A Holiday Medley Performed By Rashida Jones And Jimmy Fallon

(YouTube Link)

Jimmy Fallon is an obvious lover of all holidays, especially Halloween as we've demonstrated here time and time again, but this time he gets to share his love of holidays with the hot and hilarious Rashida Jones and the two make especially sweet music together.

Holiday songs are old and played out, let's update them all by adding bits of modern pop songs, that'll get the kids back on board!

--via Tastefully Offensive

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A Couple Of Halloween Kittehs In Costume

Both of these Halloween kittehs are up to no good, but they sure look good in their getups!

Pirate kitteh says "Yarr, where's me Fancy Feast matey?", and if his human doesn't give him the right answer he's likely to make the poor kid walk the plank!

Joker kitteh wants to know "Meow so serious?", but that painted on smile does little to hide the fact that he'll be out causing trouble all over town come Halloween night.

Whether sporting a costume or painted fur, Halloween kittehs sure are cute!


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Go Go Gadget Copter! An Inspector Gadget Costume Tutorial

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Putting together a really good Inspector Gadget costume means including some working gadgets to prove you're the real deal, so this Instructable by prixprix may be just what you need to make your next mission against the agents of C.L.A.W. a rousing success.

Is that a motorized copter on your hat or are you just happy to see me?


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25 Things You Might Not Know About The Evil Dead

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Sam Raimi's seminal horror flick The Evil Dead launched the career of an actor by the name of Bruce Campbell, brought a twisted sense of humor to horror flicks and led the way for the catchphrase treasure troves Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness.

If you've seen the flick a hundred times you may think you know everything there is to know about The Evil Dead, but check out this list of 25 lesser known facts about the Evil Dead and see if you really do know it all!


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A Gathering Of Wookiees

Think all Wookiees look alike? Check out this shag-tastic photo from the set of Star Wars Episode III. Revenge of The Siths taken by Keith Hamshere in 2005 and see if you can spot all the differences between different Wookiee looks.

There's the braided beard look, the dreadlock style and the well-groomed shaggy gent, all the latest hair styles from the planet Kashyyyk.


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Twelve Halloween Foods We Dare You To Eat

Do you consider yourself to be a brave eater? Well, are you brave enough to scarf down a bit of zombie head cheese with a side of severed hot dog fingers? Or how about bloody eyeballs with a side of worms?

Still with us? Then take on these twelve Halloween foods, most of which include recipes so you can make your own, and see if you can eat them all without getting weak in the knees...


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Scary Piano Playing Juggler And His Little Friend

(YouTube Link)

We're not sure why this video is making it's way around the interwebs again after it was posted over a year ago, all we can figure is that people are gluttons for punishment when it comes to watching creepy videos.

How is this a Halloween video? Just take a look at the little guy sitting in the chair and it will all become clear...

--via Videogum

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Beware The Sting Of The Scorpi-Dog

Echo is a cute little Boston Terrier who enjoys a bit of cosplay from time to time, but his costume choice must match his macho personality, in other words RUFF!

Here he is roaming the badlands looking for some poor chump looking to get stung, and it looks like his next victim might be the guy taking the picture...

Link  --via Obvious Winner

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Neil Patrick Harris' Family All Dressed Up For Halloween

Even when he's dressed as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz Neil Patrick Harris is all heart, here he is posing with his adorable fam all decked out and ready to hit the yellow brick road in search of sweets.

They clearly put a lot of effort into these great costumes, and everyone is playing their role perfectly, from the smily sweet Dorothy to that scared little Cowardly Lion!


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Sexy Vampire Pin Up Art

Vampires were revered for their alluring animal magnetism well before Team Edward made them all sparkly, and illustrators with a dark side love showing off their sexy vampire creations.

Visit the link below to tour vampire pin up artworks past and present, from well known vamp lovers like Boris Vallejo, Matt Dixon, Julie Bell, Frank Frazetta and Serge Birault. Just don't look too long, or you may fall under the vampire's spell!


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Butthead Dog Costume

(YouTube Link)

The cheeky little fellow in this video was spotted mucking around the Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade, and LOLz followed him wherever he went.

Despite being nearsighted, with terrible halitosis, this adorable butthead made the scene like a doggie superstar!

--via Stuff I Stole From The Internet

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Two Fun Group Costume Ideas

If you're part of a wild and crazy bunch of friends who're looking for a shared costume experience, Halloween or otherwise, then you may want to consider a group costume, like the kooky getups pictured above.

Run around town chasing down Pac Man, until he finds his power pellets and zonks you all out, or come together deli style as a delicious hamburger and their mouths will water just looking at you!


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The Day Ewoks Ruined The Today Show

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A long, long time ago on a Halloween themed episode of the Today Show the producer thought it would be a good idea to let some crazy little Ewoks run amok on stage, and the result is a bit of comedy gold impossible to script.

Al Roker now sees a shrink three times a week for a crippling Ewok phobia, and the Ewoks have moved to Las Vegas where they can eat, drink and dance their cares away!

--via /Film

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Creep Everyone Out With Your Own Face

What could be creepier than wearing a 3d printed mask of your own face ON YOUR OWN FACE, am I right?!

Seriously folks, walking around with your own face strapped to the front of your own face will give people a good reason to steer clear of you on the sidewalk, and when you take the mask off and reveal the same face underneath you've got a bizarro vaudeville routine in the making.


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Seven Terrifying Clowns From The World Of Geek-Dom

(YouTube Link)

Clowns are terrifying, with their big ol' floppy feet and painted faces. They aren't like us, and we hate them for wearing funny clothes and acting so silly all the time. 

Topless Robot presents seven of geek-dom's scariest clowns, from the Clown Prince of Crime to Killer Klowns from Outer Space. These aren't party clowns, these are clowns which should be avoided at all costs, or face the coconut creme flavored consequences...

--via Topless Robot

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