Help Your Little Princess Play As Buzz Lightyear

What do you get a little gal who loves Toy Story, but would rather play as a space traveler than a cowboy? You could always try this Buzz Lightyear tutu so she can live out her fantasies of traveling to infinity and beyond without sacrificing her love of frilly dress up outfits. This adorable creation fits sizes 12 months through 5T and can be purchased through Etsy seller RainbowsLNG

Of course, if I was going to pay $89 for a tutu, I would want one that fits me, but maybe she would make me a custom one so me and my youngster could match.

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It's not for parents to want their little girl to wear a tutu, but plenty of little girls want to dress up as male characters -only girly versions of them. Hence the Princess Vader and Princess Dead Pool costumes we've featured here before.
If your little girl wants to be classic Buzz Lightyear, let her. If she wants to be princess/ballerina Buzz, she'll love this.
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If your kid wants to be Buzz Lightyear, she'll probably be pretty disappointed to see a tutu instead. Why not do the costume right? Do all little girls have to wear tutus or something?
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