Extraordinary Kids in Zero Gravity

In a collaboration between Les Chevaliers du Ciel (The Knights Of Heaven), the European Space Agency (ESA), and noveSpace (a company that operates a vomit comet), a group of disabled kids got to experience weightlessness, accompanied by ESA astronauts. Ten people with mobility issues were freed from the limits of gravity. It was an experience to remember.

(YouTube link)

From the YouTube Page:

The kids came from five ESA member states – UK, France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy – and boarded the converted Airbus A310 Zero G in Bordeaux, France on 24 August as part of this “Kid’s Weightless Dreams” flight. True weightlessness is produced in the large cabin area of this aircraft during repetitive parabolic maneuvers, as in the Air Zero G flights operated by Novespace.

The children also took part in education experiments including lighting a candle, mixing liquids of different densities, playing ping-pong with bubbles of water and working a fidget spinner to demonstrate the effects of weightlessness.

Joining the children were ESA astronauts from their corresponding member states: Tim Peake (UK), Frank De Winne (Belgium), Maurizio Cheli (Italy), Thomas Reiter (Germany), Claudie Haigneré and Jean-Francois Clervoy (France) mentored the children on board and answered their questions.

Two disabled adults, former athlete and German television personality Samuel Koch, a strong advocate for disabled causes, and Philippe Carette, a very active Rêve de Gosse volunteer and pilot, also took part in the flight.

Did you catch the girl who used the few minutes of zero-G to walk? That's at 2:35. The event was organized by Rêves de Gosse (Kids’ Dreams), which provides children with educational opportunities and adventures involving space flight.  -via Geekologie

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:


It seems like just yesterday when we found out the Lunarbaboon family was going to welcome another child, and now she's old enough to have role models. I can attest to the importance of role models for little girls. Every time we met a woman pediatrician, she'd soon find another position in a larger city. So my youngest decided she wanted to grow up to be a waitress, because that's the job she saw women doing. Luckily, she discovered Jane Goodall during grade school. This is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

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The Popcorn Thief

Prince Harry, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, was in Toronto to attend the Invictus Games, which he founded. In this video, his attention is split between the sports and a conversation with the man to his left. Meanwhile, a toddler is helping herself to his popcorn!

(YouTube link)

By the time Harry noticed her and offered her a kernel, she'd already eaten about half of his box. A good time was had by all. -via Laughing Squid

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Three-Year-Old Claims He Knows Everything, Does A Reddit "Ask Me Anything" To Prove It

Little kids love to make big, bold claims they can't back up, since boasting is a natural part of childhood as they try to figure out who they are and what they're truly capable of doing.

But 3-year-old Caleb from Texas wasn't boasting when he said "I'm 3. I know everything", and he hosted a Reddit AMA (with a little help from his father Matthew) to prove it.

His answers to questions like "what's the most complex thing you know?" (An idea) and "why do we have toes?" (Because we do) are pretty clever for such a young kid, and some of his answers seem like something a philosopher would say, not a preschooler.

Caleb even had great advice on how to impress dinner guests, which is pretty impressive considering the kid isn't even old enough to pour his own bowl of cereal, let alone bake a cake!

See more from 3-Year-Old Claims He Knows Everything, Does Reddit "Ask Me Anything" To Prove it here

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A Colorful Map Showing The Top Baby Names Of 2016 By State

When a baby name is trendy it spreads through neighboring families like a virus, making the kids with truly original names stand out in a classroom full of Taylors, Logans and Zoes.

Those names are so 2015, and yet people were still drawing names from pop culture like crazy in 2016, although there was also a huge resurgence in biblical names, with Noah and Elijah winning by a mile.

Then again Elijah could have been inspired by Elijah Wood, and Liam is probably inspired by Liam Neeson, with Emma (Stone/Watson/Roberts), Olivia (Munn/Wilde) and Mia (Goth/Farrow) topping the list for girls.

Julie Gerstein of BuzzFeed took information from the Top 5 Baby Names By State For Births In 2016 released by the Social Security Administration and used it to create colorful maps that prove parents are uncreative from coast to coast.

See full sized maps of boys names and girls names here

-Via BuzzFeed

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For Centuries, People Celebrated a Little Boy’s First Pair of Trousers

For much of history, children were dressed in relatively simple garments that allowed for the fact that they couldn't yet dress themselves. As clothing became more structured, both boys and girls were dressed in skirts and dresses, which allowed for easier diaper changing and toilet training. The day a boy began wearing pants was a momentous occasion, and signaled that he was now a man-in-training.  

