Toddlers Found In Street While Father Plays Computer Game

A father in Indianapolis is under arrest after his two young children were found in the street while he was inside their apartment, playing a computer game. A woman named Noemy spotted the children and summoned the police:

When Noemy drove into the apartment complex, she says the naked two year old girl was standing just around a small bend where she could have been hit. Noemy stopped her car to tend to the girl, and then noticed another one year old boy was playing in the grass near the curb wearing only a soiled diaper.[...]

When officers arrived they found an open door several apartments down. Despite yelling through the open door and knocking several times nobody answered. The officers then walked inside and up the stairs before finding 31 year old Timothy Hausaman, who was supposed to be watching his two children.

Though he didn't initially respond, officers say Hausaman wasn't sleeping. He was actually on his bed playing an online role-playing game called "Atlantis" on his laptop. He said he had left his kids downstairs to play, and he was so into his game that he had no idea they got out.

Of course, the most disturbing part of this story is the father was captivated by a game as lame as Atlantis.

Link via Kotaku | Photo by Flickr user Arbron used under Creative Commons license

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