The Elevator Horror

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The Brazilian TV show Programa Silvio Santos pulls an elevator prank that would have lawsuits flying in the US. It's terrifying to watch, and even worse for the unsuspecting elevator riders. -via Uproxx

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New T-Shirts from the NeatoShop:

Holiday Fails Compilation

(YouTube Link)

Like it or not Halloween is over and the holidays are upon us, so let's alleviate our gift shopping anxiety and fear of spending time with family by watching a video full of holiday themed fails. It's a real ho-ho-hoot!

--via Tastefully Offensive

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Halloween Specials From The TGIF Era


(YouTube Link)

(YouTube Link)

Remember those great TV shows from ABC's TGIF lineup that you looked forward to watching each week, shows like Family Matters and Sabrina the Teenage Witch which introduced us to cool characters like Steve Urkel and Salem the talking cat?

Well, they're back with a vengeance thanks to BuzzFeed, who put together this list of fun Halloween themed episode clips for you to watch and enjoy!

--via BuzzFeed

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How To Make A Wire Mesh Ghost

Making an awesome Halloween decoration doesn't have to be an arduous task, it just takes a little imagination and minimal crafting skills to create something you can be proud of.

Here's a super simple tutorial that shows you how to make a wire mesh ghost- it only takes four steps, some wire mesh, a roll of steel wire and some simple tools-

1) Get wire mesh, cutting tools and steel wire. 2) Sculpt the bottom torso in the shape of a cylinder. 3) Sculpt the upper torso by wrapping wire mesh around a model. 4) Fasten the two parts together using steel wire.


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Beware The Gawper!

(YouTube Link)

This terrifyingly cute animated short is so fun, and so well made, that it should have been shown before Frankenweenie, because it would have fit in perfectly!

If you find yourself lurking around a graveyard on a dark and stormy night, beware the strings and floppy limbs of THE GAWPER!

--via Cartoon Brew

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20 High-Concept Costume Ideas Guaranteed To Alienate Your Friends

Who says Halloween costumes can't be high-concept? If you wish to become something that will blow people's minds, like the Black Monolith from seminal sci-fi flick 2001, make it so!

Your friends and neighbors might not get it, but who are they to judge when they're wearing some cheesy licensed costume from the Halloween store?!


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So What's The Deal With Death?

(YouTube Link)

Holiday themed movies have a reputation for being so bad they stink on ice, like this unwatchable kid's movie called I Downloaded A Ghost.

It stars Ellen Page (of Juno fame) and Carlos Alazraqui from Reno 911!, and even though the special effects make it appear to have been made in the mid-80s this horrible Halloween movie actually came out in 2004!

Enjoy a bit of cheese before you whine about wasting two and a half minutes of your life on this trailer...

--via Everything Is Terrible

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Four Real-Life Things That Are Scarier Than Halloween

When Halloween rolls around some people try to creep out their friends, family and neighborhood as much as possible with their costume or the decorations on their house.

But as usual, real life is far more frightening than any fake Halloween prop, and way more gruesome. Take the four real-life things on this list, for example- they're much more terrifying than that rubber zombie you've got hanging from the tree in your front yard, and they're all true! *shudder*


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Haunt Tours Presents Behind-The-Scenes Of The Dent Schoolhouse

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Going to school has never seemed so terrifying! The Dent Schoolhouse haunt in Cincinnati, Ohio let the Haunters Digest crew take a rare behind-the-scenes look around, with chapperone and co-owner Bob Stross to keep them safe, and you're invited to tag along...if you dare!

--via Haunters Digest

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A Cute Little Halloween Song

(YouTube Link)

There's no denying that anime has cornered the market on cute, and this little Halloween themed musical number is so adorably cute it'll make your heart jump out of your chest and do a little happy dance!

Enjoy this animated musical number, subtitled Black Cats of Halloween, and don't be surprised if it makes you go squee!

--via Cheezburger

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The Human Versions Of The Happy Tree Friends

Dressing up like the regular old animal versions of the Happy Tree Friends is so redundant, so DeviantARTist solatomato and her friends decided to dress up like the human versions instead.

This is not only a cute idea in alternate universe cosplay, these outfits look like they'd be fun to wear any day of the week!


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If Famous Artists Had Drawn Hand Turkeys

Hand turkeys are an elementary school art class Thanksgiving tradition, but the birds that the kids create rarely speak to the art lover on a personal level.

That's why ARTINFO commissioned 24 artists from the past and present (not really!) to draw hand turkeys in their signature style, and these birds are gonna be worth a million bucks some day!


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She's One Sad Little Ladybug

Her parents dressed herself up like a ladybug and took her to the pumpkin patch, but she was not impressed. She can't speak for herself so this sour expression must speak for her, but if she could she would definitely be screaming "I don't wanna be a ladybug!" right about now.


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Girl Transforms Herself Into Drake Using Makeup

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The young lady in this video does such a good job of transforming herself into the rapper Drake, with makeup, the perfect wardrobe and an attitude to match, that she may have found a new career as a Drake impersonator.

I hope Drake doesn't take it personally when people tell him he looks just like the girl in this vid!

--via hypervocal

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7 Dead People Who Were Accidentally Used As Halloween Decorations

Halloween decorations can look so realistic, so disgustingly lifelike, that it's hard to tell a real dead body from a prop.

At least that's what the people responsible for the mishaps on the list at the link below testified in a court of law.

They claimed that they had no idea a real body was being used as a prop, but wouldn't the smell alone have been a dead giveaway? Read on and judge for yourself...


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