dada, Da, and even Daddy perfectly.
My husband is so excited with the baby's linguistic progress that he has now taken it upon himself to personally work with her. He is currently trying to teach her to say, "Hey, Lady!" He's convinced he can get her to say that before she says Mama. Yes folks, I am well aware that I am sleeping with the enemy!
I am, however, a closet optimist. I am secretly convinced that week 85 will be the week the baby finally says Mama. I will keep you posted.
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