Getting High
In 1999, a horrified mother took this picture of her daughter just before telling her to come down. The redditor with a NSFW name posted it and explained what kind of childhood she led.
The trick we came up with was to spit on our hands and feet and rub it in so they were kind of sticky (gross, I know). I basically just shimmied up like a bear cub. I remember having to take a pretty long breather about halfway up. Childhood is a hell of a drug.
Haha she had the camera in one hand and the phone in the other, ready to call for help if I fell. She said she didn't want to yell or panic because she thought it would scare me and I would fall. So she acted supportive then asked me nicely to come down and when I did I got a stern talking to about safety.My mom got many a call from the neighbors saying, "do you know where your daughter is?" and she would say, "probably very high up in a tree. Call me back if she falls."
Yeah, as a girl wanting to be tough like the boys in my neighborhood I wound up getting hurt pretty often. I once climbed onto the cross beam of a playground swing set and thanks to a group of kids chanting "jump jump jump," I did, landed on my butt, kneed myself in the mouth, and broke 4 of my bottom front teeth. Many a bad choice was made.
-via reddit
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Strange choice of image. There are so many things they /could/ have done with it - but no, they descend to scantily clad women.
You could have balls of fire with explosions when they collide.
You could have tendrils of beautiful plants unfurling behind the ball with showers of seeds on impact.
A comet flying through space with planetary creation for the impact.
But no - revealing glimpses of a woman trumps the lot. How very predictable.
Yup, gotta have a picture of a scantily-clad woman to distract investors from the fact that it's a really dumb idea.
As for an LCD, I wouldn't want to masse on that. The whole point of doing it this way is to preserve the feel and play of the table.
And and yes it is an overpriced pointless luxury item... the 125,000 probably doesn't even include the table to play on.
Could probably do this for way less with some sort of open source software, a laptop, a video camera, and a much cheaper projector.