Daddy Daughter Hair Factory
Philippe Morgese is a single father who worked hard to teach himself how to style his daughter’s hair. Doing a girl’s hair is something most men have no experience with, and it’s a great bonding experience. As he got better at it, Morgese shared his expertise with other dads, and even begin holding free Daddy Daughter Hair Factory classes in Daytona Beach, Florida. As word got around, salons and hair care vendors got involved, and he began to hold classes in other towns. He says:
I love watching these dads step up to learn how to do their daughter's hair. I've had mechanics, prison guards and construction workers in there braiding with the best of em. Lol. It's been incredible to watch those relationships grow right in front of my eyes. The best part is doing this all with my 9 year old daughter by my side. I get to show her how powerful good intentions are and how much influence we have on the world around us. It's been a beautiful adventure for both of us.
Morgese has a Facebook community, and is working on an online manual for men who can’t attend the classes. There’s a tremendous amount of interest- witness this long comment thread full of men (and probably some women) discussing ways to detangle a little girl’s curly hair. In the picture above, Scott and other dads who never had long hair themselves learn to make rope braids at a recent class. -via reddit