With the power of pants came an understanding of manly responsibility, writes Jennifer Jordan in an essay on 17th-century masculinity. “The breeching ceremony stands out as one of the most significant milestones in a boy’s journey to acquiring manhood.” This seems to have been understood by even very little boys. Samuel Coleridge, the English poet and philosopher, described his five-year-old son Hartley being breeched in an 1801 letter. “He did not roll and tumble over and over in his old joyous way,” he wrote. “No! It was an eager & solemn gladness, as if he felt it to be an awful area in his Life.” These parties were usually held over a weekend at home, with relatives invited to stay. The pockets of Hartley’s breeches jingled with “a load of money,” Coleridge wrote, likely gifted to this fledgling man by visiting family members.

After his "breeching," a boy would spend his time in the company of men and other boys, while girls stayed near their mothers and learned the gentle arts of the home. Read about the historical tradition of a boy's transition to pants at Atlas Obscura.

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What Matters Most

Oh, you'd be surprised what kids remember. They may not recall those times together the same way you do, or the same details you recall, but they remember in their own way. My now-adult children talk about the adventures of their childhoods and the things we did together, but the details that stuck out in their minds were surprises to me. We all organize our memories in our own way, and adults tend to prioritize things that are novel. To kids, everything is novel, so what stays with them may seem random to us. But his main theme is correct -being there for each other is what matters most. This is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

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Meet Coco, The Adorable 6-Year-Old Instagram Star With A Flair For Fashion

Some of the Insta-famous "stars" of Instagram take themselves way too seriously yet have nothing new or special to offer, and since new selfie stars pops up daily it can be hard to find Instagrammers worth following.

But enough about those totally lame selfie shooters who clutter up Instagram, let's talk about a young lady you should be following if you like fashion- 6-year-old Coco Hamamatsu, aka coco_pinkprincess, who represents Harajuku in both style and attitude.

Coco and her family were forced to move to Harajuku after the 2011 Fukushima earthquake, where her parents opened up a boutique and introduced Coco to a love of fashion at an early age.

Her individual sense of style, straight up perfect poses and innocent-yet-fiercely fabulous attitude make Coco more than just a kid posing for pics and prove her Insta-fame is well deserved.

. :@mitograph . #kidzfashion #igkiddies #harajuku #harajukugirl #harajukufashion #tokyofashion

A post shared by COCO (@coco_pinkprincess) on Sep 1, 2017 at 6:39am PDT

See More from Meet Coco, The Adorable Six-Year-Old Instagram Star With Killer Style here

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How to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

Jordan Watson, the "How To Dad," shows us his foolproof method for getting kids to eat vegetables. Have the kids grow them in the garden! Above you see the idyllic gardening scene just before the baby falls in the hole they dug. Yep, gardening is a lot of fun. Eating vegetables? Not so much.

(YouTube link)

Parents want their children to eat healthy foods, but learn early that forcing a child to eat right is a losing battle. Strict rules and arguments are liable to do more harm than good. So you offer a variety of nutritious foods and hope for the best …and they hold out all day for chicken nuggets. So how do you get children to like vegetables? I tried gushing over how much I loved to eat vegetables. I tried hiding them in other foods. I tried having the kids grow their own garden. You know what worked for me?

One night at dinner, when we had three tween girls and an always-hungry older teenage boy who ate everything in sight, one of the girls made a remark about our son's eating habits. I mentioned that a person's tastes changed when they matured. Real adults have different tastes, and when and if you girls ever mature, you need to try the foods you don't like all over again to see if they are good. If you like them, that's a sign of becoming an adult. I said that, but I didn't give orders. I knew it was useless by then. But they wanted to be adults so badly that they actually tried the "test." It turned out each kid found different vegetables they now liked, so I served an entire salad bar at dinner every evening. Whatever works. 

Science tells us that children are more sensitive to bitter tastes than adults, and they are also programmed to prefer high-energy foods. But repeated exposure to different foods helps a child become more comfortable with vegetables. Here are some tips to make vegetables more palatable to children. You might like those recipes, too!  

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People Share Their Kids' Cleverest Inventions

(Image Link)

Kids can be quite clever and resourceful when they are trying to accomplish a goal, and some of the inventions kids come up with seem laughable when they tell you about them but turn out to be pure genius in action.

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Tired of dropping your book in the tub? This girl used a retractable leash to make soggy books a thing of the past.

