Would You Like to Have a Dolphin Assisted Birth?
Adam and Heather Barringer of Charlotte, North Carolina have traveled to the Sirius Institute in Pohoa, Hawaii. In July, Heather should be ready to give birth to their child, Bodhi. They will do so in the presence of dolphins:
At the institute, the couple will spend time in the water, forming a connection with a dolphin pod they hope will bond with them and ultimately their newborn.
“It is about reconnecting as humans with the dolphins so we can coexist in this world together and learn from one another,” says Heather.
The couple hopes to find this connection during prenatal and postnatal swims with the dolphins.
“Having that connection with the pod of dolphins anytime – even if the birth doesn’t happen in the water – still brings peace, comfort and strength to the mother and baby during labor,” says Heather.
They believe a dolphin-assisted birth will be calming experience and beneficial.
“It’s total relaxation for the mother,” says Adam. “Dolphins are very intelligent and healing which in turn calms mother and baby for the whole process,” adds Heather.
If the birthing process doesn’t happen in the water, Heather will be accompanied by midwife, Mala, on a family/community farm in Akaka Falls, about 35 miles from Pahoa.
Traveling and living in harmony with the earth is a way of life for this couple. They’ve traveled across the country, staying with friends, living in and out of their car and picking up odd jobs or doing trades when they need money, food or supplies.
“We are all about living off the earth,” says Adam. The couple has been together 11 years and married for four.
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(Photo: Gordon Wrigley)
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Comments (5)
They think by living cheapy and "off the earth" they are being noble and monk-like but really they live like that because they are poor and lazy.
I am what you would call a pseudo hippie (or as I refer to myself.... a hippo-crate) in that I love the idea of the hippie lifestyle and dapple in it but love a warm bed and having a fridge full of food more. I have many full blown hippie friends that are always telling me to "quit being a corporate slave" or "get rid of my earthly possessions" but at the same time these people always want or need something from me........ to crash on my couch, a ride somewhere, borrow money or to use my washing machine. Hippies really they exist only because they know people that are corporate slaves that they can mooch on.
And dolphins are not sweet gentle animals. They are the intelligent psychopaths of the sea. And it can not be healthy to give birth in a tank full of dolphin excrement....... the baby and the mother's vajayjay are probably going to get dolphin herpes or something