And no hardcore gamer wants to keep getting up whenever they need water, so this little girl solved the problem with a wearable pouch.

(Image Link)

Little inventors are often little money makers as well, and some kids are so smart they come up with an invention that helps people, capitalizes on a trend and makes them a buck- like the clever Poke Glo Safety Buttons this kid came up with for Pokemon Go players.

(Image Link)

See 10+ Times Kids Surprised Their Parents With Their Genius Inventions here

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This 7-Year-Old Tattoo Artist Is Ready To Give You A Tat You'll Regret

I recently wrote about a 12-year-old tattoo artist from Brazil known as The Shark, who appears to have a bright future in the body art business even though he has yet to apply an entire tattoo to a client's skin.

He's on his way to becoming a tattoo artist extraordinaire while 7-year-old Russian tattoo artist Lisa Jelizaveta is already applying full pieces to clients who end up with a tattoo that looks like what you'd expect from a 7-year-old.

Likewise Lisa's "tattoo gun" looks like a janky jailhouse tat gun to me, so there's another point in The Shark's favor, but I guess if you're in the market for a permanent reminder that you make bad decisions then Lisa's your gal!

-Via design you trust

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Parents Share The Weirdest Stuff They've Found In Their Kids' Bedrooms

Kids don't like it when their parents invade their privacy by snooping around in their rooms, but these investigations are necessary to keep our kids safe and make sure they're not getting themselves into trouble.

"I do not know why, but my 8-year-old has taped a mustard packet to his door and labeled it 'Top Secret,'" Reddit user FaustusRedux wrote. Because, of course.

Redditor FaustusRedux didn't know what to think when they found a packet of mustard taped to their 8-year-old's door labeled "Top Secret" but they assumed it was nothing sinister.

On the flip side Redditor bonro started to get worried about their kid when he lost 31 pairs of swim goggles- until they found the missing goggles and cracked the case:

Reddit user bonro spent almost a year buying and re-buying goggles for her 14-year-old son to wear to swim practice, only for them to disappear after just a few uses. She grew more and more frustrated before finally finding all 31 missing pairs at once: They were tucked away in a hole in her 11-year-old daughter's mattress, where the family's pet ferret had apparently been storing them.

Most of the time kids have a perfectly logical explanation for the weird stuff they do in their room, or at least an explanation that makes sense to them, and their answers are almost always adorable:

While cleaning the house one day, commenter comonnow went to return one of his 5-year-old daughter's dolls to her bedroom — where he found every last one of her dolls set up to stare him down as he entered the room. "When my daughter got home from school I had to ask her why, because she had never arranged them like that before, and she casually stated that she wants them all to see her when she gets home," the Reddit user wrote. Fair enough.

Read Parents of Reddit, What is the weirdest/most shocking thing you have found in your child's room? here

-Via Good Housekeeping

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The 13-Year-Old Trapped In A Toddler's Body

Most people are familiar with disorders like Autism, Down syndrome or ADHD, but there's a chromosome-based disorder out there so rare it doesn't even have a name and leaves kids looking like toddlers for the rest of their lives.

Tandy Palmes's son Angus is thought to be the only child in the world affected by this strange disorder, which caused him to stop growing at the age of three, so she went on This Morning to discuss the disorder:

Tandy explained to presenters Sarah Greene and Rylan Clark-Neal that doctors were concerned about his health after he was born, and sent him for testing to get to the bottom of things

"We had no idea there was anything wrong, although they had their suspicions," Tandy said.

"They took us in an ambulance to one of the Manchester hospitals and did some genetic tests and three weeks after that they told me they found this chromosome abnormality by accident."

The condition means that Angus, who is 13 years old, remains in the body of a toddler after he stopped growing when he was just three.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Digital Spy

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The Best

Remember when you were a kid, and you didn't really know what to do with an aunt or uncle, and then you found out they were the coolest person in the family? That only works until Mom and Dad find out. It's pretty fun on the other end, too. Babysitting is always easier when you're not the one responsible for how the child turns out. Also, if Mom and Dad find out, then maybe they won't ask any favors of you in the future. This is the newest comic from Lunarbaboon.

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Dog Cries with Baby

This is the story of two who are so clueless that you have to laugh. Dog takes baby's cracker. Baby realizes cracker is gone. Baby cries. Dog cries in sympathy. The world makes no sense.

(YouTube link)

You have to admit, it's both cute and funny. -via Digg

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